Xbox or PS4 for 7 year old?



  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    He's 7.. What great decisions and grades could he have done to earn $500 toy?

    Show me 1 article that states, my child failed school because he/she spent too much time with a book.

    I will show you a whole community, that when a child watches too much TV, plays too much video games, etc. .grades drop.

    I'd blame the parents. My kid watches a good amount of TV and Games every day. However, EVERYDAY we sit down and have a from scratch dinner, do home work, and are in bed by 8:20 pm. In the morning we wake up at 6 have a healthy breakfast do a review page I print myself, do flash cards, and then she plays on her computer or watches her movies. She probably watches/games between 3-5 hours a day. If the parents aren't making time to help/make sure their kids are doing their homework it's on them.

    *edit* We also make sure to read between 1-2 books day. Short books (kindergarten-2nd grade), but still it's about making the effort instead of just blaming the games/tv.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm biased since my mother got me a Game Boy Color when I was a little older than your son, but I recommend Nintendo- at least for his age. Great franchises for all ages like Mario and Pokemon, and it's a good introduction to gaming. As others have mentioned here too, limiting the time your son plays is important, and with a with a 3ds it could be pretty easy- just take it from him and put it away somewhere where he won't get to it! Easier to do than with a bigger console right? XD. I could go into more reasons why but I'm trying to keep it brief here.

    In all seriousness though the other consoles are really great, don't get the wrong-most of my experience just happens to be with Nintendo games and I really do think it's better for your child at his age. In truth I don't think you can go wrong with any choice, but no matter what you pick just make sure that a) he's playing games appropriate for his age, b) you limit the time he's playing and c) he's acting civil online and in real life to other gamers.

    The sailboat thing sounds pretty cool too. I think you should do that one regardless if he's really that interested! It's good for kids to get into some sort of outdoor activity at that age. I didn't and that's probably one of the reasons I'm here trying to lose weight XD.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    Looks like the fun police are in town!

    FYI, my father introduced us to gaming from around the same age (on an Amstrad CPC464). My homework was done, I was in bed on time and I passed all my exams at school. I think that all comes under the topic 'general parenting' ;-)


    Ditto here. It's all about balance.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    A coloring book and a Crayola box of 64 colors.

    If you really want to get them something electronic, consider getting a Leap Pad Explorer.

    The boy is seven, my three year old has a leap pad (age appropriate) and my one year old can open my iPhone and play videos on YouTube...
  • Kiyalynn
    Kiyalynn Posts: 128 Member
    I don't know the difference between a xbox one, a PS4 or Nintendo and would have no clue what to buy a 7 year old any more. I just buy indie games off steam for 10$ a game. I just think its silly that people are flaming video games.
    So here's a few examples of gamers who don't fall into the bad perception of this site. Take my gamer husband for example... He's been a gamer all his life... and now... he makes enough money working from home for me to be a stay at home mother, while developing games like Civ 5, and uses all the games he plays as work research. Really, he spends ALL his time involving games, and lives a low stress and happy life doing work he loves. Then there's Me, A gamer girl, Who met her husband though games, with talent for chemistry and a love of architecture. To the point that I use Sims 3 for designing and planing houses and am considering going into a architecture career to design houses for people instead of sims. For me as a child The only time I failed on my homework though all my schooling, was due to other factors, mostly stress of being teased at school (while I was a skinny 90 lb thing in Jr. High). Witch lead me to play video games... and eating a dozen doughnut holes and a chocolate non-filled long john every morning plus greasy Pizza hut Pizza frequently... I gained double my weight in just a few years, and weighed 180 in high school... but here's a question: Did the games make me fat or did stress over eating make me fat? Then there's my gamer brother, who is also a athletic cross-country runner... who had such bad hand-eye coordination as a child... that the doctors TOLD my parents to buy him a video game to improve it... Now he's served in the US NAVY, finished his duty, and is currently going to college while still serving in the Navy reserves.
    Games are perfectly fine for kids.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    Sony. I love sony, they've consistently made good products, they're reliable and worthwhile.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    ^ Agreeing with kiyalynn on pretty much everything. I suppose it wasn't so much the game playing and inactivity that caused me to gain weight and not do homework when I was younger, but it was the depression and stress of middle school- I was teased very badly as well. I ate a lot and all of the wrong things and that's probably why I gained.

    But games got me through it, and it helped me connect with great, long-lasting friends and helped me eventually find love. After my environment change from middle school to high school my grades began to soar and I graduated both high school and college with good GPAs.

    Games are awesome, just be smart about how and what you let your kids play.
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    Noooooo! Don't let him into games! They are Soooooo evil! They are totally the gateway drug to delinquency and a wasted life !!!

    How do you know the kid hasn't earned it already?'s pretty clear that he said his kid is already a 7 year old "drop out" that likes to stay up late and not do homework! Can't you read?! :grumble:
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    Wow.. I cant and dont understand how so many people think gaming was made from Satan himself..

    People please understand. Parenting raises your child.. You as a parent you allow what influences your child at home with a topic like gaming.. If you allow your child to sit in front of a video game system for hours on end YOU are at fault not the system. No different if YOU as a parent allow your child to eat unhealthy everyday.

    I have twin girls and granted they are only 1 but as a parent I limit the amount of TV, Toys. I supplement reading, music, dancing, learning books, flash cards etc. .
    Regardless as a PARENT WE make the decisions that they should learn how to incorporate in their daily lives, and when you see it shifting its our jobs to try and get it back on track, that's why parenting never ends.

    I totally agree that limits should be set, but when they are abused.. who is actually at fault.. Not the gaming system.

    I also think the Wii is better suited for a child under 13 but none the less, if that same child has something like a PS4 the parent should be held accountable for the content being played on that system. You shouldn't have an underage child playing something like Call of Duty etc.

