Yes, I'm for stem cell research



  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member

    Here is one of many links, I am trying to track down the link that discusses the flu virus as well. Only issue with this is I believe at this point they have only been able to re-program the T cells to recognize B cell type cancers such as leukemia. And of course the funding just isn't there.
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Great, thanks. And I said that your comments sounded naive, not ignorant. I think naive has a different connotation than ignorant, no offense was intended. Also, I think I misread someone's post inbetween your multiple posts about a cure being withheld, sorry, my bad. This article sounds interesting I might look into some of the papers this guy has authored to read up some more on this work.
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member

    Here is an article discussing the flu virus and a universal flu vaccine based from t cells
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great, thanks. And I said that your comments sounded naive, not ignorant. I think naive has a different connotation than ignorant, no offense was intended. Also, I think I misread someone's post inbetween your multiple posts about a cure being withheld, sorry, my bad. This article sounds interesting I might look into some of the papers this guy has authored to read up some more on this work.

    Sorry I 're read and saw that you said naive not uneducated. My mistake. But yes, I think T cells are being looked into for not only their promises with curing cancers but for the flu and including HIV. I may be a tad naive in the fact that I am becoming more and more positive about these T cells therapies and their promises. But so far they are proving to possibly be the cure all for mamy illnesses. My thing is. That easy? This whole time the cure was right under our noses, then again sometimes the thing hardest to find is the thing hiding in plain sight.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Watched a documentary that massive doses of vitamin c have shown signs to stop, and reverse cancer, but they won't allow it to be put into medical textbooks because there is no real money to be made from vitamin c. Who knows, just hope I never get it
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    tl;dr Cancer is really complex and there will never be a cure-all for it.

    The way I have always explained it, think of it like bugs in a new OS release (and I'm a biologist not IT so read with a grain of salt). If an OS is constantly being upgraded and updated, there will be a constant stream of bugs that need to be worked out of the system. Older OS that have been around for a long time have likely had most of the bugs corrected so they are a more stable platform, BUT most people would still rather have the newer and more advanced systems, understanding that it comes at the cost of more bugs. You will NEVER eliminate all of the bugs as long as you are constantly making updates. This also explains why older species (such as sharks) are less prone to cancer, their genetics have remained relatively unchanged for extrememly long periods of time.

    So yea, there will always be cancer (ok maybe if we MASTER genetic manipulation, but that's a long way off), but not because some big pharma company is trying to make money. The best we can really hope for is the ability to find and elimate cancerous cells before they ever have the chance to cause a problem (i.e. the nanotechnology referenced in another post).
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    My daughter was born with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, thankfully in her case it is unilateral, which means that she is only blind in one eye. The vast majority of children born with this genetic condition have bilateral ONH, which means they are completely blind because their optic nerves did not grow enough in utero. Nerves cannot be repaired or operated on... there is no cure. The only chance for regaining sight? Stem cells, which once injected into the body can allow the optic nerves to grow.

    China is one of the only countries offering the treatment, and the first round of stem cell treatments cost $80,000.00 cash.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Watched a documentary that massive doses of vitamin c have shown signs to stop, and reverse cancer, but they won't allow it to be put into medical textbooks because there is no real money to be made from vitamin c. Who knows, just hope I never get it

    you are gullible if you believe that.

    you should be more skeptical of outlandish claims like those.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    That's sounds a lot like the claim that vitamin c can prevent flu and other viruses. No, it only strengthens the immune system, the immune system has to be able to first recognize the virus in order to stop the virus from multiplying. No amount of vitamin c will prevent the flu since it mutates thus making it hard for the immune system to recognize it and trigger a response. The common cold is another tough one as there are over 200 different strands of the common cold. You never know which one you're going to get hence why there is no cure for the common cold. Even anti-viral medicines need to be started within days of your first symptoms, because viruses like the flu only causes illness because its able to multiply, if it can not multiply or hasn't then you are a carrier not the ill.
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    The fact that your hair falls out due to chemo is proof that it works as a treatment. As hair cells are in the list of fast growing cells, so are tumor cells or cancer cells.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    i don't know if vitamin c works or not. that's not what i was referring to. i was referring to the outlandish statement that the people who write medical books won't include vitamin c in their books because they can't make money from it. that's the part i boldfaced.
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    i don't know if vitamin c works or not. that's not what i was referring to. i was referring to the outlandish statement that the people who write medical books won't include vitamin c in their books because they can't make money from it. that's the part i boldfaced.

