Those of you with a Weight Watchers Scale



  • Johnd2000
    Johnd2000 Posts: 198 Member
    My WW scale is very sensitive to my uneven, creaky old floorboards. I have to position it direct over a floor joist and close to the wall, to get consistent readings.
  • OneRatGirl
    OneRatGirl Posts: 124 Member
    Mine aren't WW, but our scales calibrate if moved. And we've got nowhere to store them that they don't need moving to use. Weigh, let it calibrate, weigh again for the correct weight. Only a couple of lbs difference but not as consistent as post-calibration.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I have the WW scale and I’m hating the inaccuracies. Yesterday, I ate 1210 calories, walked 15,673 steps, and I went up .8 lb. I reweighed myself three times and got the same weight. There’s no way I could have gained. My scale has not moved, I wear the same thing every morning when I get on the scale, and it’s on a flat surface. I may donate it to Salvation Army.

    To add to the necro thread, read this

    Daily fluctuations are perfectly normal.
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    I got rid of my WW scales and replaced it with a Garmin one. The WW one was too would give me 3 different readings, all about 0.5-1kg difference.

    Garmin will read the same weight each time each time I measure. And it has a wifi capability that connects with MFP