For anyone that started January 1st (or around then)



  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Great advice!!!! You go girl!
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    " If you had kept going all the times you have quit, you'd be there by now!"

    My mantra and motivational quote right there!

    This ^ 100%.

    If I had kept going when I started back in July last year, I would probably be there by now. But that's ok, because I am here now, trying again. And added motivation is that I need to fit some of my warm clothes before winter!
  • cloverfork
    i to started the very first day of the year thank you for your inspiration it really helps to see so many going after their goals good luck to you all and god bless
  • stellapunky
    stellapunky Posts: 8 Member
    What a great post!!!
  • caramm1
    caramm1 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I'm new too! Just getting the hang of this and logging everyday so far!!!! I've currently lost 10lbs so over the moon!! Feel free to add me a friend as I need extra support and need some (non judgemental) accountability! Congratulations to everyone so far every loss counts and although you may say its only a lb remember how heavy a bag of lb of sugar is :wink:
  • dodie2501
    dodie2501 Posts: 5 Member
    Well done! I rejoined 6th January, and haven;t lost nearly as much, Please feel free to add me:sad:
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    Hi there :)
    I started here a year ago and lost quite a lot of weight. Due to unforeseen circumstances ( and isn't that always the case!) I lost motivation and piled the weight back on, and then some. Now I've sorted my life out, sort of, and am back with more determination than ever. I'm 65 now, so this is probably my last chance to get fit, slim and healthy, not necessarily in that order. I am doing Leslie Sansone Walk at Home workouts every day and following the 5:2 Fast Diet. So far all is going well. Love MFP for all the encouragement, words of wisdom and the knowledge that I am not alone in this Battle of the Bulge :)
  • Lizilu20
    Lizilu20 Posts: 10 Member
    Well done, that's a fantastic and inspirational post. Just what I needed. I hope I can continue my weight loss journey with the same motivation and will power you have. Thanks for posting. :smile: