Is MFP daily calorie intake REALLY correct?



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    "Is MFP daily calorie intake REALLY correct?"

    It spits out a suggested intake. There is no correct intake for weight loss. Pick a calorie range that seems reasonable and do-able for you and stick to it for weeks and see what happens and adjust from there. That's the only way to know what works for you.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    OP, I am probably going to re-state what some have already said, but I did not feel like reading every detail from everyone to include replies. So basically, there are two methods of thought around here on MFP.

    The default method is tell MFP what your day to day life is like, set that activity level (I don't like to include exercise in this due to if you are going to log exercise later and actually doing the exercise... which you might not from being sick, or work, etc...), it spits you out calories per day to eat and you log exercise when you do it which in turn adds those calories back in for that day for you to eat back. Yes, the theory is that you eat back those calories as the calorie deficit to lose X amount of weight is already factored into what MFP shot back to you initially. The problem with this for some is that:
    1. Exercise calories are most often overstated, meaning it calculates you burned 400 calories for said task and in reality you only burn 200 (so you will even see some referencing they eat back most calories, but not all to compensate)
    2. Logging food and having to log exercise is a pain
    3. MFP sucks when it comes to proper macro (protein, carbs, fats) splits for people losing weight as they base their info on minimal government recommendations. These minimums are far too minimum and there is too much scientific research and study proving higher protein and fat ratios are better on calorie deficits.

    The second most popular method is based off of TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). There are many online calculators that were mentioned (i.e...,,, just to name a few). These calculators will give you an approximate value of daily calories to eat based on your overall activity level (this includes exercise, so you do not have to log exercise). The best thing is just to eat at those calories for 2 weeks and see what your weight does. If you have weighed all food and exercised accordingly, then however much weight you lose averaged out over a week can be used to decide if you need to up calories or lower calories based on your goals. It's that easy. So for example, if you lost .5 lbs average in one week at 2500 calories a day and your goal is to lose 1lbs a week, then you need to subtract 250 more calories a day or up your exercise to compensate burning another 250 calories a day. I like as it will give you a good macro split to follow for enough protein, fats, and carbs. This can be changed in MFP's goals section to customize. Try not to set a goal too high as there is a recommended threshold of weight loss (this does not include the first week or two of any diet which will be mostly water weight lost) of about 1% on higher body fat individuals and around .5% on leaner individuals.

    Also, and again, I think this was already mentioned, get on a weight training program if you aren't already. Give your body a reason to not burn muscle along with fat by strength training and enough protein intake. There are many referenced on these groups including, but not limited to, Starting Strength, StrongLifts, Ice Cream Fitness, All Pros, etc... just do your research and ask questions to see which one better suites your goals.

    *Note-sorry if some of my thoughts come across haphazardly and not well ordered, been doing to many tasks as once for a while.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    I don't follow what MFP sets for me. I changed it to 1500 a day intake, and I changed my macros to 30 carb 35 protein 35 fat.

    MFP also says my TDEE is 2700 a day lol. My doctor says it's more like 1100.

    Also, I had my BMR tested and it was 801 - 911, not 1800 like it said online.

    Don't trust computers, they are trying to take over the world. SKYNET! LOL
    How did you change your macros?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    For me, the MFP estimate was *way* too low, like by about 600 calories.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    So then in these activity calculators, they mostly base it on exercise, not if we are desk jockeys. That's good.

    MFPs activity settings do not include any exercise at all. Most desk jockeys still line up with "lightly active". You add your exercise when you do it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just to clarify - I started out doing 5 days at about 800 calories, then I joined here and was told 800 was dangerously low, so on advice from this forum I upped it to 1800, but then I filled in all the MFP data about me where it sets everything automatically based on weight, height, age, etc and it gave me a target recommended daily goal of 2,300.

    I would find it hard to eat this many calories every day if I'm eating healthily (and if I'm eating badly with mars bars and gak, then why even go on a diet in the first place? )

    Hope this explains.

    It doesn't help clarify if 2300 calories seems reasonable or not. Since we don't know about you, your activity/exercise, or what settings you chose, I'll talk about me.

    I have a desk job and my goal is set to 1 lb/week loss. MFP gave me a goal of 1870. I try do some sort of exercise everyday. Sometimes it's light cardio, sometimes is weights, etc. But I try to burn at least 500 calories/day. Thus, it would be reasonable for me to consume 2300 cal/day.

