Yes, I'm for stem cell research



  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    ^^^^ only thing they claim at this point with the hormone induced chicken is the onset of early puberty in young girls. Since estrogen and LH is used to start/stop menstruation, and that some tumors, namely many breast cancers feeds off of estrogen that it may indirectly be the source of breast cancers. Again, not enough evidence to substantiate the claim that the hormones used in chicken is the cause of early pubescence
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Ooo...well thats different lol. Like I said I just pray I never get it, but with all the soda I have drank, artificial sweetner I use and hormone infested chicken I eat, things dont look so good lol

    none of what i've boldfaced has been shown to cause cancer in humans. none of it. if any of it had been shown to cause cancer, it would have already been removed from the food supply.

    Was giving benefit of doubt that was sarcasm....

    I guess I should have put a sarcasm emoticon after the statement lol
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Ooo...well thats different lol. Like I said I just pray I never get it, but with all the soda I have drank, artificial sweetner I use and hormone infested chicken I eat, things dont look so good lol

    none of what i've boldfaced has been shown to cause cancer in humans. none of it. if any of it had been shown to cause cancer, it would have already been removed from the food supply.

    Was giving benefit of doubt that was sarcasm....

    I guess I should have put a sarcasm emoticon after the statement lol

    When in doubt I alwasy assume sarcasm:wink:
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    The point is there is already a cure for cancer what they are doing now is finding a better less life threatening cure.

    This statement is ignorant.

    If youre going to claim a statement from someone who has done the research is ignorant I would like an explanation as to why? There is cures, problem is our medical system can only provide treatment given the FDA approves that treatment, and the point of giving medicine since ALL have risks and side effects is considering whether or not the benefitd outweigh the risks. Yes, there is a cure in certain cancers, refer to the link I posted stating just that, but it is also imperative to ensure the cure itself is safe.
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    We've practically eradicated polio and if the notion was just about money, then they should have never developed a vaccine. There will ALWAYS be a need for health care and I'm sure that by just making it more expensive for treatments, the moguls will still profit. I do hate that especially in the US healthcare is a for profit venture.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Absolutely! Stem cell research and curative powers is amazing! My neighbor survived a blood cancer by using her brothers stem cells. Just amazing! Cancer will go the way of small pox and polio one day and be eradicated - mankind can only hope and work hard for this cure!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Yup the masses are always going to think that disease can only be treated with a drug or medical treatment (stem cells or whatever), and that getting diseased is inevitable. WRONG. The info to prevent (and even treat) cancer already exists. It's not a secret. Cancer, and other diseases, can be PREVENTED and very easily. But go ahead and wait for that miracle drug/treatment and think you bear no responsibility for your own health. Cuz cut, burn, poison is so wonderful and effective. (There's tons of cancer in my family and I lost my father to cancer at a young age so don't think I'm just a cold, heartless jerk; I might actually have some experience with this topic and certainly have a right to my opinion.)

    As already mentioned, there won't be a "cure" announced anytime soon because cancer is great for profits. Same goes for all the other big diseases.

    Dang, where were you 5 years ago? I would have loved to have known how I could have PREVENTED my chromosomes 9 and 22 from translocating. And I can tell you this, I stop taking my medicine, I will die. The cancer will take over my bone marrow, kill all my white blood cells, and I will oh-fishally kick the bucket. If you know a way for me to get rid of this leukemia naturally, please tell me because I am dying to have another baby and can't while I am on this medicine.

    If you want another opinion, I highly suggest making a trip to see an oncologist at Johns Hopkins.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    The fact that your hair falls out due to chemo is proof that it works as a treatment. As hair cells are in the list of fast growing cells, so are tumor cells or cancer cells.

    Not all chemo makes hair fall out. Mine didn't and I was taking 24 hours a day 6 weeks straight for two different rounds along with 8 rounds of 48 hours sessions.

    I also have a autoimmune disease and having paired with cancer, I still could have people around me any time I wanted.

    There isn't a blanket type of chemo that covers all patients and gives them the same reactions. Even the same chemo will give people different reactions although there are common ones.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    ^^^^ only thing they claim at this point with the hormone induced chicken is the onset of early puberty in young girls. Since estrogen and LH is used to start/stop menstruation, and that some tumors, namely many breast cancers feeds off of estrogen that it may indirectly be the source of breast cancers. Again, not enough evidence to substantiate the claim that the hormones used in chicken is the cause of early pubescence

    Well I did get huge bewbs at a early age; went to bed an a cup and woke up a c cup when I was 12, so there may be a link somewhere lol
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    The fact that your hair falls out due to chemo is proof that it works as a treatment. As hair cells are in the list of fast growing cells, so are tumor cells or cancer cells.

    Not all chemo makes hair fall out. Mine didn't and I was taking 24 hours a day 6 weeks straight for two different rounds along with 8 rounds of 48 hours sessions.

    I also have a autoimmune disease and having paired with cancer, I still could have people around me any time I wanted.

    There isn't a blanket type of chemo that covers all patients and gives them the same reactions. Even the same chemo will give people different reactions although there are common ones.

    I second that not all chemo makes your hair fall out. My friend has been undergoing chemo for more than three years and hasn't lost any of his hair.
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out

    The fact that your hair falls out due to chemo is proof that it works as a treatment. As hair cells are in the list of fast growing cells, so are tumor cells or cancer cells.

    Not all chemo makes hair fall out. Mine didn't and I was taking 24 hours a day 6 weeks straight for two different rounds along with 8 rounds of 48 hours sessions.

    I also have a autoimmune disease and having paired with cancer, I still could have people around me any time I wanted.

    There isn't a blanket type of chemo that covers all patients and gives them the same reactions. Even the same chemo will give people different reactions although there are common ones.

    Exactly. There has been a huge progress made in the way of chemo options for patients. My mothers first chemo for breast cancer caused her to be violently ill at times and lose her hair, that was over ten years ago, last year she was diagnosed with angiosarcoma of the breast and given taxol another chemo and though her hair still fell out, she did not get sick
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    If there are people it works for, why is it so outlandish to believe? If I didnt have proof that chemo worked, j would think it would be weird people would want to pump toxins in my body that makes hair fall out and no one can be around you because your immune system is so low. Someone had to be the first to try that theory out
    You'd have to show a peer reviewed clinical study that it works. A documentary has about as much validity as people who live in Sedona claiming an energy vortex is real.............................because they claim it does.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I do know they will tell you your options some chemo works better for certain cancers and some chemo are the only ones used in treatment of certain cancers. Depends on type. But if it is an option and it doesnt make your hair fall out, they will happily provide that treatment. And in many cases, oncologists will combine two different types of chemo to treat a patient. I forget the names of the chemo that doesnt cause hair to fall out, do you remember the type? I only remember that taxol causes neuropathy in the feet but not nausea or vomiting, again in most patients who undergoes taxol treatments.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The point is there is already a cure for cancer what they are doing now is finding a better less life threatening cure.

    This statement is ignorant.

    If youre going to claim a statement from someone who has done the research is ignorant I would like an explanation as to why? There is cures, problem is our medical system can only provide treatment given the FDA approves that treatment, and the point of giving medicine since ALL have risks and side effects is considering whether or not the benefitd outweigh the risks. Yes, there is a cure in certain cancers, refer to the link I posted stating just that, but it is also imperative to ensure the cure itself is safe.

    Well, let's start with the fact the term "a cure for cancer" is ignorant. "Cancer" is actually over 200 distinct diseases. Each one has a different causes and treatments. There is no single "cancer". In fact the concept of a "cure for cancer" is impossible due to this fact. Progress can be made in treatments and outcomes for people who have been diagnosed with cancerous disease, but there is no single disease known as "cancer"
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Then I suggest you read all my OTHER posts as this cure I was discussing is only know to cure type B cancers, which I stated also the article I posted says that in time this cure for type B immunotherapies may cure a vast amount. Oh I also stated that cancer will always rule the medical field even with a cure, based on the fact that there's no one source or cause or type.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Well, let's start with the fact the term "a cure for cancer" is ignorant. "Cancer" is actually over 200 distinct diseases. Each one has a different causes and treatments. There is no single "cancer". In fact the concept of a "cure for cancer" is impossible due to this fact. Progress can be made in treatments and outcomes for people who have been diagnosed with cancerous disease, but there is no single disease known as "cancer"

    Um, I read the comment as saying that curing cancer just requires killing the cancer cells. The trick comes in trying to figure out how to do that without killing the rest of the cells along with it. Could be wrong, but that was my understanding of said comment. Certainly an oversimplification, but in no way ignorant.
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    The point is there is already a cure for cancer what they are doing now is finding a better less life threatening cure.

    This statement is ignorant.

    If youre going to claim a statement from someone who has done the research is ignorant I would like an explanation as to why? There is cures, problem is our medical system can only provide treatment given the FDA approves that treatment, and the point of giving medicine since ALL have risks and side effects is considering whether or not the benefitd outweigh the risks. Yes, there is a cure in certain cancers, refer to the link I posted stating just that, but it is also imperative to ensure the cure itself is safe.

    Well, let's start with the fact the term "a cure for cancer" is ignorant. "Cancer" is actually over 200 distinct diseases. Each one has a different causes and treatments. There is no single "cancer". In fact the concept of a "cure for cancer" is impossible due to this fact. Progress can be made in treatments and outcomes for people who have been diagnosed with cancerous disease, but there is no single disease known as "cancer"

    Cancer is a process, so theoretically if we discovered a way to interrupt or reverse this process, it could be considered a "cure for cancer". As it is, many cancers can already be cured either surgically or medically, so I agree with you it is not a very useful phrase.
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Well, let's start with the fact the term "a cure for cancer" is ignorant. "Cancer" is actually over 200 distinct diseases. Each one has a different causes and treatments. There is no single "cancer". In fact the concept of a "cure for cancer" is impossible due to this fact. Progress can be made in treatments and outcomes for people who have been diagnosed with cancerous disease, but there is no single disease known as "cancer"

    Um, I read the comment as saying that curing cancer just requires killing the cancer cells. The trick comes in trying to figure out how to do that without killing the rest of the cells along with it. Could be wrong, but that was my understanding of said comment. Certainly an oversimplification, but in no way ignorant.

    Thank you, that's exactly what I meant by that statement. And it was in regards to the T cell immunotherapy that I had been discussing since this thread began. Which I posted a link to as well.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member

    Thank you, for your contribution to the discussion :flowerforyou:
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Yay for CORD BLOOD stem cells! No embryos were harmed in the making of this therapy. Win!