Junk food is HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE I tell you..



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    NO. :angry: Okra is delicious when it's fried! :happy:
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Junk food such as chips, soda, candy, chocolate, ect. ARE HORRIBLE! But so delicious ;)

    I used OVER my amount of calories by just eating junk food today & it's only 3 a'clock!
    Chocolate chip cookies from mcdonalds (3 for a $1 ;) .. )
    Hot fudge sundae from mcdonalds
    classic potato chips all natural (3/4 of the bag. small size.)
    munchies cheese crackers (mini size)

    It sounds like a lot but to me, that's nothing. Goes right through me. Let's just call this my.... cheat day! Fat day! Lazy day! Pig day! Lol

    My question? What's your favorite pick of junk food? Were you able to LET IT GO? What's your healthy alternatives?

    It's not the "junk food" that's horrible. It's the amount of it you had. 1 cookie, or the sundae (although if I'm going to spend calories on ice cream, it's probably going to be better than McD), or the sundae and the chips even without the rest, you'd probably have plenty of room in your calorie allotment for a healthy dinner still. Don't blame the food when it's not the food that has the problem…

    And to answer your question, I like all sorts of "junk food". My favorite might have to be home-made divinity with my grandma's old recipe (from like 1950). And no, I'm not able to let it go because I see no need, to let ANY food "go". I don't have divinity often because it's time- and labor-intensive to make, but I get plenty of treats around here :happy:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Sigh.... here we go again.

    OP, I don't label food 'good' or 'bad' or call any food 'junk'. I eat the foods I enjoy, keep an eye on portion sizes, stay within my alotted calories and I'm healthy, happy and eating in a way that will be sustainable for me, for the next 40+ years. That's why I have been successful at this whole thing, and will continue to be so.

    I agree that banning foods entirely and treating them like they should never be touched is a good way to develop a bad relationship with food, but clearly OP isn't greatly restricting herself. Calling food junk is not the same as saying, "I'm never going to eat a candy bar again because candy is BAD and EVIL!" Junk food is junk because nutritionally it doesn't offer much.

    I like cake and chocolate (bonus points for chocolate cake). Imma eat them cause they're delicious, but I'm under no delusions... they're JUNK. Nutritionally, they're a wasteland :D

    If you are saying that they don't offer many vitamins and minerals per calorie...that is true.

    If you are saying that don't contain the dietary requirements for proper health and development (an actual definition of nutrition), I'd have to counter that you could survive a lot longer on an exclusive diet of chocolate chip cookies than you could on broccoli (to paraphrase another MFP member).

    Dark chocolate is an awesome source of potassium.

    To the OP: I'd highly suggest the book The Willpower Instinct to help sort out why you are making choices that don't support your fitness goals.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.
    It could be that you only THINK you hate green beans. I had loathed them all my life (I'm 43) because I'd only had the mushy limp canned variety. Tried some fresh steamed ones at a friend's house one day last year with good seasoning and, voila, I now actually CHOOSE to eat them. I even like the frozen ones since they still have that crispness. Just sayin'..

    Okay mom.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    Don't forget Kale.

    It's very easy to prove junk food is far healthier for you than Kale or caluiflower .
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    No, please. Fried okra is pretty darn yummy! :bigsmile:

    And I agree with Jof on cauliflower. It's great raw in salads, or even steamed with broccoli. But not as "potatoes" or "pizza crust"

    Green beans, on the other hand … can't find much redeeming there.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.
    It could be that you only THINK you hate green beans. I had loathed them all my life (I'm 43) because I'd only had the mushy limp canned variety. Tried some fresh steamed ones at a friend's house one day last year with good seasoning and, voila, I now actually CHOOSE to eat them. I even like the frozen ones since they still have that crispness. Just sayin'..

