SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo, Sept 6th

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Happy Labor (Labour) Day!

It's good to be home. I had two people call me yesterday, checking to see if I was ok. I had to lie to them both - well, I had to tell them I wasn't up to going back to the retreat - which is true. I have alot more energy here.

My plan today is to work in the yard (finally), get a walk in, and do some yoga this evening with husband. It's going to get warm quickly, so I need to get out there soon. Looks like Tropical Storm Hermine is headed straight for us - on a path to our west - which means rain (if a tropical storm hits Houston, we don't get as much rain because the bands rotate counter clockwise - but a storm southwest of us, puts us in the heaviest rain bands - more than you needed to know, right?) I hope everyone at the retreat stays safe - there's a low water crossing on the way to the ranch.

Yard work, boogaloo!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Labour Day, pebbs,

    Very flu-like again today. And, I'm having allergy hives (everywhere)! I'm celebrating labor (labour) day by not labouring. Any sweating would be totally crazy-making. I'm trying to avoid Benadryl, but may end up there shortly. Which will mean I will not only be not labouring, but not awake. At least it discourages eating.:tongue:

    Better day tomorrow, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Oops. I forgot it was Monday. I guess I thought Sunday repeated itself and I posted on the other thread. :blushing: I'm not very observant.

    Today has been a productive day. I got the living room rearranged (trying to get used to it) and got Alex's fall school decor made and hung up. It's not much but it took awhile to do it. I'll post a pic on FB later if you care to see. DH got three problems fixed on our car this weekend (and maybe one more but we have to go drive it first to see if it's fixed), so I am proud of him for doing that. We have one more "major" problem on the car that needs to be fixed but I think it will have to go to the shop for that.

    And he just gave me the biggest laugh I've had all weekend. Poor guy. His troubles some times make me laugh because they are so dramatic. He finished working on the car and he was going to wash his hands in the sink out in the garage. He took the lid off the "orange" cleaner and it feel behind the sink. So he starts to pull the sink out to get the lid and the legs come off the sink! So he's out there throwing things and yelling. While he's trying to get the legs put back on the sink, all the empty boxes next to the sink fall down and hit his head! :laugh: I'm am laughing so hard right now I am crying! Poor Steve. This is almost a weekly occurrence in our household. I really do feel bad for him but it's hard to feel sorry for him when it's SO funny! I really needed that laugh! I feel so much better now. :laugh:

    I hope you start feeling better soon, V. Sorry you are so sick.

    Mary, I hope you get rain but not so much that it floods down there.

    Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi all. It's been great to have a weekend to just relax. The weather has been cool and very fall-like. We went to the amusement park yesterday! I was feeling bad and didn't want to go, but my husband talked me into it and we had a good time. It wasn't very busy because it was a little chilly, so we hardly had to wait in line at all. I got a little bit of exercise walking around, and I played some DDR in the arcade. I am still feeling kind of down. I guess I have relied too much on work for feelings of self-worth, so if I'm not feeling satisfied or effective in that context, I don't feel like I have much to offer! I keep thinking that I need to get my eating in better shape, but then I keep turning to food to feel better. It was almost comical in the grocery store this morning - I had been feeling upset, and I kept going for the yogurt covered raisins or the Pocky or the No Pudge mix. Gee, think there's a connection there? :tongue:

    Mary, I'm sorry the retreat wasn't what you were looking for. That is a very interesting reaction to the breathing, though. Why do you think it bothers you? I have been thinking that I want to get more into yoga and meditation - it seems like what I need right now. But I need to find a new class since the sunrise one ended.

    MM, how cool that you got everything ready for school! For some reason, they started school here on September 1, but I always think of the day after Labor Day as the first day of school (and end of summer).

    V, hope you feel better soon!! :flowerforyou:

    Labor day-bor, boogaloo! :wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning!
    CP, so glad you got some down time!

    Today we may hear news from Moscow. The first news since May. It may only be our agency saying the paper work was filed and we have to wait a month before hearing anything but we'll see.
    I have to go get our new license plates this morning for our other vehicle. Then we are going to horse therapy. By then it will be time for lunch. I am going to try to get some school work in with Alex after lunch. Tuesdays might be a hard day to get our school work done. I'm gone most of the morning. At least he only needs about an hour or so of teaching right now. :) Then I am going to work out. This is the first day in about a month that I have felt somewhat motivated and close to normal. I'm still sick but I do feel a whole lot better and more energized. I hope it's not just enough energy to get through the morning and then I crash again. lol.
    It's raining and it wasn't "suppose" to rain until after one. I am not complaining. I will take it whenever it comes!
    I hope you all have a good day!
    Thankful for the rain boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Good to see you CP. I don't know what it is about pranayama - I think part of it was the teacher. I decided that I really didn't respond well to her style of teaching. I also think it's hard for me to retain my breath. I was never good at it when I swam, and I usually have at least one nostril that it stuffed up (alternate nostril breathing is one of the basics). Most people love it though. Husband took a class called "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction" that was recommended by his doctor - now, husband runs one of the monthly classes. John Cabot Zinn is the founder, if you want to look up more about it.

