Where my Runners At?



  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I love the fact that switching from marathon training to half marathon requires me to say things like I'm ONLY running 90 minutes for a long run. It's a far stretch from the old me saying I HAVE to dreadfully run a mile!

    I love the competition - with myself and others. Someone else mentioned big fish little pond syndrome. I LOVE running smaller races <1000 people as I know I have a good shot of placing either in my age or overall.

    I love how I feel so good and bad after a speed workout.

    I love dazing off into my own thoughts on long, easy runs.

    i love that anyone can do it so any of my friends, if they wanted, could say "lets go for a run" and i'd be game

    I love that it only requires a pair of shoes and some clothes - I guess you could run naked if you want to :)

    I love how it helps me feel strong. It helps me feel like each step I take I am moving closer to a goal. Even if I dont know what the goal may be.

    I love the feeling, especially after a half marathon, where you know you pushed yourself to the limit for 13.1 miles and you are so chock full of adrenaline you want to jump around but your legs feel like jello a four year old could outrun you.

    I love the comradarie. I started running because my sisters and my mom did. Now it's something we can share together.
  • wanna_b_there
    wanna_b_there Posts: 295 Member
    Plus power walking just looks silly :)

    Also, NEVER call us a "jogger"...

    Get over yourself lady. Some people have medical problems so they have to walk rather than run. Some people prefer it. No one cares that you think they look silly. At least they're out there and not staying inside intimidated by an idiot.

    I'm a runner, and I appreciate anyone who gets out there.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I love the fresh air, clear thinking, creative ideas, the birds flying in a V over my head, the mountains snowy in the distance, the ice breaking on the reservoir---the freedom of moving on my own.
  • I'm a wannabe runner! Training to join the military, building it up now.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    I love that I have a new love for running. I never would have thought I'd like it a year ago when I started this journey. Running on the treadmill is good, but nothing like being outside with nature and all of the lovely surroundings.

    I absolutely hate going through sneakers all the time lol. its expensive!

    Most importantly, I love the self confidence that I get when I am finished a race. I signed up for a 1/2 marathon in April in Atlantic City. It's my first 1/2. I can't wait for that day because its all about feeling proud :)
  • Jenn842512
    Jenn842512 Posts: 41 Member
    I even love it in the gym on the treadmill sometimes, the right song comes on, I hit a magic stride and people probably get highly annoyed with someone looking so happy bouncing along singing to herself :)
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I love the feeling of accomplishing a certain distance, seeing how much my pace improves with every race. I love the adrenaline feeling I get on race day.
    I love crossing that finish line and looking back and saying I did it.
    I love it because it is my therapy.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    I even love it in the gym on the treadmill sometimes, the right song comes on, I hit a magic stride and people probably get highly annoyed with someone looking so happy bouncing along singing to herself :)

    I never wear headphones outside, but if the weather drives me inside, I love some good music while I am running. And, yes, I occasionally sing out loud and wave my hands! lol!
  • I like the shiny medals.. I collect them along with my race numbers (with date/event/location/finishing time written on the back). I'm going to make a scrap book of them all when I get chance.

    I love running in general, but oddly I really love running in the rain. The cold/wind/dark I can do without, but the rain just makes me feel uber-awesome.
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    What I love about running.....
    *the emptiness my body feels after a long run
    *race day and the sense of accomplishment knowing that all the training has paid off, even if the goal is just to cross the finish line
    *planning routes
    *getting my "me time" during my runs
    *soreness after a run
    *salt streaks on my face
    *getting lost in my thoughts on a run....then suddenly I've ran another mile!

  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    I love the fact I can do more today than I did yesterday. Feeling like I started and finished something, even though I will run again another day.

    This! I love when my body surprises me - which is all the time!
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I love the feeling i get after a great run, the giddiness, the burn in my muscles, the deep breath that its done, and the floaty feeling for the rest of the day. The sometimes pain the next day depending on the distance. Setting of goals for races, the feeling of crossing the finish line, even if you have to crawl :laugh: Oh and the beautiful medals that keep you wanting more :laugh: :love:

    I hate missing my runs due to an injury, the days where I let my mind get the better of me and have a crappy run.