Weighing Daily



  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I weigh daily as well and have since the beginning. It helps to keep me on track and motivated.
    Many will tell you not to do this, but you have to do what works for you in all aspects of this new way of living, JMHO.
  • aspenwind
    aspenwind Posts: 26 Member
    I highly recommend trendweight.com if you plan to weigh in every day. It really helps to sort out the daily fluctuations and to give a good indication if you are heading in the right direction or not.

    It really motivates me if my weigh-ins start to get close to hitting the trend line (which would mean a plateau). I turn up my workouts a notch and make sure I'm on track with my diet.

    Having 30 data-points to calculate a monthly trend tells you much more than only having four.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I weigh in daily, log it in my excel sheet and move on with my day. It's more data that will help me if my trend starts moving in the wrong direction, as long as it's still moving in an overall downward direction than it's all good to continue what I'm doing.

    If you put any emotional attachment to the number on the scale my suggestion would be not to weigh daily, but if you can use it as a tool for data than go for it.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I weigh daily... but only record a loss when I've seen it 2 days in a row. It depends on the person... some are driven to insanity seeing the constant up and down.
  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 167 Member
    I weigh twice a day :D lol, morning and night and know how much more I will weigh at night then in the morning lol

    Same here. I only record in the mornings though, daily here on MFP. I can usually tell what I'll be in the morning by what I weight at night, and what I've eaten or done for exercise.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    I weigh everyday! however, once I start obsessing over 1/2 lb gains I go back to every couple of days.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Any recommendations for programs besides Libra and Trendweight? Libra doesn't seem to be working on my phone, and I don't want to change my Fitbit weight every day (which is linked to MFP) for Trendweight to work.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Any recommendations for programs besides Libra and Trendweight? Libra doesn't seem to be working on my phone, and I don't want to change my Fitbit weight every day (which is linked to MFP) for Trendweight to work.

    True Weight for iPad/iPhone. Nothing required except your weight

  • ccole1009
    I'm a HUGE fan of weighing daily. I have a digital scale, and when I was losing weight consistently, I'd be able to see it come off at .2/.4 at a time. It was a happy feeling every morning! Of course, you have to be able to accept it when you go up those .2/.4 instead, because it will happen.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Any recommendations for programs besides Libra and Trendweight? Libra doesn't seem to be working on my phone, and I don't want to change my Fitbit weight every day (which is linked to MFP) for Trendweight to work.

    True Weight for iPad/iPhone. Nothing required except your weight


    Fantastic, thank you. And only $.99. :)
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I thought about this when I started out monitoring my weight last year - on one hand, weighing daily could lead to a kind of obsessive behaviour and I might find myself dreading the scale every day. On the other hand, weekly weights may also lead to some confusion because of hormonal fluctuations during the month.

    So I began doing a combination of measuring daily but only looking at averages.

    What I do is this. I take my weight every morning. I don't think much about it but I log it in a spreadsheet which gives me weekly averages. I then plot the weekly average at the end of every week in a graph. Over the last 6-7 months, I've looked at this chart a couple of times in a month. The weight goes up, it goes down, it stays flat, if I look on a week to week basis - but if I look at the general trend line, there is a slow but definite downward trend - and that's reassuring.

    Yes it’s a bit geeky and obsessive in its own way – but for me this method has allowed me to avoid getting obsessed while being fairly sure I am evening out short term blips caused by hormones/water weight/post-exercise muscle swelling/ fluid retention. So If my daily weight goes up or down, now i don't panic - I figure it will even out either in the same week or at least over 2-3 weeks.

    This is what a 20 pound weight loss has looked like over 10 months.
