Others with MIGRAINES--help!



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Is Excedrin still available?? My pharmacist told me that it is no longer available, it was one of the best drugs for me. Now I take ibuprofen and caffeine when I feel one starting. Tylenol does absolutely nothing. I have to take medication right when they start. Sleep does not help.
    It was unavailable for a long time because of a some kind of factory contamination issue or something. Its back now, and has been for at least a year. Its the ONLY thing that works for me when I get headaches or any kind. (Tylenol does nothing for me either!)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think you've gotten some good answers and help.

    I will add that I suffered from migraines from the time I was little. They were debilitating. I'd get sick, have to stay home. They were really bad.

    Since I've gotten my diet under control and incorporated regular exercise into my life...I haven't gotten a bad one (knock on wood) in years. Maybe my body chemistry changed from pregnancy....or maybe just living a healthy lifestyle did wonders. I also drink a ton of water. I begin every single day with 24 ounces....before I allow myself coffee. Staying hydrated is extremely important. If you don't allow yourself to get dehydrated I think it can help prevent migraines. And so many people don't get enough water.

    For what it's worth! :flowerforyou:
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Is Excedrin still available?? My pharmacist told me that it is no longer available, it was one of the best drugs for me. Now I take ibuprofen and caffeine when I feel one starting. Tylenol does absolutely nothing. I have to take medication right when they start. Sleep does not help.
    It was unavailable for a long time because of a some kind of factory contamination issue or something. Its back now, and has been for at least a year. Its the ONLY thing that works for me when I get headaches or any kind. (Tylenol does nothing for me either!)

    I am going to keep an eye out for it, or maybe it is only available now in the US? I will see if some friends can pick some up for me
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Is Excedrin still available?? My pharmacist told me that it is no longer available, it was one of the best drugs for me. Now I take ibuprofen and caffeine when I feel one starting. Tylenol does absolutely nothing. I have to take medication right when they start. Sleep does not help.
    It was unavailable for a long time because of a some kind of factory contamination issue or something. Its back now, and has been for at least a year. Its the ONLY thing that works for me when I get headaches or any kind. (Tylenol does nothing for me either!)

    I am going to keep an eye out for it, or maybe it is only available now in the US? I will see if some friends can pick some up for me
    I use the generic. It's exactly the same and 1/3 the price.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have also heard of the botox thing working too but that's just not something I would want to look into right now. I am a poor ol college student

    If you have insurance, it will pay for Botox for pain management. Like I said before, you don't want to go to a plastic surgeon for this kind of Botox. You want your neurologist to do it. Ask about it and see if they can get your insurance to cover it.
  • foodiscomplicated
    foodiscomplicated Posts: 85 Member
    Just a suggestion...
    Lavender for Migraine Headaches

    and for Clusters...
    Hot Sauce in the Nose for Cluster Headaches?

    Incidentally, I suffered Clusters for years. I was very unhealthy, needed a colon re-section and suffered a heart attack. Finally got myself together. Long story short; along with a smart vegan diet, weight-loss and regular exercise, my Clusters disappeared. It's been two years without a single cluster headache.

    Hope you find permanent relief.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    I get migraines as well. For me, they seem to be mostly hormonal and sleep related. Sometimes, though, I get thrown a curve-ball and allergies will trigger them. I know it's going to be a bad day when I wake up and already hurt. :explode:
    I usually gulp down a bunch of water with a dose of advil migraine or advil sinus & allergy and go back to sleep (hoping to wake up pain-free) or if I have to stay up, will also sip on some coffee. Usually it works... sometimes not. If I have to stay up, usually at some point the migraine wins and I give in and take a nap.
    I've recently switched to a different birth control in hopes of controlling the hormone end of the spectrum. (birth control is a must to help ease PCOS symptoms) Also trying to gradually get my sleep habits on track to help there. Allergies, however, I'm at the mercy of Mother Nature... LOL!!! (Texas gal here!)
    Migraines do affect my exercise habits quite a bit. They bring exercise to a screeching halt. I know some cardio is supposed to help, but when your head pounds to the point of not seeing straight and causing nausea, it's just easier to climb back in bed and hope for relief. Lol!! :laugh:
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I still get migraines about every 3 days, which is wonderful progress for mine. They also are usually not terrible; I call them 'low-level' migraines. Every single day I have to fight off triggers, though, because sound is such a huge trigger of mine :( I still get big bad ones, too, unfortunately. My left eye blacks out halfway, and the nausea is really bad. I also have a hard time thinking of the words for things (even with low-level ones).

