Teacher's aide on leave after modeling photos surface



  • PaleoChocolateBearJr
    In this day and age with social media, you have to be smarter. I have no problem with what she did but it's what employers do now right or wrong. I remember the story of a teacher getting fired in GA because she had a picture on Facebook with her just holding an alcoholic beverage. I mean it sucks but you just have to be careful once you put it online because employers are looking
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    2 quick points to clear the waters:

    1. SHE IS NOT A TEACHER, she is a teacher's aide. Read my prior post to understand the difference. Not sure why you folks keep calling her a teacher or an educator---she is neither of those.
    2. I checked with my wife and as far as she knows, they do not sign contracts (at least in CT and FL) so it is strictly employment at will. If the employer believes you have done something offensive, they can fire you.
    I worked briefly as a teacher's aid. What is your defniition of "educator"?

    We understand the difference.

    My definition is a textbook one: An educator is "a specialist in the theory and practice of education" or "one trained in teaching". I would submit that a teachers aide is neither of those. I do not mean to belittle the job but calling a teachers aide an educator or a teacher is not fair to those that have put in the time to perfect their craft.

    Everyone needs a job, but I wouldn't call a janitor the CEO of a company because they work in the same building.
    I worked briefly as a teacher's aid and at the time, I had as much education as any teacher just starting (a bachelor's degree). The only difference was that I hadn't taken the specific classes needed for certification. However, a girl who was in several of my classes in college became a high school English teacher. I had to sit with her four HOURS to help her make her term papers even slightly readable. Without me, she would have scored D's. Instead she got A's. I basically wrote her papers.

    But, yeah, she deserved the term "educator" and I didn't. OK then. Not to mention that, while not teachers, aids help students with classwork, with is, um, EDUCATING them.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    OP "My bet, it's some jealous, overweight mom who was the anonymous tipster."

    Wow! Your assumption about the health/size of the tattle tale is rude.

    It could be anyone, regardless of weight. I am obese (happily working hard to get healthier), and a parent to a very soon-to-be school aged daughter, yet the pics don't bother me.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I don't post racy pics with my head because of my job. Maybe the aid should have been smarter. Life isn't fair.

    Kinda hard to model without your head. But really, if she was in the exact same outfit, but a JCPenney catalog, I somehow doubt this would be an issue. Or if she was in the same outfit, but plus-sized. My bet, it's some jealous, overweight mom who was the anonymous tipster.


    Not jumping to conclusions, simply making a bet. I could be wrong, I might not be. Two packets of photos were anonymously mailed, one to the school board, and one to a local newspaper, along with a typed note in all caps that read: "Can you believe that this girl was hired to work with special education children in the Fitchburg schools?!!"


    Sounds like a jealous hater to me.

    If it were my hometown, it could also be a religious zealot. The fact is, that you don't know. And by saying that the person that turned her in is a jealous hater is a greater reflection on your views than the actual point you're trying to make.

  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Massachusetts teacher reinstated after investigation into racy modeling photos

    Kaitlin Pearson, 23, was suspended with pay Friday from her job at the South Street Elementary School in Fitchburg after her modeling pictures were sent to district officials and a local newspaper. The district reinstated her Monday concluding the racy pictures did not interfere with her work.