    They don't include it because there is not enough evidence to support the claim. Medicine is science thus it needs to be able to replicate the same result in a great number of studies in order to consider more than just a theory.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    i don't know if vitamin c works or not. that's not what i was referring to. i was referring to the outlandish statement that the people who write medical books won't include vitamin c in their books because they can't make money from it. that's the part i boldfaced.
    Ooo...well thats different lol. Like I said I just pray I never get it, but with all the soda I have drank, artificial sweetner I use and hormone infested chicken I eat, things dont look so good lol
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Watched a documentary that massive doses of vitamin c have shown signs to stop, and reverse cancer, but they won't allow it to be put into medical textbooks because there is no real money to be made from vitamin c. Who knows, just hope I never get it

    I was actually told in a metabolism class that discussed taking vitamins/supplements that when you take vitamin C, the first place it goes is to a tumour. So technically... you're feeding a tumour, not likely to help reverse it. That is to say, tumours will pull a lot of nutrients from your bloodstream to serve their growth needs so it's not like this is vitamin C specific. Nor am I saying not taking vitamin C prevents tumours or tumour growth. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which means you pee out any that your body doesn't use. Your body actually requires very little vitamin C (you could get enough from eating half an orange a day or a bell pepper) so taking a vitamin C supplement is pointless because if you have a reasonable diet you shouldn't be getting scurvy any time soon and you will just urinate out the excess. And if you have a tumour growing it will take up that excessive vitamin C you're ingesting. Could probably find a legitimate source for this information buuuut I don't have time to look one up at the moment so you can google it if you want more information/verification. Who knows, that prof could've been telling us bull****.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    i don't know if vitamin c works or not. that's not what i was referring to. i was referring to the outlandish statement that the people who write medical books won't include vitamin c in their books because they can't make money from it. that's the part i boldfaced.
    Ooo...well thats different lol. Like I said I just pray I never get it, but with all the soda I have drank, artificial sweetner I use and hormone infested chicken I eat, things dont look so good lol

    none of what i've boldfaced has been shown to cause cancer in humans. none of it. if any of it had been shown to cause cancer, it would have already been removed from the food supply.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Ooo...well thats different lol. Like I said I just pray I never get it, but with all the soda I have drank, artificial sweetner I use and hormone infested chicken I eat, things dont look so good lol

    none of what i've boldfaced has been shown to cause cancer in humans. none of it. if any of it had been shown to cause cancer, it would have already been removed from the food supply.

    Was giving benefit of doubt that was sarcasm....
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The point is there is already a cure for cancer what they are doing now is finding a better less life threatening cure.

    This statement is ignorant.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I do hate that especially in the US healthcare is a for profit venture.

    so you believe that the government should force people to work at gunpoint for free? ...or that taxpayers should be robbed of the fruits of their labors at gunpoint to fund a bloated federal bureaucracy to do this work much less competently because the economic benefit has been removed?

    neither of those options appeal to me.
    The doctors and nurses aren't seeing the millions of dollars in profit. That's the executive and administration and board. Why do you think nurses are striking every couple of years? And taxpayers are getting robbed anyway. They're still being taxed for hospital costs that aren't paid.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    My daughter was born with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, thankfully in her case it is unilateral, which means that she is only blind in one eye. The vast majority of children born with this genetic condition have bilateral ONH, which means they are completely blind because their optic nerves did not grow enough in utero. Nerves cannot be repaired or operated on... there is no cure. The only chance for regaining sight? Stem cells, which once injected into the body can allow the optic nerves to grow.

    China is one of the only countries offering the treatment, and the first round of stem cell treatments cost $80,000.00 cash.
    My son was also born with this. He also has sight in one eye. :)