Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • xDeannaGarciax
    Morning ladies!
    Happy Thursday again. Got another exciting weekend ahead of me. Hope all my soreness in my ab's goes away by Saturday. Got a surprise from my wonderful hubby and FIL this week with a trip on Saturday for us all so keep your fingers crossed that I can do well with eating this weekend. I've been working out really hard this week so I should hopefully be just fine and Saturday morning before we leave I'm going to go for a nice long run before we head out, the weather has been perfect running weather.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far, by the sounds of it you all are :bigsmile: taking my kiddos outta school early today to go get clothes and shoes, backpacks ect. and then takin them out for lunch, their really excited and that makes me really excited. Gotta go workout then get ready! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Deanna that sounds like fun! I love when my daughter gets excited, I get excited too! We did the back to school shopping and got our hair done together on Saturday. It was a blast! The whole day was all about her and getting ready to go back to school. She is 12 and a wee bit spoiled! Enjoy the day with your children.

    Thank's girl! We had alot of fun...we just barely got home and I got them around 10! It was a great day and it's not over yet, we still have a movie date with daddy tonight when he get's home from work!! Family nights are the best!!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    As for me, I've been struggling through the TOTM this week......key word, struggling! If anybody has any tips for getting rid of that puffy bloated feeling or beating the crazy hormonal cravings for chocolate, chips, cake, ice cream, french fries, and all things bad-for-you, I would be delighted to hear them! It's this one week of the month that always knocks me off the horse.

    Ugh I'm struggling through it too!!

    Sorry ladies!! Wish I had some advice, if anything I'd say for sweet cravings I like those 100 calorie cookie packs you can pick up from the grocers. Bloated...:ohwell: that's a good one. If you find a cure for that one during tom, let me know, :laugh: . Have you maybe tried a Midol? Those really help my back during Tom!!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    As for me, I've been struggling through the TOTM this week......key word, struggling! If anybody has any tips for getting rid of that puffy bloated feeling or beating the crazy hormonal cravings for chocolate, chips, cake, ice cream, french fries, and all things bad-for-you, I would be delighted to hear them! It's this one week of the month that always knocks me off the horse.

    Ugh I'm struggling through it too!!

    I'm going through it too... I always have skinny cow or weight watchers ice cream on hand... so when I want it I can have it, but the calories are controlled. As for the bloating... I've been drinking a TON of water... and its making me feel a little less bloated tho I know I still am. God I hate TOM. lol
  • xDeannaGarciax
    As for me, I've been struggling through the TOTM this week......key word, struggling! If anybody has any tips for getting rid of that puffy bloated feeling or beating the crazy hormonal cravings for chocolate, chips, cake, ice cream, french fries, and all things bad-for-you, I would be delighted to hear them! It's this one week of the month that always knocks me off the horse.

    Ugh I'm struggling through it too!!

    I'm going through it too... I always have skinny cow or weight watchers ice cream on hand... so when I want it I can have it, but the calories are controlled. As for the bloating... I've been drinking a TON of water... and its making me feel a little less bloated tho I know I still am. God I hate TOM. lol

    Mmmmm Skinney it during TOM, about the only time I actually want sweets! It's soooo yummy :happy:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Morning lovely pin ups! I think we're all having an effect on each other through cyber space because I've been suffering too!! My cure is to sleep as much as possible, lots of water and a nurofen in the morning!

    So wanted to share some news with you all...I do some legal consulting for a tv drama that goes out on one of the main channels and my first episode was on last night! Saw my name in the credits and am still so excited about it and wanted to share it with you all!!

    Rach happy birthday for tomorrow! Friends over at your boyf's place sounds lovely. Often you end up having the best time hanging out with close friends and celebrating with them though I agree you should do some pampering for yourself in the day and I like the idea of reminding your boyf that massages are free!!

    Hope you all have a good day! Nam x
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member

    So wanted to share some news with you all...I do some legal consulting for a tv drama that goes out on one of the main channels and my first episode was on last night! Saw my name in the credits and am still so excited about it and wanted to share it with you all!!

    That's awesome!!! Congrats!!
  • sheilabennett
    Congrats Nam! That's really cool!

    And Happy early Birthday Rach, I hope you guys have a blast tomorrow.

    I am not on TOM this week, but for some reason it has been horrible anyway. Not so much food wise, but with motivation. I haven't worked out all week, and all I want to do is sleep! Its been crazy. I've been late for work every day, and have gotten NOTHING done around the house. I hope this doesn't last into next week...
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I treated myself to a new phone for my birthday! :) I had my other one shut off about a week ago so I could switch plans and cut my bill in half!!

    I had ice cream in my hand at walmart yesterday and looked at it and thought...I don't need it. I put it back and walked away happy. Yay!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-ups!

