I don't enjoy eating anymore



  • aportz
    aportz Posts: 12 Member
    I know it's so much harder than it sounds, but it's all about BALANCE. Is 125 lbs the best weight for you? Why is being waif thin so important? Really sounds to me like you have some issues you need to deal with. Find yourself a good therapist and deal with them. Do you seriously want to spend the rest of your life dealing with this? Here's the truth: there is more to life than how much you weigh. It's a number on a scale. Don't make it who you are. You need to find a healthy weight that you can maintain without destroying your life and try to stay there. I know it's hard. I was a fat kid whose mother harped about her weight CONSTANTLY. No kidding! AND every single one of my siblings and counsins were TINY. If that doesn't give you weight issues, I don't know what will. I finally reached the point where I made peace with myself. Quit obsessing (and yes, I can almost see you start to worry about "skinny fat"). Talk to a dietician if you have to. Figure out a reasonable weight and maintain that instead of some super small # you've plucked out of the air (i.e, if you have to exist on water to maintain this weight, IT'S NOT THE RIGHT WEIGHT). Make peace with that. Enjoy your life and limit your time on these boards. There are many folks on MFP who will make you feel inadequate. Give them the old "WHATEVER!" Take care of yourself, you're worth it!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Get the kids' meal! I eat a cheeseburger and fries probably once a week at least :) And you get a toy :D
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    You are developing a very unhealthy relationship with food. My guess is that you don't really understand how any of this works from an actual scientific and mathematical standpoint...if you did, you would realize that you're not going to gain weight from eating a peanut butter sandwich or a chocolate covered pretzel.

    Honestly, you don't look like you have any weight to lose...I'd strongly suggest backing away from the food scale and calorie counting until you can get your head straight...seek out professional help if necessary. These kind of unhealthy relationships with food and disordered kind of thinking can quickly spiral into full blown ED if you're not careful.

    This is one of the many reasons I caution so many people I know personally about calorie counting. It can work very well, but you have to be able to maintain a healthy relationship with food. I don't log anymore and have maintained my weight for around 8 months...I just make good nutritional decisions 80-90% of the time and allow myself some good time 10-20% of the time, all while maintaining my fitness regimen. By the end of my losing I was really getting obsessive about everything and I just needed to back away...I've been doing just fine.

    This is excellent advice. I have been in a women's eating disorder support group for two years. Your relationship with food is not healthy. You look very slight in your photo and should not be obsessively counting calories. You need to find a way to normalize your eating. That's what I am doing. I am the other side of the coin - I was eating too much for emotional reasons instead of not enough....but it's all the same.

    Food should not have the power to make or break your day. It's just food. It's not love, it's not control, it's not anything other than fuel. Yes, it can be pleasurable but if it is causing you to feel absolute joy or absolute misery, that's not healthy. Balance in all things....