Hello, just needing some motivation



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I was feeling pretty stupid last night when I posted the update. I'm 15 days into logging my food and eating at 1200-1600 calories. Went over for the first time for pizza by 300 calories. So tonight I had 1900calories and way too much sodium. I've been at the gym for about a week working with a trainer. My weight hasn't moved much but I've been changing a lot of things and I imagine its trying to figure out someting. I drink water as my main drink with diet MT Dew as an occasional fizzy sweet drink. it's 5 calories for a bottle so its a huge improvment over the 250 a full sugar pop is.
    I am working with a trainer who is kind and working with me. I feel good about this time around. I was just grossed out that 8 years ago I was doing this and I haven't really done much since then. Yikes.

    You came back! That’s awesome!!!

    Diet soda is a great switch. I love Coke Zero and drink some most afternoons when I’m craving something sweet.

    I’m glad you found a trainer you click with. That’s important.

    Keep logging and moving! There will be good days and bad days, just don’t give up.
  • hilarymcm
    hilarymcm Posts: 55 Member
    Do you like kombucha? Not everyone does, but it’s my favorite fizzy drink - it still has sugar, but less than soda and it’s a natural probiotic. I could drink it all day/every day if it wasn’t so expensive! The price helps make sure it’s a treat and not an everyday beverage. You might enjoy it if you like fizz!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    "It takes a village" - if you want to try a team approach for support and encouragement, ideas and wonderful people, we have a lot of success on Fat2Fit. This is a group with six teams, each small enough that you get to know everyone. We are able to add a few more people for February. Our February begins this Sunday the 31st of January, just because we always start on a Sunday, so this is perfect timing!

    First, take a good look to see if you think it might work for you. Wander around the various discussions and the weekly challenge, etc.

    If you want to join, just go to the sign-up thread and, well, sign up!

    Hope to see you there :smiley:
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    So I met with him and we raised my calories to MFP recommendations. My maintenance seems to be 3100 or about and so I was eating at a severe deficient and working out on top of it! No wonder I had 0 energy when I got home. I'd sleep at least 3 hours in the day. We're trying 1880 for a month and me weighing in just once in the middle of the week. I've lost weight at this deficit before, was just hoping for a faster rate but I guess it wasn't right for my body. I'm hoping my body lets go now and I can see some progress. <3 I'm certainly not giving up! I have logged 18 days on MFP and been to the gym 10 days so far. I'm in this for the long haul. I feel better today than I have in awhile. I think my body is adjusting to my exercising as well I don't feel broken a couple hours after the workout. lol
    I also feel fairly confident in the plan. I've gotten up at 5am 3 times this week so far to go to the gym. I was going at night. I feel more energy from that too. Today I got around 1800 on the 1880 goal of calories. I'm surprised I felt fine on that 1200-1600 but I feel very full tonight at 1800. I'm sure I'll adjust. Thanks everyone. I'm not done yet. :D
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,366 Member
    Great update! And a great decision.
    I'm surprised I felt fine on that 1200-1600 but I feel very full tonight at 1800.

    I've regularly seen people change their diet and complain that they can't reach their calorie target because they feel too full. Often the result of eating more higher volume nutrient rich food as opposed to less voluminous more calories dense foods before.
    So I'm not surprised you felt fine on a lower intake (aside from sleeping in the daytime 😉 ) but that usually wears off after the honeymoon period. I'm glad you changed strategy before you hit a wall 🙂