How weird are you? Pet peeves/phobias/oddities you do?



  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm not that weird at all, I don't think.

    Pet peeves: Bad spellers and people who have trouble with homonyms. People who make up words and insert R's where they shouldn't be - especially sherbeRt and maRscapone. Those are not real words, yet very widely used (i.e. MFP database). Super irritating.

    Phobias - Bugs and spiders. Can't kill them, don't want them in the house. Ants are okay. Since I was in a car accident, I've been scared of changing lanes and do a head check about 10 times before I actually make a move these days.
  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    Pet peeve: blowing your nose at the table, clipping fingernails at work, bad spelling & grammar and people without manners
    Phobia: squirrels
  • Sav_Sky
    Sav_Sky Posts: 82
    Phobia- hand getting stuck in a turned on garbage disposal
    Pet peeves- dirty public restrooms
    Oddities- This may be OCD but ALL of the dishes must go in a certain spot in the dishwasher lol
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    Pet Peeves: People who suck at driving, people who show you pictures of their kids, people who come to my door to "talk about jesus"

    Phobias: Spiders, for sure. Most bugs for that matter, but im deathly afraid of spiders

    Oddities: Pfft, too many to list
  • kab06753
    I like my car stereo volume on an even number, feels wrong otherwise
    My daughter isthe same way, so I purosely turn it onto odd numbers. We will keep this up until the stereo can't go any louder. :laugh: Good Times. LOL

    Does it end on an odd or even number? :happy:
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Pet Peeves-Extreme Immaturity in general, people that use the word hashtag or selfie alot, adults that talk baby talk,people that are never on time, people that drive right on your bumper,people that don't signal,open containers left out or open containers in the refridgerator. People that constantly channel surf on the tv or the radio.
    Phobias-Spiders most definently, Deep water,I never took swim lessons as a kid and I love fishing but being in water over my neck scares me.
    Oddities-I like cream cheese on my french fries, I sometimes put salt on my ice cream if I have ice cream. I always cook my hamburger in Vinegar most times. I keep from catching colds by taking 1000 mg Garlic Pills and eating lots of radishes. Have put onions in my socks when had really bad cold and thats helped quite a bit.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Pet peeve- people who equate spelling with intelligence.

    Phobias- Bees! I love most insects. I was the girl with jars of bugs in my bedroom. but bees freak me out! No I'm not allergic.

    Oddities- I cry (my eyes water) when I laugh, even if it wasnt that funny. I can spread/fan all of my toes on my right foot , but not one toe on my left. I almost never hiccup more than one hiccup at a time but I hiccup several times a week.
  • hurricanegirl13
    Pet Peeves: making noise (any kind- especially loud crunching) while chewing, when people sing to a song I'm enjoying, people sitting on me- I HATE it! People who are impolite.

    Phobias: going downstairs in the dark (and I'm 22 ha- I imagine it would be pretty funny to see me run across the living room in my pjs to flick on a light), bees

    Oddities: I like to play with my boyfriends arm pit hair. When I start to look for something I can't find, I usually will become completely obsessed and unable to do anything until I find said item. Sometimes I'll just sit in my closet and do nothing, for no reason at all.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I guess sort of a phobia...

    Hate being in tiny rooms with LOTS of people.
  • FromFatToFab14
    FromFatToFab14 Posts: 7 Member
    Pet peeves: repeating myself or what I'm doing, constant moving, tapping noise
    Phobias: snakes, frogs, worms
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    Pet Peeves: laziness. Drives me nuts!

    Phobias: I hate flying - really hate it.

    Oddities: I can't touch wet wood. ie chopping boards, wooden spoons. It makes my front bottom teeth hurt and gives me the shivers.
  • cotyycat
    cotyycat Posts: 22 Member
    Pet Peeve - when people sing the wrong lyrics to a song. Drives me insane!

    Phobia - sharks. I legit freak & pass out when I see one in person, a picture, or on tv.

    Oddities - I like to shake my left foot nonstop while laying in bed. no clue why.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Pet Peeve: Drivers doing 50 in a 55mph zone
    Phobia: going over an arched bridge. Flat bridges don't bother me at all
    Oddities: When driving over "zebra" pedestrian markings, I must straddle them in a precise manner
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Pet peeve: fidgety people who repeatedly slap or kick a bench seat or sofa we're both sitting on.

    Phobia: Weeds and plant roots. I can't touch them, I have an irrational fear they will start growing out of me if I touch them. *shudder*

    Oddity: No matter how hot it is, my feet must be covered with a sheet or I won't be able to sleep.
  • NZ61RL
    NZ61RL Posts: 69
    Pet peeves: When I see people sneeze without a tissue I want to punch them in their face.

    I don't know why, but it pisses me off!