    2300 calories is *NOT* a lot of calories. Sheesh! My maintenance is about 2550. Men generally need more calories than women anyway. Also, my brother is 42, is sedentary for work and just does an elliptical about 3x a week and has lost 100 pounds over the last year by eating 1900-2000 calories.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    2300 calories is *NOT* a lot of calories. Sheesh! My maintenance is about 2550. Men generally need more calories than women anyway. Also, my brother is 42, is sedentary for work and just does an elliptical about 3x a week and has lost 100 pounds over the last year by eating 1900-2000 calories.

    Whether it's a lot is relative, but generally no it's not an excessive amount. That still doesn't mean it's the "right" amount. It simply depends on how quickly the OP wants to lose weight and how many calories/day he can stick with. Yes, there's a threshold at which he'll be consuming too few calories, but that's no where near 2300 calories/day. He just needs to figure out what % caloric deficit he wants to try and go from there.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    So then in these activity calculators, they mostly base it on exercise, not if we are desk jockeys. That's good.

    MFPs activity settings do not include any exercise at all. Most desk jockeys still line up with "lightly active". You add your exercise when you do it.

    Thanks. I didn't think MFP took it into account but it seems Fat2Fit does. That's good because when I do even a 15 minute session of 10x10 or 10x15 (10 sets of 10 or 10 sets of 15 reps) of kettlebell swings in addition to a weights workout, and 90 mins. of snow shoveling, I'm absolutely ravenous. I had my total set to 1900. There's too much risk to fill up the rest that you need with junk foods.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    I don't follow what MFP sets for me. I changed it to 1500 a day intake, and I changed my macros to 30 carb 35 protein 35 fat.

    MFP also says my TDEE is 2700 a day lol. My doctor says it's more like 1100.

    Also, I had my BMR tested and it was 801 - 911, not 1800 like it said online.

    Don't trust computers, they are trying to take over the world. SKYNET! LOL
    How did you change your macros?

    I have mine set to 35/35/30 P/C/F also.

    Go to My Home, Goals, Change Goals, Custom, Continue. You will see percentages for the macros. I clicked Change Goals again as if it were Submit. Then you can see the change of totals in your diary.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    MFP, and any other website that makes these estimations is doing do so as a guideline. They're just esitmates.

    In the end, you need to experiment and find what works for you. This takes a little bit of trial and error. You don't want to be starving yourself, yet, you need to have a threshhold of where you STOP EATING, and be accountable to that threshhold.

    Sites like MFP work because if you stick to it, you'll be more mindful of what, and how much you are eating. Where as before you were either ignorant of the nutrition, or didn't care.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    I don't follow what MFP sets for me. I changed it to 1500 a day intake, and I changed my macros to 30 carb 35 protein 35 fat.

    MFP also says my TDEE is 2700 a day lol. My doctor says it's more like 1100.

    Also, I had my BMR tested and it was 801 - 911, not 1800 like it said online.

    Don't trust computers, they are trying to take over the world. SKYNET! LOL

    Your are confused (or your goal is weight gain)............FIRST of all if your TDEE was 1100 would be gaining weight by eating 1500 calories. OP is not asking about weight gain.

    BMR - basal metabolic rate.....calories your body would use if you were in a coma.

    TDEE - total daily energy expenditure .....BMR+ activity level + exercise other words.....maintenance.

    SECOND.......MFP gives you XXXX calories based upon "I want to lose XX pounds per week"..........If a 6'5" woman puts in a rediculously high weight loss goal.......MFP spits out 1200 calories. This is NOT MFP saying it's a healthy daily calorie's just doing math.....and setting the number at it's lowest default. have a higher default than women. Men typically have more muscle takes calories to maintain existing muscle. If you want to lose "weight" as fast as possible....if the number on the scale is more important than fat to muscle all means put in a rediculously high weekly goal.

    Morbidly obese people can lose 2 pounds a week ......people within 15 pounds of goal ......1/2 pound a week is more like it.

    Of course MFP is using estimates.....activity level is a range......not all people has the same fat to muscle ratio (higher fat = slower metabolism)....Calorie burns for exercise are estimates......even a heart rate monitor is an estimate ........BUT MFP numbers work for most people.....provided they have supplied accurate (and sensible) information.