    Hope you're feeling better V - and glad to hear you are MM.

    Today walking and at home yoga. I didn't get any in yesterday. I'm amazed how stressed I am(was) about this yoga retreat. I'm still going over it in my head. I need to let go and move on. Teacher training starts Saturday.

    Hello Rain, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Still not to it. I slept through the class I wanted to go to at the gym this a.m., so if the hives are still (mostly) gone this afternoon, I'll workout at home after the store downstairs closes.

    I realized this morning that I'm in a "holding pattern". I can't plan what my workouts will be because I'm just waiting for notification from the university as to what my job will be next week. I hate this time period. I have no idea what I'll be teaching, when I'll be teaching, or who I'll report to. It makes me pull a deer in the headlights and just want to go back to bed. I can't register for the next session of Zumba or dance classes, because I have no idea what my schedule will be this time next week. Also, I could be called to a staff meeting at any time with little to no warning. It's maddening.

    That is puzzling how stressed the retreat made you, Mary. Not to analyze you, but I've had a similar reaction to something when I've stopped doing it just because I didn't like doing it. For whatever reason, I get guilty and upset and stressed because I "should" have done it/liked doing it. It's hard to just say "don't like. stopping now." At least for me.

    limbo, boogaloo (limboogaloo?):flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Pebbs,
    I just wanted to let you all know that we got news from Moscow! We will receive info about another child on October 12. If we accept the referral we are to fly out and meet her the following week on the 19th! That is not enough time to get visas and book plane tickets (without paying a huge price), so we are going to have to start on that this week and just do it in faith that we will want this child. Oi. Craziness. So we find out in five weeks, and leave in six. :noway: Honestly I am not sure I am mentally or emotionally up to this but I know that God can work miracles in a very short amount of time. There was a verse I meditated on during our first Russian trip. Psalm 118:17: it says, "I will not die but live and proclaim the works of the Lord." I said that verse over and over and over while I was in Moscow. I had gathered 365 verses about fear and put them in a calendar. I knew Andrei was going to get the referral today so I looked up the verse for today and thought it was interesting that the verse for the day was that very verse! Coincidence? I think not.
    Needless to say my mind is wired right now.
    My goals for tomorrow are to clean house and try to work out for an hour. I signed up for another challenge on FB, and I really felt like I shouldn't have. But it was for a pedicure. :blushing: I don't know if I can stick to what I signed up for. I do have motivation to try to get weight off because I have to be able to fit into the clothes I will have to wear in Russia!
    Oh and first day of school went well. :smile:

    So it begins boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm happy for you MM!

    Please analyze me, V. I know there's alot going on here. First, this issue is unresolved. I haven't discussed why I never went back with my teacher. Everyone else can think I was sick, but I feel my teacher needs to know the truth. Besides, I want to go to her class today. I think there is also something about being part of a community or peer group. If everyone you know liked "The English Patient" movie, you might think there's something wrong with you for not liking it. By rejecting, you are somewhat rejecting the peer group that you want to belong to.

    My parents got a foot of rain in the past 24 hours - yep, a foot. We got between 7-8 inches - more than enough, I'd say. Alot of roads are closed. I hope everyone at the retreat is ok. They are getting pounded today. I need to go check out our local creek (one house over).

    Today I was hoping for double yoga - but the road next to kick butt morning yoga is showing closed - traffic might be a mess anyway. I could really use a butt kicking though - I guess I'll have to wait until Friday. Maybe I'll go to the gym or something crazy like that!

    Too much rain, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I'm still searching everywhere for my lost mojo, and relief from the hives. They're probably (at least partially) stress related. Still waiting to hear my destiny for the year. I'm feeling overwhelmed by all my projects right now...isn't the home stretch supposed to feel invigorating? I did manage to do some brain work this a.m., but I just had to push into it. It all feels daunting right now, which is compounded by the uncertainty...sigh.

    We've had just the threat of rain for days. Yesterday it felt like a storm, but it never arrived. Looks like you got it all down south. A foot of rain is pretty mind-boggling.

    Anyways, I'm aiming for either weights at home or a weights class at the gym today, even though the hives are making me very uncomfortable (they're very heat sweat is particularly unpleasant.) Ugh. I've washed my entire wardrobe in unscented detergent in the hopes that it's some perfume sensitivity, but it feels like I'm itchy from the inside, if that makes sense) If they haven't subsided in a few days, I'll relent and go to the doctor. It's just embarrassing to be told "well, I think you're stressed out." Blergh.

