Intense chocolate and icecream cravings, anyone?



  • In, because I need tips too! I find myself craving sweets now more than I ever have (though my goal is to lose weight) and I'm not sure where this is coming from.

    I had ice cream once last week, and though I haven't indulged since, I crave it every day. :( Lol.

    then why not eat it…? As long as you are still under on calories no biggie...

    That's the thing- I don't label it as junk food (because I love it too much to call it a mean name) and I just find it difficult to eat it in moderation. I would rather eat something more filling that yields the same number of calories so that I'm not craving anything after, lol.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    In, because I need tips too! I find myself craving sweets now more than I ever have (though my goal is to lose weight) and I'm not sure where this is coming from.

    I had ice cream once last week, and though I haven't indulged since, I crave it every day. :( Lol.

    then why not eat it…? As long as you are still under on calories no biggie...

    That's the thing- I don't label it as junk food (because I love it too much to call it a mean name) and I just find it difficult to eat it in moderation. I would rather eat something more filling that yields the same number of calories so that I'm not craving anything after, lol.

    I guess i am different .. I have one to two servings of ice cream and I am all good...
  • School has been really busy and I have exams next week, I haven't worked out this week and won't be able to next week either, but I do plan on getting back on track after exams are over. Then I will be running, walking on the treadmill, swimming, trying to learn how to skate (haha), going on the elliptical trainer, jumping on the trampoline (if weather allows) and also doing some strength training. So I do intend on getting back on track, just really struggling recently.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    In for ideas. I upped my cals from a very low calorie diet to 1500-1600 a day and I also now have insane sweet cravings. Its been 3 weeks now and the cravings are starting to settle a bit but its still frustrating me. I don't deny myself treats but I also want to gain muscle and not just lots of fat lol
  • In, because I need tips too! I find myself craving sweets now more than I ever have (though my goal is to lose weight) and I'm not sure where this is coming from.

    I had ice cream once last week, and though I haven't indulged since, I crave it every day. :( Lol.

    then why not eat it…? As long as you are still under on calories no biggie...

    That's the thing- I don't label it as junk food (because I love it too much to call it a mean name) and I just find it difficult to eat it in moderation. I would rather eat something more filling that yields the same number of calories so that I'm not craving anything after, lol.

    I guess i am different .. I have one to two servings of ice cream and I am all good...

    lol, I am one of those people who can't resist another serving. I love icecream.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Have you ever tried the sugar free fudgsicles? Only 40 calories and it totally takes care of my ice cream and chocolate cravings.
  • Have you ever tried the sugar free fudgsicles? Only 40 calories and it totally takes care of my ice cream and chocolate cravings.

    Yum!! What brand name are they?
  • x3samanthasue
    x3samanthasue Posts: 15 Member
    Sweets make you crave more sweets. There's quite a few articles if you google it that talk about how sugar makes you crave more, and a lot of it has to do with the slight sugar high you get and your brain's reaction to sweets. So basically, because you've gone back to including sugar and chocolate in your diet, you now crave it more than you would if you went cold turkey.

    Ultimately, if you find that your cravings get so insatiable that you're not hitting your macros/calorie goals or you're gaining unwanted weight, it may be easier for you to abstain entirely. I find that my desire to eat "junk food" or sweets goes away when I've been off the stuff for a week. That being said, if you're staying within your goals, I wouldn't worry so much! Lots of people lose and maintain weight while eating sweets daily - it's all about moderation.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i like a tbsp of chocolate pudding mix with plain yogurt
    or half a scoop of chocolate protein powder mixed with oatmeal

