This week I've found myself to be intensely irritable, which is out of character.

Don't get me wrong, im never a happy happy nice person, but usually im quite content about it.

I appear to be coming down with another cold, so that might be it.

Ideas? suggestions anyone?

First person to post a pic of a tampon gets a cookie.


  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Eat a Snickers, chief
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    love those commercials
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Eat a Snickers, chief

    they're bloody horrible
  • karmamumma
    karmamumma Posts: 4 Member
    Talk to Frank, Dogface says he gives good advice.

    If that fails, blame this crappy weather. Thats what I'm doing.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Frank has been the main recipient of my grump, although practically climbing on my head and wheezing in my ear like a 300lb chronic asthmatic when im trying to sleep, he deserved it.

    For the benefit of the thread, Frank is in my profile pic.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Create a thread about it...oh wait never mind :P
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Create a thread about it...oh wait never mind :P

    yup done.

    so far its down to a nasty peanut infested chocolate bar deficiency.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Frank has been the main recipient of my grump, although practically climbing on my head and wheezing in my ear like a 300lb chronic asthmatic when im trying to sleep, he deserved it.

    For the benefit of the thread, Frank is in my profile pic.

    Well would Frank like a Snickers??
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Yeah, he would go for a snickers. Although technically poison to him.

    But then he also has a taste for things that drop out of him.
  • karmamumma
    karmamumma Posts: 4 Member
    Poor Fdog......hope he seeks revenge and craps in your shoe. :bigsmile:

    Seriously, though (yeah, like I know how to do serious. ) this rain and mud and no sun, is just not good for the soul. Assuming you still have your soul. :huh:
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Do you have access to the outdoors or sunshine? One or both of these things tend to help me feel better.

    Either that, or....

  • RichardUK1974
    RichardUK1974 Posts: 44 Member
    Classic FM, or choral music on Spotify, does it for me.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Rent or download the movie "Falling Down". That should cheer you up!!... or send you into a Vodka fueled rage...:huh:
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Outdoors yes, at night. Rain, mud, England im afraid.

    I can easily snap myself out of it once I catch it, just wondering where its come from.

    Nothings changed barring eating less crap all the time.

    Don't get me wrong, I still eat crap.
  • betreich
    betreich Posts: 51 Member
    seasonal affective disorder? come visit my city - Adelaide Australia, for a while - 107F predicted for Sunday - lots of sun here!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    seasonal affective disorder? come visit my city - Adelaide Australia, for a while - 107F predicted for Sunday - lots of sun here!

    that would be awesome, but I think I missed the free trips over there by a few hundred years.

    my budget could probably stretch to as far as the next town. I hear its dark and muddy there though.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Outdoors yes, at night. Rain, mud, England im afraid.

    I can easily snap myself out of it once I catch it, just wondering where its come from.

    Nothings changed barring eating less crap all the time.

    Don't get me wrong, I still eat crap.

    Eating fresh food! When I get SAD I never *want* to eat fresh foods but if I force myself to do it for at least one whole day I end up feeling much better.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    yes I think cramming more veggies in is probably a good idea, given my general avoidance of them.

    cant hurt the cold either I guess.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    music you like , a good book or movie, a special friend?
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    try one of these..

    Or get your testosterone level checked !