To tatoo or not to tatoo



  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    If you don't know what to get, I would hold off until you find something meaningful. As far as pain goes, my sister has 2, one on her thigh and one on her ribs. According to her they weren't too painful over all but ribs hurt a bit more for her. As for me, I'm more into piercings (11). I have commitment issues.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    You do bleed but its gradual and they wipe it away so it isn't going to just gush blood everywhere.

    Your pain tolerance plays a big role. Some people don't do well with pain and others actually don't mind the pain.

    Don't get it now if you are trying to gain or lose a significant amount of weight, and as a woman think about what would happen to it during pregnancy and as you age.

    Go to a very reputable place.

    Do not let an inexperienced person freehand on you.
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    :heart: Tattoos

    The right tattoo will come to you when you are ready
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have three and I honestly wish I didn't have any. I think they can be beautiful works of art and/or super bada$$ on other people but tattoos just aren't "me"

    Mine are okay but if I had it to do over, or if it was really easy to remove them...I wouldn't have any tats.

    I think if you have real doubts or concerns, just don't do it. If having it covered at work is an issue, then proceed with caution. My first tattoo is small and on the inside of my ankle which is never a problem, and my third is up high on my arm near the shoulder so not a problem to cover. But the one on my calf, which is the largest, prevents me from wearing anything remotely short to work without opaque tights (not a dress code just my preference).

    If you're sure about it though...GO FOR IT! I think if you've been considering it for years, you might just go ahead and go for it!! Maybe on your back, shoulder, foot... somewhere easily covered.

    Some people may try to tell you that it's too painful for women to get tattoos on their arms...definitely not true!
  • breakingthecycle722
    Definitely wait until you find something you love!
    I have twelve I believe and if it were up to me eleven of them would be gone :(
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I am covered from the back of my ears to my right leg...hands...knuckles, chest, ribs, back, stomach, sleeves...

    That being said, do NOT get a tattoo if you aren't sure what you want to get. Make sure you plan everything out and know 100% what it is you want and where you want it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    As much as I consider tattoos to be personal art, I don't particularly like the fact that people get tattoos simply because: it's pretty, it looks cool (or whatever is the up to date word for the same thing), everyone else is doing it. I believe tattoos should have some deep personal meaning, because, like I said, they're PERMANENT.

    I have never understood this. BUT, maybe if I did...I would have either never gotten any ink to begin with, or I'd like it more. //shrugs// I guess as an artist I always feel that the aesthetic alone is more than reason enough to create an image including body art
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    1.) I'm afraid it will hurt too much and I will be bloody and crying

    you're not ready
    2.) I'm not sure what I should get

    you're really not ready
    3.) I'm not sure where to put it

    you're not ready

    don't get a tattoo because you want a tattoo. get a tattoo because you believe in something so strongly that you want to remind yourself to celebrate it every day for the rest of your life. that is why i have exactly 2 tattoos.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    My advice is not. It is a permanent disfiguration. I got one in 1985 and guess what, it's still there! It stopped being cool or meaningful to me a long time ago yet it won't go away. Here's a guide if you must do this to yourself. Mine is in the "I will never have a job that pays taxes" area.


    This "guide" has to be the lamest thing ever, no really. The fact that is uses the word "faggy" is enough to show how ignorant it is. I have seen this many times and the best part is that a few of my friends that have hand tattoos work for Nike or Intel and make fantastic money. Oh, and have never been to prison. I have hand tattoos and have never even received a parking ticket let alone spend time in prison. My sister has a few tattoos in the "I will never have a job that pays taxes" area and is a paralegal. Hmm.
  • breakingthecycle722
    Loved this lol, Ive got all but orange and the yello green color :)
    My advice is not. It is a permanent disfiguration. I got one in 1985 and guess what, it's still there! It stopped being cool or meaningful to me a long time ago yet it won't go away. Here's a guide if you must do this to yourself. Mine is in the "I will never have a job that pays taxes" area.


    I disagree with the lower arms though. My husband has tats on both lower arms, and before he was disabled, he worked at many corporate positions and in education. He simply wore sleeves to work. No biggie.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I've been thinking about getting a tatoo for a couple of years, but I'm still not sure if I should.

    1.) I'm afraid it will hurt too much and I will be bloody and crying

    2.) I'm not sure what I should get

    3.) I'm not sure where to put it

    Those of you with tatoos...What advice can you give about what NOT to do. I only have one body and I only want 1 small, discreet tatoo. Therefore, I'd like to learn from mistakes others have already made instead of making one myself. Any thoughts?

    based on # 2 and 3, you aren't ready for a tattoo at all. you need to be pretty certain of what you want and where you want to place it.

    as far as the hurt goes, yeah, it'll probably hurt. especially at first, until the area gets numb. they you'll be fine. but even still, when they move to a sensitive spot, it still hurts.

    ones on the back tend not to hurt as much. not as many nerve endings there.

    THIS! :smile: