Addicted to peanut butter. (seriously)

I just was having a snack, and planned to eat a moderate amount of peanut butter, and just like every other time, it ended with me eating tons. I might still eat another spoon, haha. I'm a little worried about it affecting me, but I've always been addicted to it, so there's no getting away from it. It won't hurt me every now and then?! Anybody else have the same problem? What can I do to subside my cravings?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    Tons is relative. You weight 103 and are worried because your eating under 1000 calories. Looking for people to give you ideas to curb your eating is probably not the best advice, go have a few more tbsps.
  • katieefranc0
    Tons is relative. You weight 103 and are worried because your eating under 1000 calories. Looking for people to give you ideas to curb your eating is probably not the best advice, go have a few more tbsps.

    I actually ate quite a few, bumped me well over 1000, haha.
  • tegalicious
    Tons is relative. You weight 103 and are worried because your eating under 1000 calories. Looking for people to give you ideas to curb your eating is probably not the best advice, go have a few more tbsps.

    ^^this. And maybe if you weren't trying to live off of 1000 calories a day you wouldn't be prone to binges.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    try PB2... its 45 calories instead of 200
  • phillipedes
    Measure out EXACTLY what you have logged and can eat, put it on a small plate with your crunchy of choice (seriously - eat it with veggies, not bread), and put the container away, in the back of the fridge. Wash the spoon you used.

    Don't even think about getting up and getting more.

    If you think you want another spoonful, enter the calories first on MFP - 180 calories for a spoonful. (tablespoons are "level", but you and I both know we take big, mounded drippy scoops, LOL)

    As far as cravings go...
    Eat an apple instead.
    Eat a carrot instead.
    Drink a full glass of water.
    Go for a walk, and think about other things, practice a language, etc.
    Get AWAY from the kitchen and your house.

    Seriously, the last one is so important - I binge eat exclusively when I am at home, usually after 4 PM. When I leave, the desire to eat when I am not hungry also leaves. Environmental conditioning.

    I just read you were looking to live off of 1000 calories per day... don't even bother, you're starving yourself and losing muscle tone. You'll just end up weak, and looking fat even if you don't weigh as much as before. Muscle needs calories, and trust me, you WANT to have muscle tone. You can't have abs, a sleek back, a nice "decolletage", or nice legs without it.

    Try getting 1100 calories net and working out for 30 minutes - 1 hour a day, even just walking. By the time you're done, you'll be able to eat around 200 - 300 "extra" calories, because they will be negated by the exercise.

    Good luck :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    try PB2... its 45 calories instead of 200

  • AbsoluteFittest
    AbsoluteFittest Posts: 19 Member
    So am I. What's even worse... Almond butter
  • mart001
    mart001 Posts: 194 Member
    You may want to try pb2. i love peanut butter too. in fact reese cups my favorite candy. Anyway pb2 is a powder and its only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons compared to about 190 for regular peanut butter. it also has only 1.5 fat so thats good as well, alot lower. you just mix 2 tablespoons with 1 tablespoon of water and turns into a peanut butter consistantcy and its really good. they have a peanut butter and chocolate peanut butter flavor. i got mine at a nutrition store but they have it at whole foods and amazon too. i put the links so you can see the nutrition and on amazon you can see all the positive reviews. its alot better than i thought it would be and really like it and dont feel guilty eating it... enjoy...
  • katieefranc0
    So am I. What's even worse... Almond butter

    Don't forget cashew butter!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Seriously? You're starving yourself to the point of losing your period, and you're worried about a peanut butter addiction? Sorry, I think you need to seek help from a professional, not a weight loss forum.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I love peanut butter, if you look at my food diary you will laugh because I eat it every day.
    I do include it into my calories and measure it out though, and DON'T bring the jar with you!
  • phillipedes
    So am I. What's even worse... Almond butter

    Almond butter is seriously more addictive than crack, sugar, cigarettes, and movie-marathons combined. I used to bulk on Apples n Almond Butter to the point that I considered being the poster-girl for gluttony ;)

    or almond butter n banana sandwiches...
    or almond butter on oatmeal...
    or almond butter smoothies...

  • LeslieW77
    LeslieW77 Posts: 34 Member
    I, too, am addicted to peanut butter right now. I start off with a plan to eat one TBL for a little snack in front of the TV, and the next thing I know, I've downed half the container!! Seriously! What is now working for me is to measure out the portion I plan to eat, and then put the jar away. That seems to be helping to stop the craving, yet still allow me to have my little protein treat!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Peanut butter, almond butter...yummmmmm. Almond butter in a smoothie is sooo oooo good! :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    ...planned to eat a moderate amount of peanut butter, and just like every other time, it ended with me eating tons. I might still eat another spoon.

    I love you.
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    homemade cashew butter. never going back to any other nut butter. i have at least 4 tablespoons a day. no regrets
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    homemade cashew butter. never going back to any other nut butter. i have at least 4 tablespoons a day. no regrets

    I've wanted to try this, but it seems so much more expensive than the rest.
  • anih87
    anih87 Posts: 25 Member
    Another vote for PB2. That stuff is genuinely amazing.
  • cactuswax
    cactuswax Posts: 77 Member
    I came across Maranatha's Sunflower Seed butter like a year ago... then i started putting it on top of my oatmeal.

    Next thing I know, I'm going through a jar every 10 days!

    I had to stop buying it. If it's something that's going to sabotage your diet or you don't have a healthy relationship with it, don't keep it in the house! It's amazing how well that works when it isn't there to tempt you.

    (and I agree with the PB2 suggestions!!)
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I think your calories are way too low and your body is saying it needs a little fat and protein.