    That news is exciting, MM. And probably a bit scary.

    Itchy moo, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    MM: Congrats on hearing about the referral! How exciting. Great Psalm to keep in mind. Praying for you and hubby!

    All: I have been out of it and not on here much in a while. I have been piddle farting around with workouts, food, etc... I am just not feeling it but I need to find that motivation and ramp it up. This is silliness. I feel the sinus and allergy pain going around. I just got over the sinus thing about a month ago and darn if I don't feel bad again! Ugg! Can't we just have our sinuses removed?

    I have set some goals for myself this week and I hope to follow them to a T. Keep me accountable boogaloo! :smokin: :drinker: :huh:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Seems like so many people are sick right now, whether it's sinuses, allergies, or a cold. Hope everyone that's sick gets better fast.

    I feel a lot better today, even though I didn't sleep too well. I guess I was too excited. :) I cleaned for an hour this morning, schooled Alex, walked for 50 minutes (2.5 miles) and then did some leg exercises and crunches. I think I slouch when I walk on the treadmill and that could be why my hip hurts. It feels like I am walking at an angle too. So I tried to hold my gut in and stand up straighter. It still hurt but I was able to walk until about 40-45 minutes before it started hurting. I would be so bored on the treadmill without movies on Netflix. lol.
    Now on to the grocery list, putting laundry away, playing a game with Alex and figuring out what's for dinner. We have church tonight. I haven't been in a couple of weeks so I am looking forward to it. :)
    It's funny that I feel better after getting good news from Moscow. I really don't think it's 100% related but it's neat how it coincided. :)
    Feeling more energized boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone. Middle of the week already! Court this morning. Nice lunch this afternoon. Gonna go put my feet up shortly and read my book.

    Been watching a lot of the U.S. Open. Andrew had his piano lesson yesterday. It went well. Both boys are doing well getting their homework done and not complaining too much. Jack is enjoying football.

    Still trying to make good food choices. Some times I do. Some times I don't. I have been moving more, so at least that is good.

    Keep trying, boogaloo!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Question: I've got a hankerin' for perogies (sp?). Do you ladies boil, fry or bake yours? I'd like to bake them but I don't know how. Or do you have a specific recipe that you use that you can share with me? Thanks! When I made some in January for the Russian party we went to I boiled them and I didn't care for the doughy texture. People ate them up though.
    They aren't healthy I know but I really want some. I really liked the real things in Russia! :)
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    MM, the only perogies I've ever made started out frozen - I think we just followed the directions on the package. :laugh: I bet you can't wait for it to be a month from now! :flowerforyou:
    V, sorry about the hives and the stress. But you should be proud of yourself for getting your 'brain work' in, regardless. That's huge.
    Mummsy, what goals did you set this week? I am struggling with my motivation right now, too.
    Bobbie, nice to see you!
    Mary, I see what you mean about not wanting to reject or alienate yourself from your peers. I don't know if any of us really 'fit in' perfectly with any group, though (even if it looks that way to others) - I know I don't! Talking to your teacher seems like a good idea.
    Random musings: I have trouble with breathing when I swim, too - I never learned how to do it properly. I always have to re-learn how to snorkel because I'm convinced that if I'm trying to breathe with my face underwater, I must be drowning. And I almost had a panic attack the only time I put on SCUBA gear (even though I was only ~2 feet underwater) - it's as simple as just breathing evenly through your mouth, but it felt so unnatural that I just freaked out. So I can definitely see how anything unnatural or uncomfortable about your breathing can be upsetting, scary, or stressful. Add the further stress of not clicking with the instructor (especially in a retreat setting) and feeling pressured to do something you don't like, and I can understand your reaction. I was curious and did a quick web search, and found this quote: "you should not practice Pranayama if you are emotionally upset or tired." :flowerforyou:

    My energy is flagging this week. I made it to dance class last night (new session), but I just felt off with everything. I'm afraid I may have caught your all's cold! :tongue: Or it could be allergies. The problem is that I am self-medicating with sugar, thinking it will give me energy, but that doesn't really work. My main goal for the rest of the week is to drink my water and leave the sugar alone.

