Been told not to lose weight...



  • Mrs_Marvel
    Mrs_Marvel Posts: 39 Member
    Pregnancy 1, I was normal weight. NO complications AND I gave birth at the age of 14 without pain killers.

    Pregnancy 2, I was Obese and it almost killed me. I developed Gestational Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. I was put on medication to stop premature labor at 7 months and had to take these pills around the clock to keep this baby in. The baby stopped responding to NST (None Stress Tests) and they had to take him 3 weeks early. The labor was the worst and I bleed so heavily that the doctors had to stop the bleeding with medication. I didn't get to see him for 5 hours after giving birth because of unstable bleeding.

    Pregnancy 3, I was Obese. I had Gestational Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. I went into premature labor 2 times but ended up carrying to term. I gave birth to her and she was white. The cord got wrapped around her neck. It took the doctors a bit to get her to breath.

    Pregnancy 4 after weight loss(100 pound loss at the time), normal weight: NO Gestational Diabetes, NO High Blood Pressure, NO premature labor, NO heavy bleeding. NO complications.

    From my experience, you can get pregnant while overweight BUT are also at higher risk for complications for you AND the baby. I only gained 20 pounds with my 4th pregnancy AFTER weight loss. I was back to my normal weight the day I left the hospital. You just have to be careful and eat healthy.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Mom of four here. Been healthy weight twice and overweight once and severely overweight once. I am 5' 6.5". Labor was longer with baby one - 154 most of my pregnancy - but less painful and I had fewer issues. Baby two - 160 at the start- had some trouble with low blood pressure. I may be the only patient my doc has ever advised to eat more salt. Fast delivery - less than 4 hours Baby three - 195 at the start - gestational diabetes. Enough said. Even faster delivery, which the doctor almost missed. Baby four - 179 at yhe start - diabetic diet from day one, severe edema and much more trouble with my asthma. That was my only spring/early summer last trimester and it hurt to breathe. Induction because doc didn't want another 3 hour middle of the night labor. Six hours of labor and the smallest baby.

    You are doing the right thing. Keep at it and best wishes.
  • adriennepaolini
    Ok Since I seem to be one of the few commenting who has been both obese and pregnant I would like to give you a bit of advice. Being a healthy weight before you start anything is a good idea. Being fit is an even better idea. The concern I have might be that someone who has worked hard to "get fit" before becoming pregnancy might be disturbed by what pregnancy can do to your body.Especially if you intend to breast feed. Breasts grow and swell, stretch marks cover areas you didn't even think could get stretch marks. and it is hard to get to pre baby weight after wards even with healthy eating because so much time and energy is focused on caring for the baby mom's needs tend to get set aside. Do I think it is stupid to want to be more healthy before you get pregnant .. NO I do not but I want you to be prepared for the wrecking ball pregnancy can be. I have had 7 children each was it's own experience and I did not always make healthy choices which has led me to where I am. So I guess the moral of the story is get fit before the baby good idea healthy eating while pregnant even better taking care of some of your own needs after the baby is here the best idea ever. Good luck!