    My TDEE is 1100 - 1200, according to my hospital tests, BMR is 801 - 911. Therefore I eat 1500, burn 500 and have a deficit of 100 - 200 day.
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    OK, thanks everyone for thoughts. I guess best way is trial and error. Here's a funny thing though (not on original topic). I weighed myself in jeans and top on Tuesday afternoon and it showed 17st 9pounds. I've weighed myself just now (Thurs morning) in just my boxer shorts and it says 16st 11pounds. Wow, how can I fluctuate so much in under 48 hours???? BTW, I didn't have lead weights in my jeans pockets!! LOL
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    OK, thanks everyone for thoughts. I guess best way is trial and error. Here's a funny thing though (not on original topic). I weighed myself in jeans and top on Tuesday afternoon and it showed 17st 9pounds. I've weighed myself just now (Thurs morning) in just my boxer shorts and it says 16st 11pounds. Wow, how can I fluctuate so much in under 48 hours???? BTW, I didn't have lead weights in my jeans pockets!! LOL

    jeans and a top are heavier than boxers to start with....

    plus weighing in the afternoon which means you have the literal weigh tof the food and drink you have consumed through the day so of course its goign to be more.

    weigh the same time same day in the same clothes (or without any) to get an accutate measurement.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    There's too much risk to fill up the rest that you need with junk foods.

    What is this even supposed to mean? If it's food, then it isn't "junk." That's crazy talk.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't follow what MFP sets for me. I changed it to 1500 a day intake, and I changed my macros to 30 carb 35 protein 35 fat.

    MFP also says my TDEE is 2700 a day lol. My doctor says it's more like 1100.

    Also, I had my BMR tested and it was 801 - 911, not 1800 like it said online.

    Don't trust computers, they are trying to take over the world. SKYNET! LOL

    Your are confused (or your goal is weight gain)............FIRST of all if your TDEE was 1100 would be gaining weight by eating 1500 calories. OP is not asking about weight gain.

    BMR - basal metabolic rate.....calories your body would use if you were in a coma.

    TDEE - total daily energy expenditure .....BMR+ activity level + exercise other words.....maintenance.

    SECOND.......MFP gives you XXXX calories based upon "I want to lose XX pounds per week"..........If a 6'5" woman puts in a rediculously high weight loss goal.......MFP spits out 1200 calories. This is NOT MFP saying it's a healthy daily calorie's just doing math.....and setting the number at it's lowest default. have a higher default than women. Men typically have more muscle takes calories to maintain existing muscle. If you want to lose "weight" as fast as possible....if the number on the scale is more important than fat to muscle all means put in a rediculously high weekly goal.

    Morbidly obese people can lose 2 pounds a week ......people within 15 pounds of goal ......1/2 pound a week is more like it.

    Of course MFP is using estimates.....activity level is a range......not all people has the same fat to muscle ratio (higher fat = slower metabolism)....Calorie burns for exercise are estimates......even a heart rate monitor is an estimate ........BUT MFP numbers work for most people.....provided they have supplied accurate (and sensible) information.

    My TDEE is 1100 - 1200, according to my hospital tests, BMR is 801 - 911. Therefore I eat 1500, burn 500 and have a deficit of 100 - 200 day.

    TDEE = BMR + activity level (ie sedentary) + exercise. your TDEE is 911+500+activity level (even sedentary is above BMR).
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I don't follow what MFP sets for me. I changed it to 1500 a day intake, and I changed my macros to 30 carb 35 protein 35 fat.

    MFP also says my TDEE is 2700 a day lol. My doctor says it's more like 1100.

    Also, I had my BMR tested and it was 801 - 911, not 1800 like it said online.

    Don't trust computers, they are trying to take over the world. SKYNET! LOL

    Are you 4' tall?
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I trust MFP, if you entered your information honestly then your numbers are right.
  • I have not hit my total daily calories at all. Still adjusting foods. Sometimes over on carbs until I exercise and it wipes them out.

    Still adjusting what I can and cannot eat from foods I use to eat. They were all healthy but found it was more loaded on the sugars side. So off with the fruit and smaller portions on the pasta.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    If it helps you at all I'm a 6ft 2 guy who does about the same activity as you and I'm losing well at 2,250 cal per day
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    I don't follow what MFP sets for me. I changed it to 1500 a day intake, and I changed my macros to 30 carb 35 protein 35 fat.

    MFP also says my TDEE is 2700 a day lol. My doctor says it's more like 1100.

    Also, I had my BMR tested and it was 801 - 911, not 1800 like it said online.

    Don't trust computers, they are trying to take over the world. SKYNET! LOL

    Are you 4' tall?

    LOL no!