Do you plan to change your look as you lose weight?

Hey all!

Just for fun and giggles, do you plan on doing any kind of changes to your look while you are losing weight or when you hit goal? New hair color, whiten your teeth, new look?


  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm actually going to get a brachialplasty (arm lift) and probably teeth whitening...
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Teeth whitening for certain and new tattoo!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Nope, because I'm poor.
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Yes! New tattoo and probably dying my hair pink or something like that :D And a whole new wardrobe of course!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I celebrated 50 lb lost with purple hair, just redid it for 80 pounds. Now it's black to magenta to pink to coral to yellow.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Whiten the ol' teeth
    New clothes

    I already colour my hair
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    See I think the weight loss is a new look for me :happy: so not really planning anything additional - although everyone keeps telling me to cut my hair... because you know, weight loss = new haircut and color :tongue:

    Agree with the poster who is too poor -- having to replace an entire wardrobe really taxes the pocketbook
  • darharmar
    darharmar Posts: 28 Member
    I had thought of a tattoo as well. However it's expensive. I've already reached my'm just procrastinating I guess. Buying clothes while constantly losing weight is a bit of a win lose situation. But I have found I am more drawn to clothes I wouldn't have looked at twice before. Just because the things I never liked aren't a problem anymore. It's a LOT more fun shopping now.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    new tattoo once I complete a Spartan and TM
    new haircut after the wedding (trying out a pixie cut for the first time)
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    New tattoos and a few new sexy outfits.
  • mboromom
    mboromom Posts: 85 Member
    teeth whitened for 25lb milestone
    Belly button pierced for 50lb milestone
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I did ... went blonde and have bangs now
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I had a breast augmentation after reaching my goal weight, I'm getting a new tattoo on Friday, and I'm putting more effort into doing my hair and makeup in the morning.
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    I hadn't planned on it.

    Buuuut then I did.



    (for the curious, that's -71lb, +two tattoos (one is a snowflake on my ankle), +3 piercings (lip, both nipples), -about a foot and a half of hair, +red dye (obvs), +new glasses (though I also got contacts), +493485345345 metric tons of confidence.)
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Nope, because I'm poor.
    I hear that! :ohwell:
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I've been growing my hair out for the last year.. so it's gradually changing ahaha

    But once I hit my goal (whatever that is), I'll probably put some color in my hair. I'd love another tattoo (or 2).. new wardrobe/style.. that's about it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I wear more stylish and form fitting clothes now...but really, my style hasn't changed much...I'm still pretty much a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy...
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I found a little tattoo I would like to get when I reach my goal I am 33, will be 34 when I reach it and a part of me says that I am too old to just start getting tattoos. My husband, who is the same age as me, gets one every year!!
    But the tatt that I want is a little mason jar with the lid off, and butterflies are flying out of the jar. It kind of symbolizes the freedom that I have gotten from losing the weight. I have 51 pounds left. If I had money, I would think about getting excess skin removed, because I know I am going to need it :/
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    nope, just buying smaller versions of the things I currently wear
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    I hadn't planned on it.

    Buuuut then I did.



    Just wish there was a LIKE button for that! Beautiful!!