Did you take down your Christmas decorations?



  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 78 Member
    Mine have been down for a week now. It was really hard to take them down this year because it was so dark and cold and snowy- I thought I would be really depressed without all the lights---but it's kinda nice to have all the clutter gone. I need some generic winter decorations though- it's kinda early for Easter decorations LOL!
  • In the latin community we dont put away tree till like feb..traditions wont die in my family no matter what!
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Just brought them down last weekend. My 4-year-old daughter cried the entire time, saying that she didn't like our house anymore...that it wasn't pretty. I told her that we had to, because it wouldn't feel special if we kept it up all year. I got called a liar because of that comment.

    *sigh* Oh well, what can you do!?
  • 0xbalthamosx0
    0xbalthamosx0 Posts: 154 Member
    Not religious but my OH family took everything down by the 6th. :)
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Most of mine are taken down and thrown in a pile in the corner of my dinning room.

    I'm working on it. ehh.
  • My decorations are down but my daughter is still watching christmas cartoons
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Down and packed away on Jan 2nd minus the lights outside. Those will probably come down this weekend.
  • MIne are still up, but only outside. :/ I'm a wimp about the weather, and with it being so cold, I didn't feel up to it. I'm hoping to take everything down this weekend.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    My tree was down the weekend after x-mas... We get a real one every year and after a month of sweeping up needles, you get rid of it ASAP without pissing off the toddler.

    My x-mas lights outside on the front porch are still there.... At least I am not still plugging them in.
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