

  • escalante
    escalante Posts: 20 Member
    i'm 26 and way to chubby count me in.
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey All,

    I have a nutrion question. Everyday I eat probably 20-30 more grams of fiber than I should be. I know too much of a good thing can be bad, but I'm honestly not even trying to eat more fiber. That's what it happens to turn out to be everyday. Does anyone know anything about eating too much fiber? Is eating 35-45 grams of fiber a day a bad thing?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey All,

    I have a nutrion question. Everyday I eat probably 20-30 more grams of fiber than I should be. I know too much of a good thing can be bad, but I'm honestly not even trying to eat more fiber. That's what it happens to turn out to be everyday. Does anyone know anything about eating too much fiber? Is eating 35-45 grams of fiber a day a bad thing?
    I am consistently over my fiber allowance by at least 15-20grams, every day. Have been for years and certainly the entire time I've been losing weight. The goal settings for fiber are ridiculously low on this thing... From what I understand, 35-45g of fiber is what we should be aiming for daily (min 25g) - the Western diet of 15-20g or so is simply not enough.

    Here's one source:

    As long as you didn't just suddenly jump from 15g to 45g in one day, you should be fine. Otherwise, expect some serious cramping :embarassed:

  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Oh I didn't realize MFP's fiber was set so low. I'm glad I'm not ripping out my intestines with fiber lol. Thanks for the help!
  • hopeandj
    hopeandj Posts: 42 Member
    I just joined MFP and would love to join this group! I'm 23, 5'6, 181 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • AmandaR910
    I'm new to MFP too.

    I'm pregnant (so for now, focusing on healthy lifestyle, not weight loss).
    I'm 22 years old, 5'10" and 215.2lbs.
    My normal weight before my kids was 168lbs.
    My goal weight is 150lbs.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Ah! I wish I'd found all of you sooner! I ahd this great plan to hit my goal weight by the time I turned 30, and well..I turn 30 in 17 days. Oh dear.. Nonetheless, I will watch all of your progress with great interest. Good on you for doing what I should have done!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Ah! I wish I'd found all of you sooner! I ahd this great plan to hit my goal weight by the time I turned 30, and well..I turn 30 in 17 days. Oh dear.. Nonetheless, I will watch all of your progress with great interest. Good on you for doing what I should have done!

    I know I don't speak for everyone but I dont think we will hold strictly to the "20 somethings" ness. The heart of the group is really about being young(er) and taking our lives back! I can't imagine that you wouldn't be welcome :-)

    Here's the link to our October Challenge:

    Keep an eye on it because we will be starting our November thread soon I think-

    Look forward to seeing you there!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    It has been way to long since anyone has posted on here! So I weighed myself this morning, right after I woke up and the scale couldn't seem to make up his mind. So I have no idea how much I weigh. I either gained a pound, lost a pound, or weigh the same. I know I seem to be losing weight slower than I should be. I weigh in about once every other week, and it takes me about 2 weeks to lose 1 pound, but HEY! :ohwell: I'm just happy to be losing!

    How are all of your goals coming along?! :flowerforyou:
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    So I'm new to MFP and I'm so glad that i found people who are going through the same trying to get healthy/lighter/smaller experience. I'm finding it hard to stay on track because my boyfriends has one of the fastest metablisms EVER and can partically eat whatever he wants.
    I guess I have to be stronger than my stomach...
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Leela - I know... We seem to all be congregating over in the Oct Challenge thread. Too many threads on this things, sometimes it's hard to keep track! :laugh:

    My progress is stagnating a little, to be honest, both in terms of my body image and emotional progress and my actual weight loss. Fitness wise, I am doing really well. Running a lot and setting personal bests nearly every week. Doing the hundredpushups challenge with some awesome MFP friends and trying to build some lean muscle mass with body weight training. On the weight loss front, I am trying to ease myself into maintenance, since I only have 5 or 6 lbs left to lose, but it's extremely difficult since I've had a "weight loss" mindset for so long. I was more worried about calories in/out than the quality of my calories and now it's extremely difficult to eat as many calories as I need to fuel my running... Definitely a work in progress.

