

  • SkinnySkelton
    I totally know how you feel, my weight gos up a pound and down a pound from week to week when I am eating just under or exact to my calories. My PT has said I just need to give it a few months and will realise how much I have changed.

    So stick with it, at some point it will all drop off!

    H x
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I don't know your medical situation but if you have been trying to conceive for awhile have you been screened for PCOS? My sister-in-law who had problems conceiving and losing weight has PCOS. Good news she did conceive and now has a five year old son and is expecting a baby in December (not planned but a nice surprise) They way she explained it to me is she loses weight but slowly and gains it back easily (she lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers after her first son) it took her twice as long to lose the weight as most people but what I saw her do during the process was stay consistent and exercise. Some months she only lost a 1/2 pound and some months she lost two, but she just kept going. If your husband is in the military you should have access to medical care. I lose weight slowly too so I know how frustrating that can be.:flowerforyou:

    This was my exact thought as well. PCOS is really common and totally treatable. If you are on FF, what is your "name" and I will take a look at your charts (I am on there as well). PCOS usually means very long cycles without ovulating or without a strong ovulation. I would talk to some of the ladies on FF for some advice. They have WAY more information and there are lots of ladies that are dealing with it. Your doctor will be able to put you on a drug to help lose weight and help you ovulate.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    So many people to qoute and I dont know how to sooo..

    About Polycystic ovary syndrom that is a no. Ive had every test done EXCEPT the surgery to see about endometrious. And everything is good. I was this weight when they put me on clomid. And still nothing :( my husband got the swimmers checked out and they are good. Just like weightloss its taking forever :( . My husband is in the army so he is deployed everyother year and gone for training weeks and months at a time so that doesnt help either cause it seems he is gone when Im ovulating.

    Im new to this weightloss thing. And I guess im getting super bitter about it. This post is mostly me crying and venting. It sucks when it seems over night I gained weight . I just saw a doctors report from September 29th 2009 and I was 142 :( . Im 5'9 so thats within my range for my height. Within that time to January I gained 40lbs. Which I blamed to eating out alot. I do feel as though I eat healthy and always have. I get bitter thinking god I WAS able to eat what I want or even "processed" food. Now im stuck with watching every little thing, not eating out with friends, or saying "no I cant do that im trying to eat better". Like the cracker thing. I was told no bread. So I switched to low cal crackers and now crackers arent good!? I know I seem to be whinning alot but Im still eating like I should and still working out so I havent completely given up. I guess I just have to find whats going on. I hate to think that I hit a platue at 3 lbs!? Doctors say they dont know either. Maybe now that we are here I will go to doctor and see if they have any idea.

    Today I told someone I weigh 188 and like everyone I heard "NO WAY! No you dont! Seriously you dont look like it at all!!" even my husband says he doesnt see a hugedifference in now and then and that he still thinks I look great so he hates that I go to the gym everyday. But to me this isnt one of those oh god im fat but im a skeleton. I weigh 188 lbs thats not right. I just want to be 160 cause I know that I will look great. Hope it happens
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sorry you are feeling down and frustrated lately, believe me it does get easier. I had another peek at your food today; I see you added a whole grain roll at lunch, that is great. It (whole grains) will digest more slowly than crackers like Cheezits or the pretzel you had this morning. Plus those cheezits have a lot of sodium. Please, please, please, add protein to your breakfast. Protein examples I like: 1 whole egg with 2 whites; 1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese; 1 cup greek yogurt. Keep it up, you will figure it out in the end. And really, check out the book "Skinny Chicks dont Eat Salads" as she has very basic explanations of metabolism and what foods are protein, carbs, and fats.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry you are feeling down and frustrated lately, believe me it does get easier. I had another peek at your food today; I see you added a whole grain roll at lunch, that is great. It (whole grains) will digest more slowly than crackers like Cheezits or the pretzel you had this morning. Plus those cheezits have a lot of sodium. Please, please, please, add protein to your breakfast. Protein examples I like: 1 whole egg with 2 whites; 1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese; 1 cup greek yogurt. Keep it up, you will figure it out in the end. And really, check out the book "Skinny Chicks dont Eat Salads" as she has very basic explanations of metabolism and what foods are protein, carbs, and fats.

