Does anyone REALLY need to see me?



  • tjmahoney
    tjmahoney Posts: 47 Member
    Do what you're comfortable with; really doesn't matter. I have a chest pic on the profile if someone is really interested but more often I like to rotate pics of my dogs just to mix it up a little.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Whatever works for you a lot of time I have pictures of my dogs or cows or just random things. Some people have this strange idea that if you put a face picture up your more trustworthy Totally forgetting the fact that how do they know the face is actually of the person they are talking to?
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    The choice is totally yours my friend.. Whatever you feel comfortable with is fine !! I have a few pics that I change now and then, but that's me !
  • kaymaree15
    Whatever works for you is what is right, I don't as a matter of privacy but I may change my mind one day. :smile:
  • tropicaltiger
    I do use my pic-but I don't think it matters its whatever your confortable doing-I believe to each their own-you have done amazing I think that's what matters more then pics-I don't worry about privacy I guess as far as my photos:love:
  • anaisbutterfly7
    anaisbutterfly7 Posts: 71 Member
    Personally, I don't like when people post pictures of parts of their bodies (specifically the chest sans shirt or the torso with only bikini clothing).

    I don't want to look at parts of people's bodies. That being said, they have their reasons and motivations for doing it (and I am happy if it works :) ) and, and outside of this post, I am not going to mention it. It doesn't affect me (I just have opinion on it).

    I will be very interested to see if my dislike of body parts changes once I reach my goal. I also have other body stuff I am going through. So, in the future, I may not feel this way, but right now I do.

    end scene.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    I don't think it matters if it's your face, a flower or of something else.....I don't use a personal pic either or have photo's up, no one needs to see :smile: