Serious bone to pick (Diet Fads)

Good afternoon all,

First off I want to give you a disclaimer. These are my thoughts and beliefs. I am a natural bodybuilder and have literally hundreds of friends who are natural pro competitors. Females and Males.

I am sitting here reading a lot of your posts and I am disgusted. Here are some bullet points I want to touch on. Just a heads up I am a If It Fits Your Macros dieter. I get shredded off of weighing everything I eat. I do NOT eat fish and vegetables all day long..

#1 STOP STARVING YOURSELVES. You are absolutely ruining your metabolism. Do you ever wonder why you drop in weight so fast in the beginning and then all of a sudden you stop and can't lose anymore weight? Guess what! Since you starved yourself your body now needs one of two things to drop more weight. You either need to cut calories every more, or up your physical activity. Unless you are extremely obese you should be losing 1-2 pounds a week. When you take a slow approach and preserve more lean muscle mass you will be able to burn more calories at rest then if you starved yourself. Take a slower approach and enjoy more calories! When you are at your target weight you will be able to maintain that weight while eating more food.

#2 STOP CUTTING OUT A WHOLE MACRO NUTRIENT! We all need protein, fat and CARBS to function correctly. Bread, sugar, sodium etc are not the problem. Everything needs to be within limitations though. For example, I currently am losing weight on 220g Protein, 225g Carbs and 50g of fat. I highly suggest you track your food and weigh it. Far too often I have found food labels to be incorrect. Example it says 50 chips = 28 grams. When I actually weigh it out, 25 chips equal the 1 serving size. Carbs and Fat aren't the devil. Everything is within limitations.

#3 Females you need more protein! No you will not get big and bulky. You will put on quality lean muscle mass. Eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight. Generally females struggle with getting an ample amount of protein every day.

#4 You don't need to do 2 hours of cardio a day. Please incorporate free weight training as well. Once again you will not get big and bulky ladies.

#5 there is no magic pill or quick approach. This is a complete lifestyle change. Yes there will be times when you are hungry and want to give up. Don't quit on yourself. Stop thinking other people have more will power etc then you. We all have a choice and can make the same decisions.

#6 Do not STRESS over meal frequency. You do not need to eat every 2-3 hours... The further in your diet though your metabolism will be on fire and you will want to eat every 2-3 hours though :)

#7 Do not STRESS over eating late at night. It DOES NOT matter what you eat later at night. Once again hit your targets. Calories in vs Calories out

#8 Drink plenty of water. This boosts your metabolism and helps keep you fuller feeling.

#9 Prepare your food in advanced so you don't give yourself an excuse to fail. Yes you will be tired, no you won't want to do it. Guess what? DO IT!

#10 Don't worry about Sodium and Sugar. Follow the 4 things I told you to track and you will be fine.

#11 I would definitely take supplements. If you want some recommendations let me know.

I am not a Dr. and do not work with certain illnesses etc. I am however a Personal Trainer and Specialist in Performance Nutrition. These are just my recommendations. I follow these same principals and a lot of my Professional bodybuilders follow the same.

Here is to a better you!

I will leave you with a quote. "If it's important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find and excuse."


  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Well Said! BOOM
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member

  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    NIce. I don't eat my carbs in the form of bread and pasta though. I gave them up...and darned if my fibromyalgia is all but gone. I'll never eat (white flour) breads and pasta again.
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member

    I think that this is SOOO frikking generalised ..

    People who have pre-diabeties SHOULD cut out carbs and sugar... their body will function better

    People who have water retention or heart issues SHOULD cut sodium because it will **** with their blood pressure.

    I mean.. sure "dont stress about eating before bed".. but honestly , if i cut out eating earlier then I achieve better results. Additionally, it is common the later at night you eat the more likely it is to be something terrible for you.

    Supps = expensive wee... eat nutricious food.

    Im sure that your opinions are far more relevant in a performance environment... but honestly...theres a million ways to loose weight.. and whatever works for them to get rid of it and be a healthier person should be done. If someone cuts out fat completely, and looses 100lbs, then im sure their body is functioning better than if they hadnt cut out the fat and lost the weight...
  • Like I said. I am not a DR and am speaking to the general. Everybody has their own issues and sometimes those prevents us from certain things, AKA diabetes. But you DON'T need to cut out fat to lose 100 pounds. Your body needs fat to survive and so does your brain.
  • gamerkiwi
    gamerkiwi Posts: 93 Member
    I highly suggest you track your food and weigh it. Far too often I have found food labels to be incorrect. Example it says 50 chips = 28 grams. When I actually weigh it out, 25 chips equal the 1 serving size. Carbs and Fat aren't the devil. Everything is within limitations.

