When was the last time you disgusted yourself?



  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    When I looked at my back in the mirror and saw how far I've let myself go over the past few years. So many jiggly rolls...
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    You people need to make more mistakes lol

    Ok fine, real one was when I blacked out from a night of drinking and

    woke up beside a troll.

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    :noway: You guys are well behaved! foods been the only disgusting thing eh? :)

    oof mines been man-related. weak resolve... tsk tsk
    Haha, yeah. I haven't disgusted myself food-wise. I don't deprive myself of any foods I like, just have them in moderation and so on.. But I was a disgustingly bratty teenager who liked the bad boys. And I smoked for 25 years. That was disgusting. :sick:

  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    When my dog won the stare down and made me pick up his poop.

    Felt like his servant. :(

    lol....made me giggle.

    When I allowed someone to make me feel insignificant. Never again will words get the best of me.
  • merlinfan5
    I ate an entire bag of chips.
    I ate nothing but chocolate for two days straight.
    I ate nothing but ice cream one day.
    Ever night when I binge :c
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I decided to try kale one time.

    That disgusted me pretty thoroughly.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    this sounds more like me (um the old me as of today)
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    Once a week I don't log my calories and I have a cheat meal and I've been doing this for several years. There was one day where I ate four donuts...FOUR! Not only did I cheat but I binged and I was so ashamed of myself afterwards. I felt disgusted and worst of all I had no one to blame but myself. I know I'm capable of binging but I am almost always good at stopping myself but this one day it was out of control, I felt out of control and I just didn't know how to stop. Well I picked myself up and got myself back on track because that is all any of us can do :smile:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Someone brought in donuts and the only thing stopping me from eating 4 of them is that it's not fair to everyone else.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    A few months with starting this new life style change I went to a Trivia night where your group brings snacks, I pigged out! Big mistake :( I had a belly ache from hell..now it's in moderation!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I woke up.


    I don't know why I have a mirror in my room, really.

    Hello. Everyone please forgive a quick hijack.

    I'm a total stranger, asking both of you who made these replies, to gently acknowledge that this is a kind of self-talk you're working to get away from, forgive yourselves for it because new habits take time, and consciously choose to think something positive about yourselves, just say the sentence in your head even if you don't believe it. Try to repeat that course correction as often as you can. You might be amazed.

    And out *poof*

    Wow, you're a mind-reader? :noway:

    I'm not joking. I am disgusted with myself 24/7/365.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    Over the holidays. I had bought a half-pound of really good cheese. I ate the whole thing in one day and felt really, really gross -- not so much physically as mentally.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I woke up.


    I don't know why I have a mirror in my room, really.

    Hello. Everyone please forgive a quick hijack.

    I'm a total stranger, asking both of you who made these replies, to gently acknowledge that this is a kind of self-talk you're working to get away from, forgive yourselves for it because new habits take time, and consciously choose to think something positive about yourselves, just say the sentence in your head even if you don't believe it. Try to repeat that course correction as often as you can. You might be amazed.

    And out *poof*

    Wow, you're a mind-reader? :noway:

    I'm not joking. I am disgusted with myself 24/7/365.

    You should probably speak with a therapist, actually.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Usually if I put too many onions in my salad......I can make some pretty toxic scents soon afterwards :blushing:
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Two words: cooked endive.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I ate an entire bag of chips.
    I ate nothing but chocolate for two days straight.
    I ate nothing but ice cream one day.
    Ever night when I binge :c

    MERLINNNNN!!! LOVE that show!!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I mixed bbq sauce and ranch to eat my chicken nuggets. Wait... that was the last time I disgusted my husband.

    I ate some quiche I made, and then I ate some Greek yogurt. I discovered then that Greek yogurt does not follow quiche well. Blech.
  • snappled
    when I actually pulled into McDonalds and sat in the drive thru line for a few minutes after not had eaten it in 4 months. I did get out of line though.

    Well good for you you got out.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    tonight when I ate Mexican fast food (non chain, small portion) and should have stopped there but "had to" accept two chocolate cookies from my mom's cookie jar and they were not even good at all. Just blah grocery store packaged junk. It really made me realize how far I've come though, I would have had 4-5 of them in the past and liked them. Now I have higher quality treats that are more satisfying. I would much rather have a scoop of quality frozen custard once a week than those crappy cookies every night.
  • xscat
    xscat Posts: 80 Member
    All the time.... Food related, work related, studying related, personal relationships related.....

    The other day I ate a giant piece of really really sickly sweet cake I bought from the grocery store cuz I was craving cakes for random reasons... It made me nauseous and I threw up.... I don't even want to know what the hell was in that damn thing.... That'd teach me to binge on cakes...

    I said something really stupid during an important work appointment.... And I came off both cocky and ignorant. It wasn't what I intended to say at all :(

    And I just yelled at my boyfriend cuz I'm going to bed and he's still at work. My back hurts and I'm soooo tired; he's going away for a few days tomorrow and I really wanted to spend time with him before I fall asleep.....

    Ugh life :(