weighing food = eating disorder



  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I am sorry but considering that most people in this country think that the giant oversized meals you get at many restaurants count as one portion, I think that it would be good if more people weighed and measured their food. I mean, seriously, I am a big fan of places like that, with the huge portions but once I learned what a real, health, not overindulgent serving size is (by measuring) I was shocked - those meals have to contain like 2 days worth of calories on one plate. I just wish more food manufacturers put realistic info on their foods - my boyfriend brought home a bag of m&ms - the size that I would swear we ate as one serving when I was a kid - boy, was I shocked to see that it is really two servings. And the pita bread I purchased - screaming only 100 calories per serving on the front of the label - that is for 1/2 of a pita! So I think my thinking of what a serving is is seriously warped based on what they really should be - weighing and measuring is going to be the way I learn true portion sizes. And since I am TERRIBLE at estimating things like sizes on my own (also bad at estimating how much time has gone by, distances, and peoples ages) the only sensible thing for me to do is to weigh and measure. And sadly I think that is a problem with a lot of the country - we never learned the correct amounts in the first place, so we are totally off if we try to estimate it.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    My parents think it's a little "much" that I weigh my food before eating, but I don't let their comments get to me. Plus, they know I'm getting good results, so they don't say much. Also, me cousin that wanted to become a personal trainer did this, and I think they just got used to the idea haha