    The weekend is upon us. My goals for the weekend are to drink all my water and pay attention to portion sizes. I struggle with the water on weekends especially when it's not warm outside. We bought a new digital food scale two weeks ago and I was doing so well measuring and weighing my foods and then I kind of fell off the routine...... So my plan to stay on track is to measure and weigh and make healthy choices.

    malpal - try switching to dark chocolate in small amounts I find it quite satisfying and I believe it is suppose to be healthier that regular chocolate. When I get the snackish feeling I make myself a nice cup of green tea sometimes it helps and other times well I just say screw it and ravage the cupboards until I'm satisfied. :embarassed: The only good thing about that is we do not buy any junk food so snacks are almonds, rice crackers and dried fruit. But too much of healthy snacks is not good either.

    nam - Congrats! That is exciting! We have a famous pin-up among us!

    Sheila - has the temperature changed where you live, fall is upon us and it's chilly in the morning and I don't want to get up and I've been dragging a bit as a result.

    Rach - Nice present a new phone! Wooo Hooo for you on the willpower and putting the ice cream back and saving your calories for your Birthday!

    :embarassed: Sorry ladies, I had a cup of coffee this morning which I don't normally drink and I'm a little jacked and

    Have a great day and an awesome weekend.

    Make healthy choices and keep moving!

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    As for me, I've been struggling through the TOTM this week......key word, struggling! If anybody has any tips for getting rid of that puffy bloated feeling or beating the crazy hormonal cravings for chocolate, chips, cake, ice cream, french fries, and all things bad-for-you, I would be delighted to hear them! It's this one week of the month that always knocks me off the horse.

    Ugh I'm struggling through it too!!
    Ha Ha! We all must be synchronized cause TOM started this morning......:grumble:
    So wanted to share some news with you all...I do some legal consulting for a tv drama that goes out on one of the main channels and my first episode was on last night! Saw my name in the credits and am still so excited about it and wanted to share it with you all!!
    That's so cool! Super excited for you! :bigsmile:
    I had ice cream in my hand at walmart yesterday and looked at it and thought...I don't need it. I put it back and walked away happy. Yay!
    Good going Rach!!!! :drinker:

    Morning Pin-Ups! :flowerforyou: Hope everyone is having a great day so far!
    The weather here is absolutely gorgeous! I am meeting some people at the park later and then going for a 2 hour bike ride with my best friend later this afternoon.

    I am getting so excited about Fall weather!! :bigsmile:
    I can't wait to start wearing some cute sweaters and hoodies.
    What are you guys looking forward to this Fall??

    Happy Friday Ladies!

    LaughingDani :laugh:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member

    Dani--definitely making that new top look good! You look so toned and healthy!

    Thanks so much! :blushing: That's really sweet of you! :flowerforyou:
  • kayleigh333
    Hey pin ups, hope you're all having a good week!

    I've been a bit lax this week, I've been really good through the day and done my workouts but I've been on the dinner shift every night and the chef is constantly saying "try some of this and tell me what you think" or "there's some left over chips here you can have" or "here have a slice of this strawberry cheesecake I just made." A food addicts nightmare!!

    I had a sneaky little weigh this morning to see how I'm doing, and I'm exactly the same... just glad I haven't gained though! Hopefully I'll have shifted something by monday, but I seem to have fallen in to a pattern of only losing every other week at the moment. I don't mind too much, as long as the scales keep heading in the right direction and not back up!

    I did find a photo of me from 4 months ago on my 21st birthday and took a photo of me in the same outfit today to compare, and I can definitely see a big difference! I uploaded it on to my profile but for some strange reason the colours have gone weird, like a negative. No idea why!

    Anyway I hope you all have a great weekend girls, happy birthday rachel hope you have a good one!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    While we're all talking about TOM... anyone have a really heavy month... then a really really light one... during the first 2 cycles during exercise and such. I am on BC... so I figured it might not be affected to much... but figured i'd throw it out there
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    While we're all talking about TOM... anyone have a really heavy month... then a really really light one... during the first 2 cycles during exercise and such. I am on BC... so I figured it might not be affected to much... but figured i'd throw it out there
    I usually do that anyway. If I have a really heavy month my next month will be really light and only last a few days, and I am not on BC. So I think it isn't much to worry about.
  • JessicaBuff
    Hey girls!!!

    I am definately enjoying this nice fall weather!!! Cannot wait for payday so I can do some fall decorating..

    I have a nasty summer cold and it is making me feel YUCKY today:sick: :sick: I am just now getting

    back to a healthy lifestyle so of course that stinks!!:frown: But oh well life goes on!! I am trying really

    hard to get my water down... Thinking about starting walking after i drop the kiddos off to school in

    the a.m. Good luck to all of you on the weekend!! Stay encouraged!! God bless:flowerforyou:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    So wanted to share some news with you all...I do some legal consulting for a tv drama that goes out on one of the main channels and my first episode was on last night! Saw my name in the credits and am still so excited about it and wanted to share it with you all!!

