Silly newbie exercise question

I am starting back to lose weight. A few years ago I went from 252 to 195 but I have gained back up to 217 and want to restart my weight loss. Hopefully hitting my goal weight this time.
I have adjusted my food goals (hopefully) to be what they should be. Now for the fitness question.
I want to get in shape besides just lose weight. Do I need to do cardio 5 times a week and strength exercises 2 x a weeK? One day the upper and the next time the lower? What about stretching??


  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I have been reading that you should alternate cardio with strength on opposite days.

    I am sure there are people who know much more about it that I however!
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    When you say "get in shape" what exactly do you mean? That's not meant snarkily, btw. You will get better advice and more importantly stay the course when you have specific goals.

    I found this series of articles to be quite interesting, with specific notes on weightlifting when you're obese (I'm 211, down from 236, so right there with you. Apologies if the term is upsetting):

    And of course the MFP classic:
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member

    I was looking for that, and could not find it!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i strength train 3 days a week and cardio 2-3 days a week.

    good weightlifting programs are starting strength, strong lifts and new rules of lifting for women. these are compound lifting exercises. honestly when you have a lot of weight to lose and are trying to keep your gym time focused, it's kind of pointless to waste time doing isolation type exercises where you're specifically working tint muscles like biceps, triceps, abs etc by themselves . doing compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench bpress, pull ups, push ups, over head press, barbell row will work multiple muscles at the same time

    depending on what your goals are, then you will not get there by emphasizing cardio over weight training.

    as for stretching, i do that after everytime i workout