Rather exercise outside than be I a gym



  • I am with you there. Gyms are not my cup of tea; I get so bored working out at a gym. I prefer exercising outside where I can see my environment change as I go.
  • Bigmitch41
    Bigmitch41 Posts: 73 Member
    Yup, the outdoors for me :)
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I read, every day, people who exercise in a gym. I admire their efforts but couldn't think of anything worse than doing body movements in an artificial setting. I prefer to go outside, rain, snow, hail or shine and exercise in nature! Gardening burns so many calories. I Love reading people who walk their dogs. If only I had a dog. I walk in the National Parks, along the beach, ride my bike, put my iPod on and jump around in the backyard! Does anyone else dislike gyms so much?

    *be in a gym it's supposed to say haha

    *If* I do cardio, I prefer it to be in a natural/recreational setting; however, I enjoy going to the gym (I can't believe I just said that!) to lift weights. If I were still trying to rack up hours on the elliptical, stairmaster, etc., then I'd still loathe the gym.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    This is no different than asking why people would work inside an office building instead of outside on the beach.

    Because that's where they need to handle their business

    I wish there was a "Like" tab
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?

    I second that! If I might die because I am outside then I will go to the gym. I live where there is WINTER.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?
    I'd rather bundle up than run on a treadmill.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I went to the gym here at my apartment complex when I first moved in. All three treadmills were taken, and nothing else was in use. It was 70 and sunny out :(
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member

    I just have this weird feeling that gardening and walking my dog aren't going to get me the same results as this thing^^^^

    Don't get me wrong, one of my responsibilities (per my wife) as man of the house is to get out in the yard and keep it looking nice...and we enjoy taking nice family walks with the dog and we all enjoy a good bike ride...but still...just don't think those things are going to quite cut the mustard for me.
  • blunder_bolt
    blunder_bolt Posts: 32 Member
    I'd rather excercise outside, but gyms serve a purpose, for example the weather is awful here at the moment. Secondly, I'd love to be able to do bodyweight exercises and generally play around trees and playground equipment (when children dont want it of course) but I'm not strong enough, so in the mean time, I'll lift heavy at the gym, work out there and be in a better shape to take advantage of the good weather when it comes!

    thats just me. The Gym is better for certain people (bodybuilders, powerlifters and so on) and less for others (runners, etc) It depends what your outcome is

    IF I can workoutside, I will.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I love the gym.... I used to go to lifetime fitness and it was the bomb... so worth the money. Not only tons of equipment but a nice locker room with towels, an indoor and outdoor pool, a daycare... I went there like every day during the summer. If I wasn't working out I was going to lay out by the pool! However, I moved. And now the only gyms close to me are not even half as cool. But it gets the job done. Just no pool. Or towels.

    Besides, I can't lift weights in the great outdoors. Well I guess I could, but I'd have to go buy all the equipment and then set it up outside, which is just stupid.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?

    I don't even leave the house when it's that cold out!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I love the gym.... I used to go to lifetime fitness and it was the bomb... so worth the money. Not only tons of equipment but a nice locker room with towels, an indoor and outdoor pool, a daycare... I went there like every day during the summer. If I wasn't working out I was going to lay out by the pool! However, I moved. And now the only gyms close to me are not even half as cool. But it gets the job done. Just no pool. Or towels.

    Besides, I can't lift weights in the great outdoors. Well I guess I could, but I'd have to go buy all the equipment and then set it up outside, which is just stupid.

    could you imagine doing all your lifts outside in the summer? Has the potential to be AWESOME- for maybe 2 months- then just way to hot and humid and sticky!!!


    I think it would be awesome to lift outside- but well- we can't do it all all the time!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?
    I'd rather bundle up than run on a treadmill.

    Kudos...That is a hell of a lot of "bundling up" with ZERO exposed skin, eyes, etc...

    How many runs have you gone on at -60 wind-chill?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?
    I'd rather bundle up than run on a treadmill.

    Kudos...That is a hell of a lot of "bundling up" with ZERO exposed skin, eyes, etc...

    How many runs have you gone on at -60 wind-chill?

    I've been on my motorcycle in single digits without externally heated gear.

    Sweet jesus.

    those negative wind chills are no joke
  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    I'd rather exercise outside than be in a gym too! But strength training requires a gym, and when it's -20 here, I don't have much choice but to run on a treadmill (as boring as it is)... hoping it "warms up" soon!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?
    I'd rather bundle up than run on a treadmill.

    Kudos...That is a hell of a lot of "bundling up" with ZERO exposed skin, eyes, etc...

    How many runs have you gone on at -60 wind-chill?

    I've been on my motorcycle in single digits without externally heated gear.

    Sweet jesus.

    those negative wind chills are no joke

    I got a brain freeze gassing up the truck Monday morning. Might have been the coldest I've ever been.
  • haha, I'm right there with you! I love parks as well for walking and running. There's a lot of equipment you can take with you as well...yoga mat, weights, resistance bands, etc. I've even seen people with swords out there. I'd be interested in trying that workout!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?
    I'd rather bundle up than run on a treadmill.

    Kudos...That is a hell of a lot of "bundling up" with ZERO exposed skin, eyes, etc...

    How many runs have you gone on at -60 wind-chill?
    Runs... zero, SoCal doesn't have "winter". :tongue: I snowboard and while it sucks riding up the lift just sitting there when it's below zero and windy (not sure what the wind chill was), I found it fine once I was moving. I have some on my FL who running in those temperatures, and does take covering everything.

    I do tend to run hot though and like it cold for running. 40-50 is perfect t-shirt and shorts running weather. And I REALLY hate the treadmill.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    How many times have you "gone out" when the air temp is -20 and Windchill in the -50's or -60's?
    I'd rather bundle up than run on a treadmill.

    Kudos...That is a hell of a lot of "bundling up" with ZERO exposed skin, eyes, etc...

    How many runs have you gone on at -60 wind-chill?
    Runs... zero, SoCal doesn't have "winter". :tongue: I snowboard and while it sucks riding up the lift just sitting there when it's below zero and windy (not sure what the wind chill was), I found it fine once I was moving. I have some on my FL who running in those temperatures, and does take covering everything.

    I do tend to run hot though and like it cold for running. 40-50 is perfect t-shirt and shorts running weather. And I REALLY hate the treadmill.

    20's are shorts and t shirt running weather.

    It's always fun when those who don't live in said climate tell you what you should do in said climate.

    Snowboarding/Skiing and running in the extreme cold are comparing grapefruits to golf balls. I've done -30 wind-chill while skiing. Anything lower than that the place closed.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    If I lived in SoCal by the beach and a national park I'd probably exercise outside a lot more too. But when you live in Michigan and it's -5 and there's a foot of snow outside you don't have much choice. Well I guess you have a choice but I choose to work out at home or at the gym than freeze my balls off.