Today I reached my "goal weight" ...



  • howeyd2211

    And just ENJOY it. It's not just the mirror. It's how you feel when you inadvertantly touch your body and realize those ribs and hipbones are YOURS.

    THIS!! ^^ By far this! As perverse as this may sound, take a moment and just feel around your body now. Those are your rockin ribs, waist and hips! And the list idea is a great idea as well. Now that you have reached your goal, start from the top of your head and list something positive about everything down to your toes. That was my homework once and I was surprised at how much I focused on one or two negatives and 'forgot' about all the positives.

    Congrats!! You are gorgeous!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    ... but I don't look how I thought I would. I am thin now though. But are we ever completely satisfied by the way we look? For those who felt that way once you reached your goal, how did you decide if you were being nit picky or actually needed to lose a few more pounds?

    Edit: Okay, actually I'm .6 away from my goal weight, but to me that's close enough to get into the to maintain or to keep losing debate with myself

    most people in this situation really just need to eat at maintenance and hit the weight room or otherwise do some resistance work to improve their body composition...people just want to keep losing and losing and losing and doing cardio, cardio, cardio and they get lighter but they lose a lot more muscle and have a higher % of BF to lean mass ratio which is why they aren't happy with their look.

    I'd suggest a re-comp...oh and BTW...whether or not this is your goal weight or you decide to keep're never done. Hitting that goal is just the's kind of like graduating from seemed like such a tough journey but then you're like **** I have to get a real job and stuff. that's maintenance...the "real job"
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    Yay! I'm a little nervous about meeting my goal and going into maintenance mode. Keep us updated.

    I decided to up my cals gradually. I was eating 1200-1300 for 2 lb a week weight loss, and my maintenance according to MFP is 1750. I am now eating 1500 for the next month and seeing what happens. I'll post back then with an update!