How long before I lose 50 lbs with a 1200 cal diet?



  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    What I meant by still being able to drink here and there and eat junk food here and there is that I want to be realistic. As a student who hangs out with other students, I'm bound to go out to a restaurant a few times in say, a month, at least. I haven't drank in over two months and I don't eat much junk food to start off with but I do like being able to have the freedom to eat the same way I do now. So say I want chicken fingers, I'll eat three instead of six, or I'll have one slice of pizza and instead of having fries with it...I'll have salad. I still want to eat what I desire. I just want to make sure I eat it in good quantities so that if I do want a chocolate bar once in awhile, I can do it (I just need to count it in my calorie intake).

    This sounds like a very reasonable, sustainable plan. If you carry through with this, I think you'll do just fine :smile:
    MTCBVBC20CAM Posts: 22 Member

    I do know that I need to change certain things but I already eat healthy (greens, fruits, nuts, meat, low-fat, low-salt, low-cholesterol products). What I meant by still being able to drink here and there and eat junk food here and there is that I want to be realistic. As a student who hangs out with other students, I'm bound to go out to a restaurant a few times in say, a month, at least. I haven't drank in over two months and I don't eat much junk food to start off with but I do like being able to have the freedom to eat the same way I do now. So say I want chicken fingers, I'll eat three instead of six, or I'll have one slice of pizza and instead of having fries with it...I'll have salad. I still want to eat what I desire. I just want to make sure I eat it in good quantities so that if I do want a chocolate bar once in awhile, I can do it (I just need to count it in my calorie intake).

    You do have a point though, the better regiments start with being willing to change things. You are absolutely right. But in my case, I'm not expecting to lose the 50 lbs in a short period of time.It might take over a year. That's fine. Besides, I actually only need to lose thirty lbs to be in a healthy weight category. The fifty lbs is the goal I'm aiming for in the long run. I don't want to change to a diet that I would quit after a few weeks. I want to change the amount I eat (as well as a few admittedly bad eating habits) so that over time it can become a lifestyle. And as I get used to eating smaller portions and counting calories, I can eventually add on the counting of the proteins & carbs and replace a few items with better and healthy items. But this isn't something I can do overnight. It's something that will be gradual and take time. Very few people can go from not counting calories or checking everything they eat to counting macromolecule that enters your body. But I hope that one day I will be able to.

    Then, I apologize for my earlier post. It seemed that you wanted to lose a lot of weight with out making any real changes to your lifestyle. Caloric deficits are all well and good. I went a little extreme and dropped about 40lbs in 2 months by taking it down to 600-1200 calories a day and fasting. That is why i am a cranking 50 year old. But it was worth it, providing I didn't completely eff up my metabolism, which i doubt. Anyway, I am up to 1300-1700 calories. Hit the weights and add cardio or it will be like running in quicksand and get very frustrating just dieting. You may want to consider making a meal plan that you will eat similar items each day week so you can track macros. Dieting is about calories, but your macros are about your metabolism.

    I started swimming once a week for about 60 minutes. I know it's not much but it's a start. I also started going skating once every two weeks and have been trying out salsa and bachata once a week (when labs and midterms allow it). During the summer, I'll be doing lots of cardio though. My schedule right now doesn't allow for much. Last year I tried setting an unrealistic goal of going swimming three times a week (I'm not fond of running) but I gave up after a month. So this semester I decide to set a min of 1 instead of 3 swim workouts. The others (should there be more workouts during the week) are bonuses. This way I don't feel discouraged. This summer I'll have plenty of time though. I will also take into account macros later on when I get used to just counting calories. As it is, I'm just getting used to it. Thanks :)

    Why not weight training? Are you near a gym? Its probably the quickest and most effective way toward weight loss.

    It's been a very long time since I've done weight training. I feel like all I would do is hurt myself now given the fact that I've forgotten the proper techniques. I don't live near a gym but my university does have one. I guess I could always see if I can find someone to give me tips during the summer on weight training.
  • nerds415
    nerds415 Posts: 1 Member
    i have a friend who is about your age and she started logging all her calories except fresh fruits and veggies. she lost over 40 lbs in about 5 months. she based her calorie intake on whatever MFP recommended and she walked, jogged, ran on a tred mil when she could, did crunches, squats, lunges, wall sits.. ect.. she didnt have a gym membership just a tred mil - her fav food is chocolate and hasnt went a day without dessert before bed. she doesnt starve herself by any means. idk what her calorie intake was while she was losing but now shes maintaining and still logging and her intake is 1900. she loves it and lives by it.. she almost looks too skinny now - defo a success story.. i watched her go thru it. i started logging in the mid of jan 2014 and have lost 20 lbs so far. i wrk out about 5 days per wk for 30/45 mins and i manage a restaurant at night so im pretty active. my intake is 1200 and i have been eating back my calories. i just recently went thru a whole month plateau which was extremely discouraging but has forced me to make changes! u can do it if you want it bad enough and once you really start - u'll find its not that hard! get into the gym if u can tho, so you dnt lose muscle - just fat! ive lost 6 inches total :)