    It's often the reverse for me. A serving is spinach is 1 cup or 85g, but it usually takes 2 cups to be 85g when I weigh it out.

    Also, you don't NEED carbs in the diet, your body functions fine without them, it's just that it'll negatively effect your work capacity in the gym, and I personally like low-carb diets since I feel more full on them.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233

    Also, you don't NEED carbs in the diet, your body functions fine without them, it's just that it'll negatively effect your work capacity in the gym, and I personally like low-carb diets since I feel more full on them.

    Um, actually you do. Your brain and nervous system needs the supply of glucose from the carbs in order to survive. Carbs aren't always in the form of bread and pasta like people think of when they hear the word. They're in fruits and vegetables too.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    #7- (eating late at night)- I have to share this. My mom always was on a diet as I was growing up. So I have always had these awful 80's diet rules in my brain and no eating after 7 PM was a HUGE one. Also, most of my adult life I've been a terrible sleeper. I'd wake up between 3-4 AM about 5-6 days out of the week.

    Well, since I've been working out with weights, I've been a little hungrier in the evening. Finally I just said screw it and started having a good protein-y snack before bed. Something small like a slice of toast with peanut butter and maybe a third of a banana or a protein smoothie or a small can of chicken. Anyway, I started sleeping through the night for the first time in my life! It has not hindered my weight loss at all.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    #6 'You do not need to eat every 2-3 hours... the further in your diet though your metabolism will be on fire and you will want to eat every 2-3 hours though' :huh:

    #8 How exactly does water boost your metabolism?

    #11 What do you mean by supplements? More and more doctors (including mine) are coming out against supplements, unless you have a specific deficiency.

    Otherwise, carry on :drinker:
  • jenovaprojekt00
    jenovaprojekt00 Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome post, thank you!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm glad you found what works for you and you're happy with it. Cheers :drinker:
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    Please explain to me how water boosts your metabolism.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    ...We all need protein, fat and CARBS to function correctly. Bread, sugar, sodium etc are not the problem. Everything needs to be within limitations though.... blah blah blah

  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    People who have pre-diabeties SHOULD cut out carbs and sugar... their body will function

    Did you mean type 1 or type 2 diabetics
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    Mfp suggests I get 79g of protein a day ( curantly weigh 216) so going off what ur saying I need ALOT more protein? I do an hr of cardio 5-6 days a week also. Thank
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    Mfp suggests I get 79g of protein a day ( curantly weigh 216) so going off what ur saying I need ALOT more protein? I do an hr of cardio 5-6 days a week also. Thank
    The 1g per lb of body weight is usually for people who have lower body fat %. You will prob be fine with 1g per lb of LBM. I would guess between 120-150 would be enough till you get closer to goal.
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member

    Mfp suggests I get 79g of protein a day ( curantly weigh 216) so going off what ur saying I need ALOT more protein? I do an hr of cardio 5-6 days a week also. Thank

    The 1g per lb of body weight is usually for people who have lower body fat %. You will prob be fine with 1g per lb of LBM. I would guess between 120-150 would be enough till you get closer to goal.

    Thank you!
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Great post. As the heading states (diet fads), I think the poster is targeting those"rules" for weight loss that generally have nothing to do with weight loss (i.e. not eating after 7pm.) There are always exceptions so if you have a medical condition (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) that necessitates monitoring of carbs or sodium, then by all means, follow your doctors advice (I'm sure the poster would agree). Setting too many rules can set you up for failure.
  • TomfromNY
    TomfromNY Posts: 100 Member

    Also, you don't NEED carbs in the diet, your body functions fine without them, it's just that it'll negatively effect your work capacity in the gym, and I personally like low-carb diets since I feel more full on them.

    Um, actually you do. Your brain and nervous system needs the supply of glucose from the carbs in order to survive. Carbs aren't always in the form of bread and pasta like people think of when they hear the word. They're in fruits and vegetables too.

    I wonder how the Inuit people in the Arctic regions of North America lived on a diet consisting of 50-75% fat and 35-40% of protein with virtually no carbohydrates?