    Educate yourselves on these systems and the content being played. Set appropriate times to play and maybe even get involved in the game play- you might enjoy the time with your child and the system which will give you better control also. it's all about balance and involvement.
    .. And for those using the excuse that games corrupt and make delinquent kids.. WRONG!!
    It's the parents that are at fault for letting that kid have no life other than sitting in front of a game for hours on end. Limits and variety people..
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    Neither - bat, ball, n glove / basketball and net/ football / soccer ball/ bicycle.... could possibly buy all mention with the same amount you would spend on a video game console n games...

    But if it is necessary... xbox with kinnect n perhaps only sports and interactive games...
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    I had a Super Nintendo when I was a kid.. Got to play it for an hour after dinner :P I think it was a good thing lol.

    Now I'd pick PS4, it's pretty sick, but for a 7 year old... I dunno...I'd say get the system for yourself and get him a couple games that are age appropriate.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    He's 7.. What great decisions and grades could he have done to earn $500 toy?

    Show me 1 article that states, my child failed school because he/she spent too much time with a book.

    I will show you a whole community, that when a child watches too much TV, plays too much video games, etc. .grades drop.

    Like the spoon that made you fat? No. That is a result of bad parenting.

    My 7 year old has a few Lego Star Wars and Lego Batman games for PS. He spends WAY more time playing with real Legos but even when he does play the video games, he has limited time and it's not daily. More so on the weekends.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    People please understand. Parenting raises your child.. You as a parent you allow what influences your child at home with a topic like gaming.. If you allow your child to sit in front of a video game system for hours on end YOU are at fault not the system. No different if YOU as a parent allow your child to eat unhealthy everyday.


    I have a 7 1/2 yr old boy, He has a Xbox, the Wii, a 3DS, and we just got him a Samsung galaxy tab 3 for x mas. Let me tell you, if it was up to him we would play on those all day long, but does he do that? Absolutely not!! He has not touched his tablet in a few days because he has been "talking" to much in class. There are rules, limitations to be set when it comes to those things, or any priviledges for that matter. My son also is obsessed with soccer and basketball, he will choose to go to his soccer games 100x more than staying indoors playing video games. So yes, it all depends on what the parents allow and what they show their kids to do. Now OP to answer your question. I would say get him a tablet. Not only can he play games, but he can read, and do other fun stuff on there.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Do the boat thing if you're actually going to use the membership.

    Out of the game options, I think the DS makes the most sense. It's portable and there are a lot of games geared at kids. We love the Wii U for our 7 year old (we have tons of game systems but the other stuff is for my husband)

    Having a kid the same age... maybe I'm way off on this, but it seems like the PS4 and new xbox are great for online gaming and being connected... which isn't something I really want for a second grader. Even with the kid-oriented Nintendo products, our child has found ways to view content that we didn't approve of.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    We have an xbox 360, ps3, ps2, Super Nitendo, and he has a 3DS. The best ones are the older ones, but the most practical is the 3DS. Finding kid appropriate games is a bit of a challenge on the Playstations and our xbox was a stupid arcade one that is old and crappy. I really like the DS just because the games are more age appropriate and its portable, so great for long road trips.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...for faulty causation from correlations.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    People please understand. Parenting raises your child.. You as a parent you allow what influences your child at home with a topic like gaming.. If you allow your child to sit in front of a video game system for hours on end YOU are at fault not the system. No different if YOU as a parent allow your child to eat unhealthy everyday.


    I have a 7 1/2 yr old boy, He has a Xbox, the Wii, a 3DS, and we just got him a Samsung galaxy tab 3 for x mas. Let me tell you, if it was up to him we would play on those all day long, but does he do that? Absolutely not!! He has not touched his tablet in a few days because he has been "talking" to much in class. There are rules, limitations to be set when it comes to those things, or any priviledges for that matter. My son also is obsessed with soccer and basketball, he will choose to go to his soccer games 100x more than staying indoors playing video games. So yes, it all depends on what the parents allow and what they show their kids to do. Now OP to answer your question. I would say get him a tablet. Not only can he play games, but he can read, and do other fun stuff on there.

    I like what you said. I take back what I said earlier. I'm in no position to make a statement on the maturity of your child and your ability to give him guidance. I apologize for my earlier knee-jerk statement. I just got a Kindle Fire HD for my 8 year old daughter and she's earned it with all her hard work. We limit her time on it as well.

    With that being said, I say let the games help you decide which system to get. Both the systems are pretty high end systems with lots of graphically impressive games. I would hate to spend that much money on a system and then find out there weren't any age appropriate games that your child wants to play.

    Consider getting a PS3. It costs much less and there's a pretty good selection of games out there. Plus it's a great blu-ray player for the family. The PS4 is not backwards compatible with PS3 games (yet) and the first batch of any brand new product tends to be buggy (ex, dead pixels in iPad 1, dead pixels in first PSP, red ring of death in Xbox 360, etc).
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Neither. Get the kid a gaming computer. Effing console people...calling themselves gamers. Please.
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    Everyone has an opinion huh? I'd go for the 3ds. It's portable and has lots of games for kids. Or perhaps a tablet.

    For what it's worth.. saying playing video games leads to bad grades and obesity is just wrong. Believe it or not you can read, be active AND play video games. I've been excelling at it since I was a kid.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    How about neigher, How about letting him earn it with Great grades and great decisions.

    If you get him into games, you will never get him out of it.

    Homework will start to go
    School work will start to go
    staying up very late.. etc.

    happened to me when i was in second grade. got a Nintendo and my grades took a nose dive.

    i refuse to buy my goddaughters a Wii.