SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo, Sept 6th



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member

    Boil potatoes in 1t of salt. Rice or mash potatoes and add cheese while still warm and some more salt (not kidding, this is her recipe).

    Separately, beat all eggs, add sour cream and butter. Combine flour and 1.75t salt, then mix with egg mixture. Knead slightly. Roll out thickness of pie dough. Cut into small squares (not necessary - you can use a big round cookie cutter or vaguely oval shapes - my grandmother's were always the same size, mine vary greatly). Put a little filling in each, bring ends together and seal well.

    Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add oil and salt. Put a few perogies into the water until they rise to the top. Remove to a colander and drain. Place on a cookie sheet to dry off. You can freeze them once they reach room temperature. Place them in a single layer for freezing.

    Before serving, fry in a small amount of butter (unless you are my dad, then use a large amount of butter).

    Instead of adding all this salt, when I make them, I add 1/2 the amount of salt to the dough, and I don't add any of the other salt to the water or filling. I salt them when I'm ready to eat them - they are saltier and better this way.
    I have a number of different fillings (sauerkraut, fruit, cottage cheese) in my recipe book, but I've only ever made the potato and cheddar successfully.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Thanks Mary! Sounds easy enough. :wink: I think I'll give it a whirl!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hard yoga day, yeah!

    I got my first long walk outside for quite awhile. I just need to fix a few things on my homework, teach, and go to the store today. Feels like an open schedule. I'll probably run a few more errands to fill it up though.

    I had to write an essay defining yoga. I'm sure I could have titled it "How to become the least popular person in class". I basically said yoga was meditative exercise (my favorite new phrase "stretching in Sanskrit") and said it doesn't have to encompass all the semi-religious aspects. I doesn't bother me if someone wants to follow all the yoga sutras, but just don't expect the same from me. I remember going to a class once and the teacher, knowing I was a teacher as well, said my drinking water during class would put out my inner fire - please imagine a blank stare coming from yours truly. But, I thought, that's the idea - I'm hot, I would like water please. I guess I'm annoyed when people assume I share their beliefs - though I do the same thing with others :laugh:

    Ok, enough blabbing. The other essay was on what makes a good teacher. It was a much better essay for me. I would be interested in y'all's thoughts as well.

    Essay, boogaloo.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Mary: good for you for standing behind your beliefs even if they aren't popular with others. I would be drinking water too. :drinker:

    All: Had another good food and exercise day yesterday. Gonna shoot for a third day in a row today. :glasses:

    Friday Boogaloo! :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, drink your water girl. :wink:
    Mummsy, good for you! I blew it last night. My portions at dinner were too big and then we went out for ice cream which was really good!
    V, how are you feeling?

    I got my daily cleaning done, but I still need to mop and vacuum. Something died in the house. Nice. I'm getting rather tired of this. Nothing is keeping the rats out, whether it's electronic device, poison boxes, or traps. Even a cat. :wink: I hope we will get the stove pulled out this weekend and see if there is a hole.
    My goal is to walk an hour on the treadmill, but if my hip hurts I will walk as long as I can and then do taebo for the rest of the hour. I am sore this morning from working out yesterday so that's kind of a nice feeling. I am also going to drink lots of water and try to stay away from the sweets. A friend brought over pumpkin bread yesterday. :grumble: I had some for breakfast...and a banana. I'm trying.
    Going to do an hour of school with Alex. He did really awesome with it yesterday. Having a specific little chair and table for it has really helped. Oh and the OT might be coming by tonight as well.

    Home smelly home boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning (afternoon?) pebbs,

    Just got back from Yoga. I am a terrible pouty-pants these days. I had to drag myself kicking and screaming to yoga, and then halfway through thought "I love this. Why didn't I want to come?" Non-exercise as a form of self-torture while stressed...discuss.

    Other projects/goals for the day: get my stubborn husband to call the doctor (he's been sick for a week, and I don't want it). Do my brain work, and maybe run the vacuum. Also, remind myself that I feel 100% better when I make better eating choices.

    Brainy boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    Oh, and also...still not one word about what I start TAing for next week (that's three days away, people) Ridiculous. Truly just ridiculous. I think if parents knew how poorly their tuition dollars were being spent, they'd riot. Ah well, the way of the world. I've decided I don't care anymore. (mostly).
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    MM: I am sorry about the stench. There isn't much worse than a rotting something stinking up the place. When I was at my folks last week, there was obviously something dead outside either in their front yard or their neighbors side yard. Uggg. It was AWFUL. Breathtakingly so. My dad can't smell so he was fine and dandy but the rest of us just turned green and ran to our cars when we exited! :sick:

    VK: I always have to force myself to get my exercise in. I don't usually mind once I start but the couch and tv/computer is ALWAYS a better option in my mind. :devil:

    Still trying to down the first liter of water. Somehow gotta get at least two more in! :noway:

    waterlogged boogaloo! :drinker:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Today is my first day of school - that sounds odd. Anyway, I'm up early to make it to San Antonio a little early, so I can get some yoga in before class. I would like to get a walk in as well, but I don't think that's going to happen as we have friends coming over as soon as I get home.