    i had upped my cals to 1500s for my recovery to gain weight and i found myself wanting to binge on junk food for some reason. i think it was my body wanting all the damn food after not having it for so long
  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    I love chocolate and found in the frozen fruit section Dole Dippers, they are either strawberry's dipped in dark chocolate or banana slices dipped in dark chocolate. The strawberry comes in 60 cal. packs and the banana 100cal. packs. They taste good and meets my chocolate and ice cream craving.
  • SugarLou57
    SugarLou57 Posts: 84 Member
    When I've been craving Ice Cream I put a little coconut oil in my morning smoothie and that usually helps with the fat satisfaction, and cocoa powder might be just what you need to get the creamy fatty chocolaty fix you need and still keep it on the nutritious. I use Stevia to hold down the sugar because that's where I run into problems.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    School has been really busy and I have exams next week, I haven't worked out this week and won't be able to next week either, but I do plan on getting back on track after exams are over. Then I will be running, walking on the treadmill, swimming, trying to learn how to skate (haha), going on the elliptical trainer, jumping on the trampoline (if weather allows) and also doing some strength training. So I do intend on getting back on track, just really struggling recently.

    If you want to build muscle I suggest that you pickup a copy of starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman. Then, develop a program of heavy lifting around compound movements - deadlifts, squats, overhead press, rows, chin ups, pull ups, bench press. Once you have these moves incorporate them into a program where you lift three times a week and maybe mix in some light cardio on off days. I would say that you want to be working out in the 6-10 rep range…5x5 for beginners is a good program….
  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member
    I created my own recipe for healthy vegan 'ice-cream' If you want to give it a try its on my blog:
  • JJJJ25
    JJJJ25 Posts: 37
    Forgive me if I'm completely off base, but are you gaining weight after disordered eating / an eating disorder? As in, it is medically necessary for you to gain weight?

    If not, ignore the following.

    If yes - because some of what you are saying is what many of us, myself included, say in the beginning stages of recovery (i.e. I only want to gain muscle, I'm afraid of eating too much):

    1. When there is medical reason to restore weight pay no attention to macros or food quality. Your body needs calories, plain and simple, whether it's from a bowl of ice cream or 10 bananas. See this article on how many calories you need to restore weight and repair your body's functioning:

    2. If you are trying to restore weight, netting 1200 won't cut it OR it will draw out a process that needs to be achieved as quickly as possible. The sooner you restore weight (ie gain those 5 + pounds) the sooner your body can heal.

    3. I'm suspicious of the 5 lbs - is that what will get you to the minimum healthy weight on the BMI chart? Be aware that you very likely will need to gain more than that to restore your body's functioning. Our bodies are smart; after severely restricting / overexercising, the body will raise it's "set point" a little higher than before where it's willing to work. For example, when I was 97 pounds I technically needed to weigh 108 lbs to be in the healthy BMI range. My body didn't start working until 112 lbs. That's the truth of it.

    If I'm way off base and you are really just trying to gain muscle than be advised nobody is gaining muscle on netting 1200 or 1600 UNLESS you are completely new to lifting or have a lot of excess weight to lose.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    Chocolate and ice cream are two foods I crave often. I curve that craving by having a healthier substitute most mornings for breakfast. My standard breakfast smoothie:
    2 cups of cold water
    2 tablespoons of unflavored fiber powder
    2 scoops of Optimum Nutrition's Double Rich Chocolate protein powder
    1 tablespoon of Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate powder
    2 cups of ice

    Add everything in this order to your blender and process until smooth.

    This makes a huge chocolate shake and comes in under 300 calories. You could probably half the recipe and be satisfied. The fiber in the shake may seem odd but it does wonders for the texture making it creamier instead of icy.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Bought my boyfriend an ice cream maker for Christmas. Best. Investment. Ever.
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    2 ingredient chocolate ice "cream."

    2 frozen bananas
    1 tbsp cocoa powder.

    Break up bananas and put into blender with cocoa powder. Pulse a few times to get it going and then blend until smooth. Add some protein powder instead of cocoa powder, if you want, dunno how that'll taste though.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I snort it
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    2 ingredient chocolate ice "cream."

    2 frozen bananas
    1 tbsp cocoa powder.

    Break up bananas and put into blender with cocoa powder. Pulse a few times to get it going and then blend until smooth. Add some protein powder instead of cocoa powder, if you want, dunno how that'll taste though.


    Just eat some ice cream. Make it fit in your day. You'll be fine.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Get Ice cream flavored non-nicotine vape! lmao