Question for the ladies...



  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Love a man without Large scars. He's not clumsy and he hasn't had surgery, so he must be healthy! Small scars are endearing.
    Running my finger over my hubby's scars and letting him tell me all about them... Let me draw closer to him. :love:
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Just pretend you're reenacting that scene from lethal weapon and make it a competition to see who has the best scars.

    ^ scene from Jaws.

    Given my summer work I generally try to avoid scenes from Jaws........ Although if I could capture evidence of a living megalodon......

    How 'bout a chupacabra?

    As long as it's not a damn mermaid! If one more student asks me if mermaids are real.....:explode:
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Not at all. I work in an animal hospital and my co-workers and I are always comparing who has the best scars.

    Edited to make it sound less bizarre.
  • pnubn1
    pnubn1 Posts: 339 Member
    If you can look beyond my stretch marks...I can look beyond your scars. Scars of any kind....have a story behind them. I love a good story!! :-)
  • vickilgreshik
    vickilgreshik Posts: 13 Member
    Scars are pretty much a non-issue for most women. We really don't care if someone has them. The same goes for hair - or lack thereof.
  • Nope doesn't bother me....and mine doesn't seem to bother them!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    As long as there aren't too many emotional scars, I am cool with it.
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    Not at all! scars are beautiful.
  • jenn2375
    jenn2375 Posts: 101 Member
    Not at all and I would guess any woman who says yes would be superficial and not worth it......
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Not at all!!
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    Not at all a turn off. I like to know the story.
  • missyj1115
    missyj1115 Posts: 1,220 Member
    I have to agree with many of the ladies on here already! Scars are a major part of who a person is and the stories behind them however they were created are a part of them.

    I looked at my tiger scars in the beginning as horrible looking but then looked at what happened because of them and now embrace them! Love your scars, inside as well as outside for they tell your life's journey!
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    Not at all. Depending on the scar, it could be attractive - if not, it's still no biggie at all, no one is perfect. I have my own set of scars and stretch makes. Scars are a part of you, embrace them :)
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    I love scars on men! I think it's cute.:smooched:
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I think a scars can add to the hot factor
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Nope. Unless we're talking horribly painful-looking burn scars covering 90% of a dude's body, I think they're kind of badass and hot. Like it kind of proves you're not a pu$$y.
  • cyncmt
    cyncmt Posts: 17 Member
    truly it is more about how you feel about the scar. if you are ashamed and/or embarrassed by it then that is off putting, not the scar itself . if you embrace it and accept it then its wonderful. especially if there is a story that tell us who you are/ what you like to do. it can be quite a turn on "discovering" each others scars
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    What if, hypothetically speaking of course, someone has a scar on their right temple from closing their own head in a door. Still hot?
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    are these scars from a deformity or scars from a sexy battle where he defended a baby from a pack of wolves? It's all relative.