    Bedtime, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning!
    CP, hope you feel better soon and are able to get back on track. I am struggling with carbs (hence the perogie craving) right now. You are a rock (er...pebble) so I know you will get back on track. :wink: And yes I can't wait for October now. :happy:
    Mary, I didn't really know what to say about you getting upset at yoga breathing since I don't do yoga, but I like what CP said.
    V, how are you feeling today? Better I hope.
    Bobbie, glad to see you. That's good that your boys are enjoying school so far!
    Mummsy, hang in there! You can do it!:flowerforyou:
    WL, how are you doing?
    We heard from our agency again. She said we should not get our visas or book our plane tickets until after we get the child referral in case we don't want her. (That's a horrible, sad thought to not want a child.) So we will have to push our travel date to the 26th instead of the 19th, so we will have two weeks to get our visas. I could go into a lot of details about how it could work with just one week between the referral and traveling to meet her but it's kind of useless info to you guys. :wink: We did find out about Maria. Andrei went to check on her of his own accord. We had asked that they keep tabs on her in case things change and we can adopt her. Andrei said the grandmother is coming one in awhile and some times takes her out of the orphanage. So it is not an every weekend thing. It is just enough to keep Maria unadoptable. Andrei said he will still keep checking on her for us. Who knows? Something could work out. Without sounding disrespectful or mean, the grandmother is 75 years old. We obviously aren't praying the grandmother dies, but it could happen. We are praying that she will change her heart about Maria's situation instead. There are at least three children I want from Russia right now, and two of them I can not have right now. Hopefully we will meet the third in Oct. If any more kids from Russia touch my heart like these three then we will have to get a really big house! :laugh:
    Rambling. Today we have school, grocery shopping (my list is made yay!), working out for an hour, and playing games. :tongue: I also need to do some cleaning that I wasn't able to get to yesterday. The rain is mostly gone. I put a bucket out yesterday for about 4 hours and got 4 inches in it. That was just in four hours. Happy with it. My plants got a much needed drink.
    Wow I'm chatty today! I guess I am feeling better!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    There is way too much illness on this forum, says the woman who is currently unable to breathe through her nose.:laugh: I hope everyone feels better soon.

    When I make perogies, I boil them first, then fry them in butter - so they are crispy on the outside. The recipe I have is fairly intense (it is my Ukrainian grandmother's), if you would like it I can type it up later on.

    I started working on my homework. Wow, it's been a long time since I wrote an essay. That whole thought organizing process, flow of prose, is not coming easily. Can't I do 108 sun salutations instead? Saying that makes me realize how much I've changed since college.:bigsmile:

    Today - walk with a friend - outside! haven't done that it awhile - it will be hot and sticky, but not awful, then yoga tonight. Also, finish homework and get classes planned.

    Perogies, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Today I am declaring war on "the mopes" (as we call low-level depression/don't wannas in my house). I really have to try to stop this habit of pouting when things aren't exactly the way I want them to be. Especially since lately, that hardly ever happens. When I was on vacation, I was really relaxed and happy. But, my current lifestyle doesn't afford sitting around in cafes and window shopping all day long. I essentially apparently desire the lifestyle of an Italian person in a movie from the 1960s. I need to learn how to incorporate just enough espressos and art gallery visits into the life of a productive citizen to be happy. This is my new goal.:tongue:

    So, I still have hives, but I'm going to Zumba at 10.

    I'm still un-informed about what I'm doing in as little as 4 days, but I'll do my brain work when I get home from Zumba.

    All I want to do is self-medicate with carbs (current cravings: nutella and croissant or potato chips and diet soda or huge servings of pasta) but I will not. I made bison chili yesterday, and I will eat that and smoothies or veggies with cottage cheese pesto when I'm hungry.

    I've been sitting around and pondering the fact that when I get stressed, I both consciously (through bad eating) and subconsciously (hives, anyone?) manage to take it out on myself. Lame. So, I'm declaring war on it.

    Do it anyways, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, if you have time and don't mind typing up that recipe that would be great. But not if it's going to be a hassle.

    Off to the store!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Morning all. MM: I could take in every child I see. I LOVE kids and I know you are in a tough position. I can't imagine not wanting a child either but that certainly doesn't seem to be a problem for some folks out there.

    I hope we all feel better soon. :love: I don't have congestion or anything just sinus pressure and headaches. Ugg.

    My goals for the week:

    1. Log for 5 days, every bite
    2. NO less than 3 liters of water a day (4 yesterday, woot)
    3. NO unplanned food!
    4. Walk at least 3 times for 40 minutes before Monday (Weigh in day)
    5. Do a workout dvd that has some arm work twice before Monday (got one in yesterday)

    I think that's it but I am not sure. I am praying that my motivation will come by making right choices that are healthy for me and get me closer to my goal.

    Have a great day boogaloos! :bigsmile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    1 c sour cream
    2.5 T butter
    2 eggs
    2 egg yolks
    3/75 c flour
    1.75 t salt
    1 T veggie oil
    1 T salt
    (I use less salt)
    5 large potatoes
    1/2 lb cheese - sharp cheddar - I really like a strong Irish cheddar
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