Can I eat anything to reach my daily 1000 cals?



  • Pixt
    Pixt Posts: 95 Member
    OK, thanks. I've upped my daily calories to 1800. I've got one final question if anyone's still reading ;) Rice - good or bad? It bulks out my veg and lean meat to fill me up, but I'm reading lots of stuff saying it's too carb heavy for weightloss. Also, the food thingy on this site says 1.0 CUP of boiled rice (cooked). How much raw uncooked rice will make a cup? I don't want to waste food as I'm on a real tight budget anyway, and don't like throwing stuff away.

    I've just bought some digital scales but they weigh in OUNCES not Grams, and this site only deals with grams? I've googled a 'cup' and it says a cup = 8.5 ounces. Also, the *Generic White Rice Boiled says 200g = 703 cals, but all the other branded white rice boiled options say about 130cals per 100g. Which is right?

    Sorry to be asking so many questions, but I'm only on day 6 at the moment. Once I've got it all clear, I'll stop clogging up threads.


    For the rice calories ... go to your cupboard, pull out the rice and look at what it says on the label. I'm betting the serving size is a quarter cup dry. Cook a quarter cup of it. Look in the database for a rice that has the same calories and carbs and fiber as what you read on your actual rice's label and log it as that. Then, notice how many calories and carbs it was and how you were able to fit it into your macros. If you could have had more and still met your macro goals, cook more next time. If you would have been good with less, cook the 1/4 cup next time and save half of it for a later meal.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    @jWhited71 Do you actually have an answer to my question though, or do you just post negative comments?

    The answer to your scenario is NO...neither one would work.

    Would you eat that steak all at one time...or chop it up and spread it throughout the day?

    Can you survive with just eating one 900 calorie steak a day with another 100 coming from least for a long...I don't know. What will happen after an extended length of time...I don't know...but I don't think it will be good.

    300 hundred calories candy bars...could you eat 3.333 and get 1000 calories a day from those...sure you can...I don't even want to know what would happen to you after a week or two.

    Do some research...learn...use some common sense...
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    First off 1,000 calories is not enough, you need to calculate the amount of calories you should be eating for your size, goal etc. Secondly OF COURSE it matters what type of foods you are eating. Would you rather eat a candy bar which has no nutritional value or a large salad which has a much large nutritional value and that keeps you full longer?? I would suggest you read up on weight loss before you start because you don't have a clue and it could be dangerous what you are currently doing.

    And what is your recommendation here? As long as OP eats at a calorie defiicit, he can have both the salad and the candy bar. And many candy bars have nuts and dark chocolate in them, both of which have great nutrittional value. He already said he plans to increase his calories (per our previous advice) so don't knock him now for asking about food types. Telling him he doesn't have a clue when you obviously don't understand everything about nutrition and weight loss is also pretty ironic. Pot and kettle here?
  • Smashley1947
    Rice is good,

    but brown rice has more nutrients then quick cook rice or parboiled rice since it has gone through some sort of processing. Grains are good, but try to eat whole grains or sprouted grains for maximum nutrients and benefits