

  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    try one of these..

    Or get your testosterone level checked !

    haha, that's one smiley rasta man.

    testosterone, hmm, I thought I was too old to have hormones :/
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    *kitten*? :wink:
  • alc212
    alc212 Posts: 124 Member
    Could be that time of the... oh, wait, never mind ;)

    Eat fresh, drink plenty of water, get in some really good workout sessions so you feel you've accomplished something.

    Sounds counter productive but works for me, go for a run with angry/heavy music. By the time you're done with your run, your brain and body have just done one collective roar and both just want quite and nice... seems to help me.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    *kitten*? :wink:

    Could be that time of the... oh, wait, never mind ;)

    Eat fresh, drink plenty of water, get in some really good workout sessions so you feel you've accomplished something.

    Sounds counter productive but works for me, go for a run with angry/heavy music. By the time you're done with your run, your brain and body have just done one collective roar and both just want quite and nice... seems to help me.

    veg and exercise.

    when is the answer going to be dominos and starbound?

    you are most likely right though. grumble.
  • tim_jai
    tim_jai Posts: 4 Member
    I'd pay good money to see you run :P
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Start your own blog called "Angry Man!". Make millions on advertising and selling blog space. Move to Perth.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Start your own blog called "Angry Man!". Make millions on advertising and selling blog space. Move to Perth.

    best advice yet
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    write blog from Frank's perspective!
  • Frank has been the main recipient of my grump, although practically climbing on my head and wheezing in my ear like a 300lb chronic asthmatic when im trying to sleep, he deserved it.

    For the benefit of the thread, Frank is in my profile pic.

    Which one's Frank?
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Frank has been the main recipient of my grump, although practically climbing on my head and wheezing in my ear like a 300lb chronic asthmatic when im trying to sleep, he deserved it.

    For the benefit of the thread, Frank is in my profile pic.

    Which one's Frank?

    the one that looks like a grey seal with legs and walks like they were put on backwards.

    someone should write a blog for him, it would naturally be a food blog, my better half would do a far better job than me though.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Work with your anger...use it to your advantage...such as

    1. I am so angry that I am going back to bed before I hurt someone.

    2. I am so angry that I am calling in sick to work so that I won't say something that will get me fired.

    3. I am so angry that if I do the dishes I might throw them and break them.

    4. ...can't cook...might end up in a food fight.

    5. ...can't take out the trash because you might end up dumping it on the head of the nosy neighbor.

    6. ...can't...

    7. ...etc...etc...

    Other than that...I got nothin'...except treat yourself to something that will put you in a good a new car...taking a vacation to the might even be able to claim them as a medical treatment.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Are you getting adequate rest? This week, I've been agitated as well and I believe one of the reasons is I'm not getting adequate rest. I hope you are without anger soon, and please stop being mean to Frank. He loves you. Peace.
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member

    the one that looks like a grey seal with legs and walks like they were put on backwards.

    Bless! I don't know where in the Uk you are but the Surrey hills are good for happy dog walking / fresh air / stopping the grumps?
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Do you have access to the outdoors or sunshine? One or both of these things tend to help me feel better.

    Either that, or....


    I would just LOVE some SPAM right now.
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    Do you have access to the outdoors or sunshine? One or both of these things tend to help me feel better.

    Either that, or....


    I would just LOVE some SPAM right now.

    Mmmmmmmmm Spam fritters!!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    'Angry Man' would actually make a great supplement / protein name lol.

    I would buy:



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