    Well done Nam! I wish I knew then I could have watched it! Hopefully, the fame will continue......:smile:
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Good evening gorgeous gals!

    Congrats Nam! That's awesome to get your name on TV!!

    Rach, what colour did you dye your hair? Mine was dark red the last month or two but now I'm really tempted to go back to my standby favourite - deep black with a hint of blue, it's my winter colour! (think Pru from Charmed...old school I know....with a little more blue)

    I seem to be in an exercise funk this week, haven't found the time or inclination to do pretty much anything. I have been starting to pack up my flat though - moving out in 10 days - so lots of lugging heavy boxes around. I need to get back on my game! Really looking forward to moving (though no news on my new place yet) - I can fill it with healthy goodness and start a new routine of exercise exercise exercise!!
    Managed to get my calories to 2 under my goal today, by accident more than anything else! Over a fair bit on fat but not so so bad. I feel like I ate well today! Everything I ate I enjoyed.

    Now it's Friday night and like the cool, awesome girl that I am, I'm spending the evening in my kitchen working - it's carrot cakes, chocolate cookies, brownies and whoopies galore!!

    Have a great Friday night - stay fabulous!!

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    So I'm kinda bummed out.....

    I ordered lingerie last week since my 6th anniversary is coming up and it's been a LONG time since I worry anything like that. I found one I liked and thought okay I had to have this one. I also ordered a pair of black hot shorts to use to take my progress pics in.

    Well I got my package today and I do not like the lingerie! I didn't like it even before I tried it on. It's 100% see through but on the pics of it even on the package it doesn't show that it's see through (well didn't show that it was see through on the breast area). I so don't like mesh lingerie cause for that why even wear it! LOL

    And my hot shorts are on backorder (due to halloween season they are in high demand for costumes). I was so excited about those shorts too. It'll be 2 to 3 weeks.

    Now I'm just waiting on my Halloween costume to get here...I at least hope it cheers me up a bit more!

    I did get my package of my loop resistance bands. So if anyone you are doing Brazil Butt Lift let me know and I'll give you the ebay link where I got them from. They seem very sturdy and thick. The band that came with BBL is light and would always roll up on me! Haven't tried them yet w/ a BBL workout, just on my own trying them out.

    After being stuck from 160.8 to 160.2 for about 4 days, this morning I seen 159.6!! That got me all excited because i wanted to be in the 150's before my 6th anni! (It means that I lost all of my pregnancy weight from my first daughter! LOL). I haven't logged it in yet since I'm waiting for Sunday. I also like to see the number at least two day sin a row to make it official LOL

    So I guess my friday wasn't too bad...

    oh wait I fell on my butt in the mud while takingmy dog out!! LOL I had no clue if I fell in poop too so I just quick went inside and took a shower. Once I was done I realized no towel and than I realized I had all my shades and windows open....yeah it was pretty chilly trying to sneak into my bedroom! LOL

    Hope everyone else is having a better friday!! =)
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Now it's Friday night and like the cool, awesome girl that I am, I'm spending the evening in my kitchen working - it's carrot cakes, chocolate cookies, brownies and whoopies galore!!

    cathcakey - could you explain whoopies galore? I'm hoping for whoopy galore this weekend as my daughter is away but somehow I don't think you are referring to the same

    cina - sorry to hear your purchase wasn't what you anticipated. Happy Anniversary! You look fabulous and I'm sure your husband agrees.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!

  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies

    Nam: That is really cool! I bet you are having a blast with that! Congrats!

    Cina: That sucks! Lingerie is one of my weaknesses. I actually waited in line when the first Victoria's Secret opened outside of the USA. It was a 3 hour drive to get there but so worth it! Can you send it back and hit the mall for something you love? Every girl is entitled to pretty panties!

    Rach: Happy birthday!! Good job on the ice cream, you have far more willpower than I!!

    To all the TOM people out there: I find that a nice stiff drink the day that TOM arrives helps considerably. DH and I are TTC so it helps with the sadness plus its a once a month "treat" for me. If you only drink one, its not so horrible calorie wise.

    So DH just called to tell me that he got a promotion!!! I am so excited and proud of him! I know its going to be a bad food weekend though now! He wants to order a pizza for dinner, we are hosting a pot luck tomorrow night and making wine at my in-laws on Sunday, so I have very little control over the food. I figure if I hit the gym on the way home from work, I should be ok to have a slice of pizza and some salad. Then I will go again tomorrow so I can eat some treats at the pot luck. Plus I am bringing a big salad and pulled pork. I can make a healthy bun with the pulled pork and then just a small taste of what other people bring. Sunday is going to be tough though. My Italian mother in law always makes yummy carbs for lunch and then we are going to their favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. Fingers crossed that everything works out ok and there are some decent options tomorrow and sunday!