Sugar withdrawals



  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I know without a doubt that for me the only way to not binge on refined sugar is to avoid it completely. Complete abstinence. I also really limit my intact of natural sugars (fruit).

    When I am not eating sugar at all, I don't crave it at all (after the first week of withdrawal). As soon as I allow myself to eat even a tiny bit of sugar, I immediately become obsessive in my thinking which always leads to obsessive in my eating.

    My life is not in anyway enhanced by eating sugar and I"m learning to accept that.

    It's not a bad idea getting rid of refined sugar if you can manage it. Personally, I never felt I had to. The teas I been drinking lately have been so good that sugar would just ruin it. But no way am I giving up fresh fruit. I dont think that is very healthy.

    What in sugary fruits do you think is so healthy that you can't easily get elsewhere?
  • Charmainedelaney
    Charmainedelaney Posts: 46 Member
    I cut it out & was fine till week 2 then got mild sore head but otherwise ok.
  • KoopaSix
    KoopaSix Posts: 252 Member
    You can have simple carbs...the trick is knowing WHEN. I have fruity pebbles/whey pre workout and poptarts/whey post workout... these are times when simple carbs actually become BENEFICIAL in inducing protein synthesis via increased insulin secretion, AKA (Insulin Spike).

    So if you want sugary treats, I'd focus on having them around your workout and make sure they fit into your the day goes on you should taper into lower GI foods I.E. Brown rice, ww pastas, grains, legumes, beans etc
  • tattooedmadre
    Exactly. Sugars are not ALL bad. I still have some. The trick is knowing how much and when. What I mean is, I will have a few extra sugars on days I work out more excessively. If you try to cut it out all at once (just like caffeine) chances are, you're going to have serious setbacks and end up back at square 1, or even worse than where you began. Just do some research on sugars and how much is good, bad, too much, etc.
  • lafilledelarue
    lafilledelarue Posts: 66 Member
    Sending you a private message to explain my total abstinence from sugar. I'm nearly 8 months sugar free. Down 30 pounds from my top weight (pre-MFP). I'll tell you more in email message.
    THINMED Posts: 24 Member
    I gave up on sugar and I have done three weeks without it! I totally feel better after quitting sugar. I have cheated a few times - but that has not derailed my efforts!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    got mild sore head

    That sounds painful. :blushing:
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    bump for reading later
  • Harrisonsauntie2005
    Harrisonsauntie2005 Posts: 215 Member
    No, and I see no reason to do so


    my PT tried to get me to do it with sugar in my tea which equaled 0 enjoyment I would get. I continue to have sugar just reduce the number of cups instead
  • Yabiwaz
    Yabiwaz Posts: 17 Member
    When I do cut out sugar I find that I can become very grumpy even if I have fruit.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Wow, some of the mood and physical symptoms people are talking about when they cut back on sugar sounds very uncomfortable and enduring.

    Maybe if people would like to cut back on sugar (obviously there personal choice) another option maybe to do it very gradually, rather than the severe approach which some have under taken.

    Good luck to all who look to do this and the same to those who don't
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's a reason for the mood swings. Sugar helps regulate dopamine and serotonin. Cut way back on it overnight, and your dopamine and serotonin levels get all screwed up. Low levels of serotonin and dopamine cause all kinds of mental issues.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    In to get smarter about sugar.