    Phobia - I can't stand being in a dark room. Once my lights went out. I just stood in the dark and screamed like
    A mental patient! !

    Oddities - I can't touch anything that has a groove in it. It makes me crazy. I go OCD and touch it all the time! !
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    Ooh, fun.

    -Rude people
    -People who slow down/stop in front of you and don't even bother to move away
    -Loud, raucous people
    -People who thrive on drama and attention
    -People who steal/"borrow" without asking
    -Noisy, messy eaters (when in public--I don't care much what's done at home)
    -Guests who rummage through the fridge without permission
    -Pigtails on people who are above the age of 10 (sorry!)
    -Religious zealots and radical atheists
    -People who are always in a rush and always moving and can't seem to just slow down or stop for a moment
    -People who go outside without deodorant. Especially in the summer. Especially on a crowded train in the summer.

    -Extreme Heights
    -Being tortured
    -This is sort of weird, but...the whole idea of the apocalypse/Armageddon. I'm a little more in control of it now but a few years ago I'd freak the F out if you even muttered the words "end of the world" in front of me. It was a sure-fire way to get me to leave the room. It still makes me really uncomfortable.
    -Centipedes and waterbugs. I hate most bugs/insects (I don't even like touching butterflies or ladybugs), but they don't freak me out. Centipedes and waterbugs are the exception.
    -Devilry & witchcraft. LOL. Seriously, though, it creeps me the hell out. I knew a boy in HS who was...something (not satanist, but it sounded similar) and used to do these freaky "rituals" and say these awful things and I always gave him a really wide berth. That stuff freaks me out. As for the witchcraft--I have family in Puerto Rico who do brujeria and yeah, hell no. I don't go near that stuff.

    -I don't like going outside (especially by myself). I hate being around lots of people, and as I live in the city...
    -I hate when people invade my privacy. Few things get me madder. Dropping by unannounced? Barging into my room without knocking/permission? Trying to draw me into a discussion/outside when I just want some quiet time alone? Rummaging through my things? Interfering with my personal life under the guise of "trying to help" when really, you're just being a nosy busybody? It drives me MAD.
    -I'm weird about thunderstorms. Sometimes they soothe me to sleep and other times they unnerve me so much they keep me up all night.
    -When I'm outside by myself I constantly check behind me to make sure no one is following me.
    -I like to listen to lullabies at night. Children's music FTW.
    -I'll only drink hot chocolate if I can put American cheese in it and sop up everything with Italian bread or white crackers.
    -I sometimes have issues eating meat because I can't forget that I'm eating an actual animal. It's totally impossible w/ fish.
    -I don't like eating meat with bones in them.
    -Sorry to be a cliche but I actually do enjoy walking in the rain (for leisure, not when I have to go somewhere). There's nothing quite like walking in the middle of an intense downpour so thick you can barely see a yard in front of you.

    That ended up being way too long. Sorry.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    pet peeves:
    untied shoes, I will even tell completely strangers.
    people tapping fingers on table, or clicking a retractable pen.
    trash on the floor when there is a trash can in plain sight. Use it!
    closed minded people
    the new fad of wearing missed match socks!

    sewers - I will not walk over top a sewer lid/vent scared it will break or a clown will drag me under lol.
    falling - I will go on balcony's and roofs but not all the way to the railing or edge. I will not climb ladders either.
    pitch blackness - if I can't at least see shadows get me the heck out of there!

    the number 3
    - In a public bathroom with several stalls I always use the 3rd one from the door.
    - I wake up to music, I listen to 3 songs before getting out of the bed.
    - 3 coats of nail polish

    My clothes are super organized. My drawers - work shirts, t-shirts, nice/fitted shirts, jeans, work-out pants/shorts, long sleeve shirts, under garments, tank tops, clothes that are too big but I refuse to donate. My closet - skirts by length/color, dresses by sleeve length, button down shirts by sleeve length/material. My belts are hung up, and my shoes are tied together and stored in this giant clear zipper plastic bag.
    My food can touch, but I eat one item at a time, my least favorite 1st and my favorite last.
    My husband claims I talk in my sleep, and have had whole conversations. lol
    I will not eat salads or raw veggies.
    My sock have to match.
  • tooffairy
    tooffairy Posts: 5 Member
    Peeve: Mismatched socks. They HAVE to match. And no inside outters!
    Phobia: Big Govt!
    Oddities: Geek!
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    Mine are mostly around food....don't eat meat off the bone, nothing out of the water, I am done if I see a vein, won't pick meat off a carcass at a barbecue.
  • bigbarnold
    bigbarnold Posts: 2,554 Member
    Mine are mostly around food....don't eat meat off the bone, nothing out of the water, I am done if I see a vein, won't pick meat off a carcass at a barbecue.
    Not to weird for a women, but I worked with a guy in construction that was that way. I did think that was odd.