Why I Am A Temporary Seahawks Fan



  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Well, that's the best reason I've seen for rooting for the Seahawks. I'm going to let it go without any trash-talk. I think you have a great reason!

    Of course, I will still be cheering for my boys in orange!

    this! and you're son's story is amazing. You should be very proud (as I'm sure you are) of your son and clearly your devotion to him and his development. just awesome!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    amazing post op i hope your son goes far in the sport and other things
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Edit: Don't want to derail the thread...

    Again glad for your son.

    You could've left your original comment :) I liked what you had to say
  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    that is cool. I read the story about him and its awesome.

    I am a broncos fan and this is all i can say about the seahawks team, one good players does not mean the entire team is great.


    I wrote something about defending Richard Sherman, but thats not what this thread is about...sorry.

    I've read about the Hawk fullback too, its a great one...

    Good luck to your son...
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member

    Check out the link above for more on Coleman - and his interactions with a fan. :heart:
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member

    Check out the link above for more on Coleman - and his interactions with a fan. :heart:

    I will have to check that out when I get home...news is blocked here :grumble:

    We actually wrote a letter to him as well; but we sent it to the Seahawk's general office...so who knows if he even got it (this was back in October right around the time he got injured). My son signed a picture of himself that we'd taken at their preseason football jamboree and asked if Coleman would be willing to swap autographs :) We'll see what happens...
  • leaner426
    leaner426 Posts: 89 Member
    Derrick isn't the first deaf NFL player, there were 3 defensive players before him I think, but he is the first deaf offensive player. Not certain if your research turned that up. I hope your son takes his dreams as far as he wants to.

    Derrick - and ALL - of the Seahawks are great. They are active in the community. We don't have stories of domestic violence, repeat drunk driving or internal fighting like other teams. Last year the coach introduced optional meditation and yoga - this year it is mandatory. (There was a big article on it at the start of the season, the team took some flack for its non-traditional approach.) The team preaches supporting your team mates - you won't hear of any hazing incidents here while the interviews with the media almost go overboard in praising all the other players on the team. The coach makes a point of choosing players with heart that others have passed on - like Derrick and Russell Wilson - because they have something to prove. So I will say unequivocally that you and your son made a great choice. Derrick is giving a lot of deaf kids hope. And as far as teams go, this one has some good values.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Derrick isn't the first deaf NFL player, there were 3 defensive players before him I think, but he is the first deaf offensive player. Not certain if your research turned that up. I hope your son takes his dreams as far as he wants to.

    Derrick - and ALL - of the Seahawks are great. They are active in the community. We don't have stories of domestic violence, repeat drunk driving or internal fighting like other teams. Last year the coach introduced optional meditation and yoga - this year it is mandatory. (There was a big article on it at the start of the season, the team took some flack for its non-traditional approach.) The team preaches supporting your team mates - you won't hear of any hazing incidents here while the interviews with the media almost go overboard in praising all the other players on the team. The coach makes a point of choosing players with heart that others have passed on - like Derrick and Russell Wilson - because they have something to prove. So I will say unequivocally that you and your son made a great choice. Derrick is giving a lot of deaf kids hope. And as far as teams go, this one has some good values.

    I did see that he's the first offensive player with a hearing impairment :)

    My son played left guard, linebacker, tight end, and defensive end. In regards to the offensive positions my son played, it was pretty cool to show him that here's a guy who had to make adjustments, too (i.e. watching for the snap)...as opposed to listening to the QB's snap count :)
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Love that commercial :drinker: Also love Richard Sherman :drinker:
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    Someone pointed out his commercial to me since I work as an ASL Interpreter. He seems like a good guy and I'll look forward to watching him play. I'm kind of hoping Elway serves some humble pie to his teammate with the giant ego, though. ;)
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Someone pointed out his commercial to me since I work as an ASL Interpreter. He seems like a good guy and I'll look forward to watching him play. I'm kind of hoping Elway serves some humble pie to his teammate with the giant ego, though. ;)

    My son loves learning sign language...he doesn't need to sign; but every time he learns a new one, he always like to show everyone :)
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    This commercial and your story gave me my first tear of 2014. I usually have 2 tears a year, so that's saying something.

    They better be playing this commercial during the super bowl
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    This commercial and your story gave me my first tear of 2014. I usually have 2 tears a year, so that's saying something.

    They better be playing this commercial during the super bowl

    Aww...thanks :) And thanks to everyone for the comments :)

    I am really hoping this commercial airs on TV somewhere. The Super Bowl would be awesome!
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    My comment was stupid, and this is a great thread. Ignore me
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    My comment was stupid, and this is a great thread. Ignore me

    Lol...what did you say?
  • I'll never cheer for the SeaTurtles!