    I will check it out thanks. I like to put food in my dairy days before I eat it so I dont just snack or over eat by eating the wrong meals together. If I end up eating something different then I will change it. We live in Germany but are americans. the food here is to die for. Its hard to log the things I eat here that arent american brand so I just find the closest thing on here to log it. So the roll was somthing I got at the bakery :). I try to eat at home as much as possible but today,tomorrow and thursday I am taking these classes on how to travel here,order food in german ect. So wish me luck that I dont over do it! I think for the most part I do pretty good. I will try more protein for sure because I have been hurting alot lately. Mostly in my knees from running or walking too much,

    Thanks to everyone for the support I know Ill figure it out....EVENTUALLY
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    So you are doubly frustrated, trying to adjust to a foreign country can be exhausting. Does German packaged foods have the nutritional info? You can enter them into the MFP database.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Just as an aside (and not sure anyone has said this yet) ... If you are weighing in AFTER a workout your muscles are retaining water from the work out and you may not see much weight change. Can you get your own scale and weigh at home in the morning after potty and before eating? Also cutting down to once a week will help as well.

    I took a look at your food diary thus far and I agree, maybe try cutting down the base calories just to switch things up a bit. Your work out calories SHOULD be added in (even if it's only cardio calories) otherwise you may under eat and that will slow your metabolism down as well.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    So you are doubly frustrated, trying to adjust to a foreign country can be exhausting. Does German packaged foods have the nutritional info? You can enter them into the MFP database.

    Well im sure they do if I could read german.I can read things but not too intense of things. They dont count calories like we do. Its more like kilocalories and they do it as energy,protein ect. Somethings I have bought at store are in the data base and that is helpful its more like when I eat out or drink coffee or bakery ect. Which I dont normally do but when we do travel its hard to pack a lunch. So I just find things on here that match what I ate and enter it. Since we do live on a military post they do sell amercian groceries but sometimes they are not so great..llike milk and produce ect. They get old within a day. So its better to buy german food. What really sucks is there food is beyond AMAZING :( what a time to pick to start a diet right.

    KARENBORTER: Most the time I weigh in on mondays when I get to the gym before I start anything. Some days I go in morning sometimes at the night just all depends. Since we just moved here from america our things are being shipped here in which I have a scale in my stuff. I guess I just wish I could see a big difference :( . For someone who didnt like to work out much to be running and cycling and lifting weights like I do I feel it takes so much out of my day and such hard work to not see a difference. I understand the weigh when you havent eaten,or naked,or after you potty or all these things but I guess I feel like if I ever do weigh an amount that is how much I weigh. Just cause it maybe a meal or water its still how much I am. . I dont want to cheat myself into saying oh i havent ate today and im naked with no water consumption how much do I weigh? I will just keep doing what im doing gym and eating better. And hopefully I will see a change. If not I will see a doctor again and see what the problem seems to be. I see people on here who lose right away and I have only lost three pounds in three months.

    I dont like to put in exercises calories anymore cause I felt I was prob over eating by eating them when the machine compared to website compared to google and so on all were so different. Plus because I do live in germany and cant always find the food here online or on here I just enter what is close to it and sometimes I think hmm that cant possibly be right! It tastes way more calorie then that! So I just uped my calories from 1200 and putting in exercises to 1500 with no exercise calories. So either way I hope Im not eating under. Time will only tell. I will keep trying and I hope I see some difference. We are renewing our vows in italy in november and I have the most wonderful dress. Problem is my things can barely move in it. I really want to lose this weight for that and to be able to keep it off