10 things I've learned in 10 days at MFP

ok, have logged on for 10 full days now so thought I'd share some things I've learnt from being here:

1. The more you exercise, the more you can eat! :love:

2. When you are restricted to 1200 calories, an extra 300 - 500 calorie burn makes a BIG difference! That's like an extra 40% differnce!! So basically, whereas I used to exercise 3 days per week and think that was a good effort, I now am motiviated to exercise 5 or 6 days per week. I just love seeing that calorie deficit go up :smooched:

3. KFC is LOADED with SALT!!! No wonder it is so bloating! Never knew that before :ohwell:

4. I CAN have some chocolate if I really fancy it. I just need to choose how much! I never enjoyed a 2finger kit kat so much! lol :bigsmile:

5. You learn a LOT by reading the forum posts and comments. Knowledge is power! :happy:

6. You learn that everyone has an opinion, and not one option is right or wrong. Different things work for different people!!

7. There are many ways to manipulate your calorie intake so that you incorporate foods that you enjoy; it doesnt have to be all celery and tuna! Run through what you're eating that day, and then add and subtract to suit. But always make sure you are eating lots of fruit n veg, no point loading up on carbs cos that just makes you more hungry!

8. Having a support network is very motivating. I feel accountable to my virtual MFP friends.

9. Seeing so many success stories are sooooo inspirational. If they can do it, SO CAN I!!!

10. Losing weight means being honest with yourself (no point thinking that one biscuit/ice cream/glass of wine doesnt count!), patient and consistent! This all take time and effort!! Those scales do NOT move easily. We are here for months, not weeks!

Anyone got any lessons to add??


  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I love it! This is my third day here, and everything that you said is completely what i am learning!! We can do it!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Great tips :-)
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Wow! what a great post! I too have learned all those things and more. One thing I've learned is I am more in tune with my body now. If I have a high sodium meal or day, I now notice just how dehydrated I get, where as before I never noticed because I was always dehydrated! But my fav is your #1 lesson....the more you exercise, the more room you have to eat! I love that! Well, congrats on your journey and keep it up! :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I think you covered all the bases. If I think of one, I'll be sure to add it.
  • princesspurple
    Fantastic post!
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    **If it goes in your mouth, write it down!!**

    I've written down EVERYTHING I've eaten in the last 2 weeks. It has been so liberating. I want to make better choices because of it and even if I've had little slips, after I've acknowledged it on the diary, it loses its power to guilt me.
  • justahorsen
    I've learned that drinking lots of water really helps.....I keep a thermal cup of ice water on my desk all day, it is HUGE and my co-workers laugh at me because I refill it 3 or 4 times a day....(I ALWAYS drink more water than the 8 glasses)
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I like your #1 - this is a great post.

    Another thing I've learned is when I have daily contact with something that supports what I'm doing - I stick with it longer and don't get off track. That's why I LOVE MFP!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Great post! I great reminder for those of us who have been around of what MFP has done for us :)
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    Great post! Good to see others learning new things along the way too...I can't believe what this site has taught me already.
    Good luck & Keep learning! :happy:
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    I learned even though 1200 in the min and a lot of us like to start there it isn't always the best place often it throws people into a plateau cause its to much of a chock on the body. Also when "eating back" your exercise calories some of your daily allowence is already in them so its never good to eat ALL of them back 25-50% is a good rule and is more important the less your baseline calories intake is (ie at 1200 calories i NEEDED to eat back my work out calories, at 1500-1600 I dont NEED to eat them back, but can if i'm more hungry or want a treat)
  • NoelleLou
    SO true! I feel accounable to my MFP friends as well.. And when I dont want to work out- I think abt how hard everyone else is woking- And I want to work JUST as hard! Congrats! U will do WONDERFUL on you journey!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I've learned that:

    Nothing comes easy when you're dealing with weight loss.

    There is no magic pill or fad diet that gives long term results.

    If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to watch what you eat and exercise- the two work hand-in-hand.
  • JennaGermain
    That's the frustrating thing for me. I can motivate myself to exercise if I think of it as earning a snack, but not if it doesn't affect how much I can eat, but then my Mom scolded me and said "If you eat back your exercise calories then what's the point?" and I get discouraged from bothering to exercise.

    Anyway, an add'l thing I've learned is that sometimes what I take as hunger is really just heartburn (yes, I know, my Mom's pointed out to me that "how could anyone confuse heartburn with hunger, they are completely different" but I did.) Now I try to have an antacid when I have those feelings and then wait & see if it goes away or not before deciding to soothe it with food.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    **If it goes in your mouth, write it down!!**

    I've written down EVERYTHING I've eaten in the last 2 weeks. It has been so liberating. I want to make better choices because of it and even if I've had little slips, after I've acknowledged it on the diary, it loses its power to guilt me.

    That's a really good point :flowerforyou:

    And also, I think if you write something unhealthy down, like my KFC for example, I thought to myself "was it worth it"? All that sodium and calories for 3 or 4 days of bloat?? Nah, not really!! I will make better choices next time :drinker:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I've learned that drinking lots of water really helps.....I keep a thermal cup of ice water on my desk all day, it is HUGE and my co-workers laugh at me because I refill it 3 or 4 times a day....(I ALWAYS drink more water than the 8 glasses)

    Yes! and I think that counter on the food page is really handy for that. It reminds me everytime I log my food, I should drink another glass of water :happy:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I like your #1 - this is a great post.

    Another thing I've learned is when I have daily contact with something that supports what I'm doing - I stick with it longer and don't get off track. That's why I LOVE MFP!

    Thank you :flowerforyou:

    And I agree, I dont like letting my friends down so you all keep me going :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I learned even though 1200 in the min and a lot of us like to start there it isn't always the best place often it throws people into a plateau cause its to much of a chock on the body. Also when "eating back" your exercise calories some of your daily allowence is already in them so its never good to eat ALL of them back 25-50% is a good rule and is more important the less your baseline calories intake is (ie at 1200 calories i NEEDED to eat back my work out calories, at 1500-1600 I dont NEED to eat them back, but can if i'm more hungry or want a treat)

    Yeah, I have the added burden of being 4'11" tall (or short!! :laugh: ) so MFP calculates me at losing 0.8lbs per week at 1200 cals (as it doent go under that magic 1200). It's tough not even getting into the calculations for a pound!! :laugh: So I just up my exercise and eat a bit more. And, as you say, never eat back all of them. I'd feel that was a bit self defeating. It's just nice to know they are there the more exercise I do. And hopefully I CAN lose over 1lb a week if I increase that deficit by burning. We shall see :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for your help :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    SO true! I feel accounable to my MFP friends as well.. And when I dont want to work out- I think abt how hard everyone else is woking- And I want to work JUST as hard! Congrats! U will do WONDERFUL on you journey!

    Absolutely!! And they want to work just as hard as you!! So its self perpetuating really. Brilliant idea whoever thought this community up, isn't it?? :bigsmile:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I've learned that:

    Nothing comes easy when you're dealing with weight loss.

    There is no magic pill or fad diet that gives long term results.

    If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to watch what you eat and exercise- the two work hand-in-hand.

    Totally agree!! So often I've 'played' at losing weight. You know, you cut down here and there, do a bit more exercise and then go boozing all weekend? :laugh: Now I feel I need to be here for the long haul and make bigger sacrifices. Not sure what the future holds, but right now its working for me.

    It's definitely not easy!! But its do-able!! :flowerforyou: