Stagnating Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Need Advice All Welcome

50 years old
Starting weight 269lbs (yikes!) on 11/1/2013
Current weight 220lbs

Okay, so I have been at 220lbs for the last 3 weeks and the scale isnt moving down. Here is my program:

HIT Weightlifting (Dorian Yates Blood n guts)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Also I do 2 half hour cardio sessions with a total calorie burn of 360 calories

Cardio on treadmill
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
I do 2 one hour session with a total calorie burn of 720 calories.
I am 50 yrs old and I have suspended the HIIT cardio a few months ago. I started getting chest tightness, as well as pain in my archilles, shins, knees, back and hips. Walking on the treadmill causes no chest pains, no pounding on my body, and a great calorie burn. So i am doing the walking only.

Sunday- Rest. Or an occassional 1 hour walk


I do Intermittent Fasting. My feeding window is noon (12:00PM) until 8:00PM. I have a Protein shake in the AM. and eat at noon, 4:00 PM, and 8:00 PM. These meals consist of 3 grilled chicken Ceasar salads. My macros breakdown as follows. Its low carb.

Calories: 1292 grams
Carbs: 27 grams
Protein: 190 grams
Fat: 51 grams

I have been at 220lb for 3 weeks! The scale aint moving down. Based on my caloric intake compared to my BMR of 2097, Ishould be losing at least 3 pounds a week. Combined with my weight training and cardio, there does not appear to be any logically reason for this stagnation. I am not in starvation mode and my metabolism should not be slowing to counter my caloric deficit. The cardio alone should be burning the pounds off.

When I have attempted to add an additional meal of spaghetti squash (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0) I literally gained 3 pounds overnite each time I attempted to do this. I also drink a half to a full gallon of water a day. This simply does not make any logical sense to me based on calories, metabolism, and fat burn. Please, I need some advice!!!!


  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I find that changing what I'm eating or what exercise I'm doing will "shake up" my body and get it losing again. I think the body just adjusts over time.
  • I find that changing what I'm eating or what exercise I'm doing will "shake up" my body and get it losing again. I think the body just adjusts over time.

    I have done that with adding a meal, and it results in a setback. I am pretty analytical and like to approach things from that perspective. And to me the science and numbers tell me that I should not be having this stagnation. It just doesnt add up. I find it hard to believe that my body is creating a metabolic resistance to my current training regimen. Although it is low calories and low carbs, it is not starvation mode. I do not even feel hungry, in fact I feel much better than ever with no bloating. I still have flab around the waist, hips, and *kitten* so I need to drop another 20-30 lbs and there is room for that.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If you're not losing, then you're not eating at a deficit. You're underestimating your food or overestimating your burn. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of incorrect data in there.) Weigh your food. Log your exercise, and eat back your exercise calories. If you're not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    When I have attempted to add an additional meal of spaghetti squash (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0) I literally gained 3 pounds overnite each time I attempted to do this.

    No ****, you've completely blown out your glycogen reserves with the no-carb nonsense. Every time you take in a some carbs, your body is desperately trying to recharge your internal batteries, and those batteries also hold a whack of water. It's the water replenishment that is spiking your weight. This is also quite possibly the reason you couldn't keep doing HIIT and had to slow down to walking.

    Also, your walking burn sounds highly suspicious. As in...double what it should be. How far are you actually going in those two hours? A burn of that magnitude for your weight on a treadmill requires about a 12 mile walk.
  • If you're not losing, then you're not eating at a deficit. You're underestimating your food or overestimating your burn. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of incorrect data in there.) Weigh your food. Log your exercise, and eat back your exercise calories. If you're not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:

    I weigh and spreadsheet all of my macros. My numbers posted are 100% accurate. I measure the cups of lettuce, weigh the ounces of chicken, and measure every tablespoon of dressing and grated cheese. The numbers are accurate. There are no hidden calories or carbs. This is why I am eating the same foods, so I know exactly what my macros are.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The calorie counts & burns are only estimates. Try eating back half your exercise calories.
  • When I have attempted to add an additional meal of spaghetti squash (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0) I literally gained 3 pounds overnite each time I attempted to do this.

    No ****, you've completely blown out your glycogen reserves with the no-carb nonsense. Every time you take in a some carbs, your body is desperately trying to recharge your internal batteries, and those batteries also hold a whack of water. It's the water replenishment that is spiking your weight. This is also quite possibly the reason you couldn't keep doing HIIT and had to slow down to walking.

    Also, your walking burn sounds highly suspicious. As in...double what it should be. How far are you actually going in those two hours? A burn of that magnitude for your weight on a treadmill requires about a 12 mile walk.

    So the low carb is a problem. What is your suggestion???

    As for the walking on cardio days, I do one hour on the Lifecycle, set at 3.7, which is 380 calories. Twice a day is 720 calories. I can give you the distance when I do another one tonite. Never really paid attention to the distance.
  • The calorie counts & burns are only estimates. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    So if I burn 720 calories on cardio day, I should eat 360 calories more??? When I tried that I gained. What would be the science or biology behind eating more to lose weight given my calorie burn and macros???
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You eat the same thing for every meal??? That doesn't sound fun or sustainable. Why such extreme? I think you will lose if you track your food and exercise and eat back at least half your exercise cals.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    The calorie counts & burns are only estimates. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    So if I burn 720 calories on cardio day, I should eat 360 calories more??? When I tried that I gained. What would be the science or biology behind eating more to lose weight given my calorie burn and macros???
    You are supposed to eat those back.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The calorie counts & burns are only estimates. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    So if I burn 720 calories on cardio day, I should eat 360 calories more??? When I tried that I gained. What would be the science or biology behind eating more to lose weight given my calorie burn and macros???
    You are supposed to eat those back.

    Only if they are *accurate*! The OP's are not, by a long long way.

    Eating back at 50% would be the right ballpark.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    When I have attempted to add an additional meal of spaghetti squash (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0) I literally gained 3 pounds overnite each time I attempted to do this.

    No ****, you've completely blown out your glycogen reserves with the no-carb nonsense. Every time you take in a some carbs, your body is desperately trying to recharge your internal batteries, and those batteries also hold a whack of water. It's the water replenishment that is spiking your weight. This is also quite possibly the reason you couldn't keep doing HIIT and had to slow down to walking.

    Also, your walking burn sounds highly suspicious. As in...double what it should be. How far are you actually going in those two hours? A burn of that magnitude for your weight on a treadmill requires about a 12 mile walk.

    Mr. Knight is saying some valuable things about those spaghetti carb meals and water retention. Go another 12 wks on your original plan and do not have carb meals. If you find that you are hungry--reevaluate our caloric intake. Perhaps up it, but within the macro distribution that resulted in your original 50lb weightloss.

    If you need other confirmation that your original approach is right for you, go to your health practioner and get your blood profile done. Use that as a baseline and have it remeasured after 12 wks. Also, some other posters have said alot about water retention on the cellular level after a quick weight loss.

    You are doing a fabulous job with nutrition and exercise and focus and analysis. Push a little farther along your chosen path.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The calorie counts & burns are only estimates. Try eating back half your exercise calories.
    So if I burn 720 calories on cardio day, I should eat 360 calories more??? When I tried that I gained. What would be the science or biology behind eating more to lose weight given my calorie burn and macros???
    your deficit is built into your calorie goal. Unless you've customized your goal w/ your exercise built in (for example, TDEE minus 20%), you must eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories.

    Read this:
  • You eat the same thing for every meal??? That doesn't sound fun or sustainable. Why such extreme? I think you will lose if you track your food and exercise and eat back at least half your exercise cals.

    It was not boring at all because the weight was flying off and the fact that I could track every macro down to the gram. That way if I needed to adjust and got some solid advice, i could plug the changes into my spreadsheet and then measure the effects on my body. Thanks, could you elaborate on why I should eat back my excercise calories. I am willing to try if there is some basis for doing it.
  • The calorie counts & burns are only estimates. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    So if I burn 720 calories on cardio day, I should eat 360 calories more??? When I tried that I gained. What would be the science or biology behind eating more to lose weight given my calorie burn and macros???
    You are supposed to eat those back.

    Only if they are *accurate*! The OP's are not, by a long long way.

    Eating back at 50% would be the right ballpark.

    Really? What is not accurate?
  • When I have attempted to add an additional meal of spaghetti squash (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0) I literally gained 3 pounds overnite each time I attempted to do this.

    No ****, you've completely blown out your glycogen reserves with the no-carb nonsense. Every time you take in a some carbs, your body is desperately trying to recharge your internal batteries, and those batteries also hold a whack of water. It's the water replenishment that is spiking your weight. This is also quite possibly the reason you couldn't keep doing HIIT and had to slow down to walking.

    Also, your walking burn sounds highly suspicious. As in...double what it should be. How far are you actually going in those two hours? A burn of that magnitude for your weight on a treadmill requires about a 12 mile walk.

    Mr. Knight is saying some valuable things about those spaghetti carb meals and water retention. Go another 12 wks on your original plan and do not have carb meals. If you find that you are hungry--reevaluate our caloric intake. Perhaps up it, but within the macro distribution that resulted in your original 50lb weightloss.

    If you need other confirmation that your original approach is right for you, go to your health practioner and get your blood profile done. Use that as a baseline and have it remeasured after 12 wks. Also, some other posters have said alot about water retention on the cellular level after a quick weight loss.

    You are doing a fabulous job with nutrition and exercise and focus and analysis. Push a little farther along your chosen path.

    I am not eating "spaghetti meals" high in carbs. I ate Spaghetti Squash on 3 occasions which is low in carbs and calories to test the impact of a moderate caloric increase to my diet. 2 cups of "Spaghetti Squash" has the following macros:

    (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Could you elaborate on why I should eat back my excercise calories. I am willing to try if there is some basis for doing it.
    Because that's how MFP works. Your deficit is built into your calorie goal.

    Read this:
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    When I have attempted to add an additional meal of spaghetti squash (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0) I literally gained 3 pounds overnite each time I attempted to do this.

    No ****, you've completely blown out your glycogen reserves with the no-carb nonsense. Every time you take in a some carbs, your body is desperately trying to recharge your internal batteries, and those batteries also hold a whack of water. It's the water replenishment that is spiking your weight. This is also quite possibly the reason you couldn't keep doing HIIT and had to slow down to walking.

    Also, your walking burn sounds highly suspicious. As in...double what it should be. How far are you actually going in those two hours? A burn of that magnitude for your weight on a treadmill requires about a 12 mile walk.

    Mr. Knight is saying some valuable things about those spaghetti carb meals and water retention. Go another 12 wks on your original plan and do not have carb meals. If you find that you are hungry--reevaluate our caloric intake. Perhaps up it, but within the macro distribution that resulted in your original 50lb weightloss.

    If you need other confirmation that your original approach is right for you, go to your health practioner and get your blood profile done. Use that as a baseline and have it remeasured after 12 wks. Also, some other posters have said alot about water retention on the cellular level after a quick weight loss.

    You are doing a fabulous job with nutrition and exercise and focus and analysis. Push a little farther along your chosen path.

    I am not eating "spaghetti meals" high in carbs. I ate Spaghetti Squash on 3 occasions which is low in carbs and calories to test the impact of a moderate caloric increase to my diet. 2 cups of "Spaghetti Squash" has the following macros:

    (Cal= 100, Carbs=16, Protein=2,Fat=0)

    Got it! I am puzzled too. BTW. Eating more did not work for me. Perhaps, there were other factors I had not optimized to make eating more work, such as more protein or heavier weights to build more mass.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    If you're not losing, then you're not eating at a deficit. You're underestimating your food or overestimating your burn. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of incorrect data in there.) Weigh your food. Log your exercise, and eat back your exercise calories. If you're not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:

    this is really the answer :)