    I've tried so many Rx meds with a very good neurologist, but something I take at first sign of an aura is surprising: Feverfew herb, at least 325 mg. 1 more an hour or so later if the first doesn't work enough. Seriously, it works better for me than prescription abortives.

    I am on a prophylactic beta blocker and that helps the most. Also, getting my hormones more balanced helped a lot (I take Prometrium now). My big triggers appear to be sensory, pressure systems, and sinus issues, but my hormonal migraines were pretty friggin predictable!

    I had two different 1-month-plus migraines, and those steroid packs are amazing for finally breaking them! Those both happened in the spring, and I think keeping sinus issues in check also helps a lot seasonally for me (I use an OTC spray called Nasalcrom; others do nothing for me).

    Best of luck with them, everyone!
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    Migraines can be cause by everything, basically. So I was told to keep an migraine journal.

    In doing that, I realized they were hormonal and ALWAYS came on the 2nd to last day of my period. So I switched up my birth control so that I could have a shorter period (4 days versus 7) and that helped so much!! I've only gotten 2-3 since (in a 2 year period) where before I was getting them every 6th day of my period.

    I also found that I got them when I was dehydrated so I take medical grade electrolytes.

    And I have a "trigger point" on my back which can get rid of my migraines (temporarily) if someone massages it for me and it can CAUSE migraines if someone massages it when I don't have one!

    I got checked out by a neurologist who prescribed immirex, but I haven't tried it yet. I've been doing OK with just trying to manage them by preventing them.

    *****ALSO****** if you get migraines with aura, you have a SIGNIFICANTLY higher risk of stroke if you're on estrogen/progesterone birth control pills (the normal ones) verses progesterone only pills. Its apparently a contraindicator.

    So talk to your doctor about that!!
  • SouthernMommy11
    Chiropractor cured my chronic migraines and insurance covered it
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Do you have allergies? This time of year is pretty brutal for me in that respect and when I first wake up it's the worst part of the day. This is actually the first day my head hasn't hurt since last Friday and Sunday was the worst day with me being in bed pretty much all day. I need to deep clean my bedroom again and get my neti pot out, that will help. But from late January to sometime in March or April I really have a hard time and it's due to the allergies. You wouldn't think this time of year it would be an issue but I deal with it every year.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    You need to see your Dr.


    I was getting 15+ migraines a month - lots of things triggered them: weather, TOM, artificial sweeteners, alcohol......

    I am on a LOW dosage of Topamax which helps - (12 mg) - higher dosages have a LOT of side effects -

    Put 'Topamax' into your search window and you will see previous discussions on this drug; while it can cut down on migraines - it can give you other side effects such as: your sense of taste changes (everything tastes like cardboard); your memory turns to mush (friends' names, basic 'things' - you just CAN'T remember).

    I would be a mess without Topamax - I can now live my life and DO things - but again, I'm on a REALLY low dosage. At one point I was on 100 mg - and I didn't like it at all.

    If you are put on Topamax - TAKE ALL OF YOUR MEDS AT NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED!!!! Do NOT take Topamax throughout the day - driving on this drug is DANGEROUS!!!

    Topomax gave me a frontal lobe disorder.

    Do you know what kind of migraines you have? I have vascular migraines, so imitrix home injections worked for me, until I developed an allergy to them.
  • larm40
    Hi fellow migraine sufferers,
    I was involved in 2 car accidents that left me with horrific migraines, chronic over the last 10 years. I took many different meds and tried a multitude of things. I had scar tissue from the injuries in the accidents and had surgery done in Denver by a neurologist that involved cutting a portion of my pectoral muscle on the most problematic side. It did relieve some of my migraines but recently I found the most helpful thing for me was a lifestyle change. I take DoTerra vitamin supplements, I had chiropractic adjustments then went to an acupuncturist. I changed my diet from eating processed foods to buying things that only come from the outside aisles at the store. Fresh veggies, fruit, less red meats and hardly any processed foods anymore. I have seen a tremendous difference in my whole body. I feel much better, I have more clarity in my thinking, I have lots more energy and I have been able to start exercising again, doing many varieties from yoga to running. I lost out on so much over the years. I missed kids school events, family get togethers etc. I wish I had made these changes many years ago I also make sure I drink lots of water. Wish you all good luck. I know how hard it is keep researching something will work for you.