    Unfortunately, it is really affecting my body image and how I feel about my relationship with food because I feel like I am losing control. The last week I have gained weight and I am worried that I won't be able to get a handle on this. It's just overwhelming sometimes and I hate being a slave to my scale.... I don't want to have to live out the rest of my life constantly checking the scale. But on the same token, Im also tired of being "skinny fat" and want to start looking fit and healthy since I AM fit and healthy, now.

    Lots of work ahead... How's everyone else doing?

    Tai - Welcome! I hope your boyfriend is at least willing to be a support network for you in your weight loss journey. He may be able to eat whatever, but he should understand your goals and what it takes to get there. Good luck!
  • AmandaR910
    So I'm new to MFP and I'm so glad that i found people who are going through the same trying to get healthy/lighter/smaller experience. I'm finding it hard to stay on track because my boyfriends has one of the fastest metablisms EVER and can partically eat whatever he wants.
    I guess I have to be stronger than my stomach...


    My husband is the same way. He's in the military so he's super active and can eat just about anything.
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    i'm 22. and i wanna lose 47 lbs! count me in

    also, I'm looking for friends on here, i'm newer to the MFP community. feel free to add me!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey guys- Anyone who is wanting to join we are mostly over at the new thread:

    We are wrapping up our October Challenge this weekend and starting a new thread for November on Monday. It will be called "Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenty's" but definitely head over to the October thread- we will post the new link there!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    So as I'm trying to do readings for class, I'm having a real hard time staying awake. Coffee doesn't really do it for me, and I don't want to have to keep drinking diet soda to stay awake. Obviously I should just take a nap, but I don't have time to nap. My goal is to get all my reading done so I can workout hopefully by like 8 (seeing as though it's almost 5 and I've only 1/4 through, my sleep is holding me back from reading more)

    ANYWAY, my question is, what do you all do to stay awake? I know you can do some jumping jacks or something, but I find when I'm sleepy I just want to eat for the energy even when I'm not hungry, and thats not good. So what do you all do?
  • AmandaR910
    So as I'm trying to do readings for class, I'm having a real hard time staying awake. Coffee doesn't really do it for me, and I don't want to have to keep drinking diet soda to stay awake. Obviously I should just take a nap, but I don't have time to nap. My goal is to get all my reading done so I can workout hopefully by like 8 (seeing as though it's almost 5 and I've only 1/4 through, my sleep is holding me back from reading more)

    ANYWAY, my question is, what do you all do to stay awake? I know you can do some jumping jacks or something, but I find when I'm sleepy I just want to eat for the energy even when I'm not hungry, and thats not good. So what do you all do?

    I usually eat a Clif Bar and drink a big glass of water. That usually works for me.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I have ZERO advice... When I'm exhausted, which is pretty much always, I usually just try to distance myself from food because I almost always eat to stay awake. It's like I'm on auto-pilot and don't even think about what I'm putting near my face. This is particularly true when I am finishing work at 3am and need to drive home (35+ min commute)... Some nights I will eat fruit + cereal the entire drive home. it's brutal. Thankfully my fruit + cereal is usually only about 300 calories and I factor it in, but I know it's an awful habit!

    Any advice from others would be great! :bigsmile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    well if the energy from healthy food isn't doing it and the working out doesnt wake you up then you have to find another form of energy! your body only needs like 6 hours of sleep a night to function at its best, so start there if you can! you could always do your workout and a high protein snack before you do your reading...that should get your energy up enough to get through it a lot easier!

    last resort if coffee and diet soda are not an option is a drink mix called deton8. it is 0 calories, 0 sugar, and a ton of caffine!! you can find it by the crystal light at the grocery store,

    good luck ladies:)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Yea I think the only thing to keep you awake enough for academic reading AND a workout is proper sleep, sadly :-(. You can try some fruit and water or something high protein (like the cliff bar suggested earlier or a greek yogurt), but these things, and even caffiene can make you feel worse or more tired if your body hasn't had its base amount of sleep. Sorry I don't have easier/more useful advice.
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    I have the same problem. But what helps me most of the time is to take a short walk outside. The cool air really wakes me up and if I am listening to music I choose my work out mix. Then I am awake enough to finish my task (normally homework). And working out really wakes me up. If you can change your schedule, try working out before and then finishing your reading.

    Good luck!