    No, I had a really bad experience with them growing up, and now even the smell of them makes me gag. Let's just say force-feeding your kids to eat vegetables is not a great way to get them to eat them. You're right, though, they were the canned variety.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    Fresh okra cut into slices, dusted with cornmeal and fried are delicious. Canned okra, like its evil counterpart canned asparagus, isn't actually a food and should stop being produced under severe penalty of law...because ugh.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    You gotta soak it in buttermilk, dredge it in spiced flour and/or cornmeal, and fry that {redacted} a nice cool but spicy dipping sauce on the side (I like spicy mayo) and you are good to go.

    Edit: I see a few other people beat me to it.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Clearly alot of people have their self-control in place way more firmly that I do at this time :)

    Cheetos! Doritos! Cookies! All of these things just make want me more of these things....so I generally try to avoid them 95% of the time, Cuz a small portion just makes me crave a larger portion. :)

    Let it go. Perfectionism is not sustainable. :)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    You make gumbo with it.

  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    You gotta soak it in buttermilk, dredge it in spiced flour and/or cornmeal, and fry that {redacted} a nice cool but spicy dipping sauce on the side (I like spicy mayo) and you are good to go.

    You and Jof's ideas sound amazing. I've only had the squishy canned stuff, so that HAS to be why... next grocery run, I'm going to learn to love okra.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    No, please. Fried okra is pretty darn yummy! :bigsmile:

    And I agree with Jof on cauliflower. It's great raw in salads, or even steamed with broccoli. But not as "potatoes" or "pizza crust"

    Green beans, on the other hand … can't find much redeeming there.

    The solution to green beans is more bacon and onions...

    ...and don't just throw them into the water and boil them straight away. Instead, fry the bacon, then saute the onions in the bacon grease, and *then* add the cooked bacon and onions to the green beans and cook them. Even better if you can cook them low and slow. Delicious.

    (Okay, so green beans aren't exactly nutritional powerhouses...but they're tasty this way.)
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    You make gumbo with it.


    I knew I had amazing friends... so many things! !
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    You gotta soak it in buttermilk, dredge it in spiced flour and/or cornmeal, and fry that {redacted} a nice cool but spicy dipping sauce on the side (I like spicy mayo) and you are good to go.

    You and Jof's ideas sound amazing. I've only had the squishy canned stuff, so that HAS to be why... next grocery run, I'm going to learn to love okra.

    Yay! Welcome to the Okra side!

    ...I wonder if I could get fresh okra out here. It's been a while.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Honestly, I just swapped things or bought smaller versions. Instead of the big candy bars, I bought the bags of minis and allowed myself to have some every day. Or I found lower calorie versions of comfort foods I already like.

    And want to add....

    Eggplant rocks in lasagna!
  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    My love for "junk food" is one of the big reasons I switched to a whole foods diet. If I eat a little bit of anything that is super delicious but not so healthy, I instantly crave more. It's quite a vicious cycle. But when I went Paleo, then Primal, after the first few days I really didn't miss anything like that. I am so much happier eating whole, non-processed foods than I was when I was addicted to junk food :) Now I consider anything super-processed to be "junk food," even if most people wouldn't call it such. My body is much happier without eating all those chemicals and preservatives anyway. That being said, I still indulge a bit every couple of weeks, because who doesn't love ice cream? ;)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    ...I wonder if I could get fresh okra out here. It's been a while.

    Used to grow wild in my backyard growing up.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The only kind of food I'd label junk is cauliflower.

    And green beans.

    May I add okra?

    We are no longer friends.

    Explain how to make palatable so that we may remain so?! Would dipping chocolate be plausible?

    You gotta soak it in buttermilk, dredge it in spiced flour and/or cornmeal, and fry that {redacted} a nice cool but spicy dipping sauce on the side (I like spicy mayo) and you are good to go.

    You and Jof's ideas sound amazing. I've only had the squishy canned stuff, so that HAS to be why... next grocery run, I'm going to learn to love okra.

    Yay! Welcome to the Okra side!

    ...I wonder if I could get fresh okra out here. It's been a while.

    I grow it in my backyard...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    ...I wonder if I could get fresh okra out here. It's been a while.

    Used to grow wild in my backyard growing up.

    Beat me to it!