How do you manage to fit it all in?!



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Silicone > Water based
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Silicone > Water based

  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    2-3 hours a DAY of quality time? I'm lucky if I spend 2-3 hrs a month with my hubby!! Is say you have plenty of time right there to work out. You can't take 30-45 min of those 3 HOURS to exercise? Sounds like you have plenty of free time. What do you do for those 3 Hours??
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What do you feel guilty about?
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    I am lucky enought to work by a lake and have a gym at work so I get to work out at lunch times.

    I also have a great husband who accepts my wish to workout. Of an evening he has his playstation time whilst I go into the gym and when I come in and head to the shower he starts dinner. On a Saturday he lays in bed watching the corrie catch up and I can go to my gym. He also enjoys swimming and cycling with me so its all good

    In actual fact the only thing that ever stops me working out is me.
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    How do I fit it all in?

    I live with my boyfriend. We have animals, but no children. We have demanding, guilt tripping mothers who enjoy our time on the weekends. We have many friends who enjoy our company. We both work full time. We have our household duties.

    When I decided to commit myself to change, I knew I would have to make sacrifices. I tried working out after work. It didn't work out for me. It was too easy to be distracted at home, too easy to say "I had such a long stressful day," too easy to just want to curl up on the sofa with my manpiece and cuddle. I tried working out on weekends. It didn't work out for me. Social functions, family functions, sleeping in, the only real time I have to clean... just too many excuses to choose from.

    So I was left with one more option. Early mornings. How do I fit it in? I wake up at 4:30 AM M/W/F and 5:15 AM on T/TH. I am at the gym as soon as it opens. On T/TH, I work out at home, in the quiet dark early morning when there are no distractions.

    Was it hard to get used to? Hell yes. Does it suck sometimes when I have to go to sleep at 10:15? Sure, sometimes. But my life is much better now. I feel better. I feel happier. It's worth it.

    Also on weekends I try to do fun active things like rock climbing or hiking, or rowing, or bowling. Bonus points!
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    It isn't easy, but you've just got to find a way to carve out that time for yourself to workout!

    My wife and I (now empty-nesters ... at least while our 19-year old is away at college) both work full-time, have busy social and family lives with a grandbaby and our other daughter, and are involved in other activities - both together and individually. We've recently started (about 3 months ago) an early morning boot-camp together - getting up at 4:30am for a 5:00-6:00 workout on MWF. It is a lot easier to do this since we're doing so together, but before that I used to try to get to the gym over my lunch hour to get in 30-45 minutes of work (I'm lucky in that I work for the Air Force and there is a base gym about 200 yards down the street from my office).

    So, find the best option that works for you!! Whether that means getting up 30 minutes earlier to do some type of exercise (others have given you plenty of ideas), going to a gym at lunch or at the end of the day, or maybe just taking 30-60minutes of your 2-3 evening hours to go for a walk or something else. Just like any of your other commitments/activities, you just need to priroitize it!
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    First you have to be gentle. You have to ease it in and make sure it's working for you, test the waters careful not to take too much at first. Next you start to move, slowly easing it in so as not to overwhelm and blow too quickly. Finally you pick up speed, fitting it all in will become smoother, easier to handle. The satisfation will keep you coming back for more.
  • badgerdh
    badgerdh Posts: 179 Member
    First you have to be gentle. You have to ease it in and make sure it's working for you, test the waters careful not to take too much at first. Next you start to move, slowly easing it in so as not to overwhelm and blow too quickly. Finally you pick up speed, fitting it all in will become smoother, easier to handle. The satisfation will keep you coming back for more.

    ....I need a minute....sorry