    V, I think once you stop exercising, it's easy to say, "oh, I don't feel like it today", then the next day it's harder, the next day it's even harder. Both bad and good habits are a constant struggle until you stop thinking about them - "I always go to yoga on Fridays", "I never have dessert on weekdays", etc - they are no brainers.

    School, boogaloo.

    ps - I just realized it's my 3 year mfp anniversary (I happened to look underneath my avatar) - wow.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Mary hope your class goes well!
    V, I'm the same way about exercise.
    Mummsy, did you get all your water down yesterday?

    My plans for the day changed. I had planned on (with the help of hubby) to make perogies today. Instead we are going to work on our friend's brakes. Oh well. We're getting paid and we desperately need the money right now. Perogies will have to wait till tomorrow. It's only suppose to rain and be about 95* today. :grumble:
    I started working out more consistently and I can tell my shape is changing in a good way. My waist appearance changed though I doubt I am smaller, it just looks less loose. :laugh: My thighs are also tighter so that's motivation enough to keep me going.
    So goals today: try to stay hydrated, get brakes fixed, and maybe get a walk in this evening if we aren't gone all day.

    Elbow grease boogaloo!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    MM: I did get it all in yesterday. I only have one liter in today. Gotta get 2 more down! Yikes! :sick: I have gotten all my workouts in and not strayed too far from plan. Thanks for asking. Hope your day has gone well.

    Weekending boogaloo!:love::flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    School was a little boring. I guess I knew it would be. The number of people that had done yoga less than a year was a bit amazing. I feel like this is a hoop I have to jump through - urgh. Oh, and I didn't get any exercise yesterday - bah! - the studio had people in both classrooms, so there's no point in getting there early.

    So today, I'm getting a walk in this afternoon - dang it!

    Driving, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post.

    I am worn out. I am still thinking about my pillow, and how it would be feeling against my face right now. :wink: We got the brakes done on our friend's truck, but not without trouble. Mistakes on my part which cost us a lot of time. But I only do brakes once a year or so. I don't get a lot of practice. We were out there ALL day! In the heat. I think between Steve and I we drank like ten or more Gatorades. Surely I burned some cals. We're both sore and tired. So I don't know if I will get to making the perogies today or not. :frown: We'll see if I have time or energy. I am working in the nursery this morning at church, so I might need a nap. :laugh: If I feel alright I will try to walk on the treadmill and get some crunches in.

    Diapers and toys boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs...

    Totally didn't check in yesterday...busy roaming around town all day. No formal exercise, but plenty of walking. Bad food choices, but followed my "eat half of what they bring you in the restaurant". Had a coconut macaroon with my coffee at a meeting. No less than four women hassled me because I didn't eat all of it. Variations of "take it home with you!" "Eat some more!", etc. I said "It's important for me to be in control of my own food choices. Thanks." It was an articulation milestone, and everybody shut right up. The truth is, it tasted great for about two bites, then it just seemed like more sticky trouble than it was worth. I just didn't want to eat anymore, so I didn't.

    Mary, I think my current struggle with getting to workouts is that I don't have a routine. I can't wait to figure out a routine and then settle in to it. August was a weird month of vacations, intermittently bad eating, and cancelled classes due to holidays and hives. It's almost like I'm afraid to settle into any kind of routine and then have it just be disrupted when I (it's starting to feel like "if I") get my fall schedule in place. Fear of losing a routine = no routine. And, no routine = no workouts. Lame. Now that I've identified the problem, I'm just pushing myself to keep moving, and do something six days a week, and not worry too much about having a regimen just at present.

    Mummsy, you've inspired me to remember my water, so thanks for that.:wink:

    Anyways, just got finished with Zumba (at least Sunday can't get messed with). :drinker:

    Just keep moving, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good job on your eating choices and standing up for yourself V! :smooched:

    Update: I'm worn out. I feel the need to do something but my eyes are saying SLEEP. So I don't know what I am going to do. On the bright side I put on my jeans this morning and I didn't have to suck in to get them buttoned! :laugh: For a second I thought maybe I had worn them for a couple of hours, stretched them out, and then hung them back up, but I didn't. What really got me is that I nearly hit myself in the face while putting them on! I was pulling on the zipper thinking I'd have to pull hard like I usually do. When the zipper went up easier, my hand slipped and came flying up at my face. :laugh: It was kind of funny. Then at church two people said, "You're losing weight!" Uh, I am? The scale jumped up to 160 the other day, so it's certainly not going down number wise. I think it was the shirt, but hey I'll take what I can get! Something I am throwing around in my mind is this: what if I have been gaining weight because I have been depressed (whether I changed my eating habits or not), and now that things are moving forward again with the adoption and I am getting more excited, what if I start losing weight again? What does that mean? How can I keep the weight gain from happening when I suffer a loss or feel depressed? If I'm not changing my eating why does emotion make a difference? Does that make sense?
    That's what I am thinking about.
    Oh and my goals for next week: try to walk or do taebo every day, and drink lots of water. Other than that I will just be trying to get everything done. Bible Study starts back up again so I have homework to do.
    Miss Chatty boogaloo!
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