200+ (Week 47) "Hot for Halloween" Begins!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - one my customers in Germany sent me pictures last year of the whole group dressed up for the Women's Day Parade? I think thats what its called. Whatever its called happens all over Germany and is the same time as Carnival around the rest of the world? So maybe you guys can do something then?

    Gracie is going to be a pirate this year. My mom is going to make the outfit, so it should be pretty dern cute!

    Having a hard time logging, but not eating excessively and definitely conscious of what my goals are to not buy the extra cookies and other crap I've been eating lately.

    Wonderfalls was great, it was a bummer they took it off the air so fast. And Pushing Daisies was also awesome and very clever.

    Kristina - in my latest Food NW mag, there is this recipe for pumpkin-pie parfait. I think you could ooth veganize it and lowfatter it. LOL

    Also pumpkin waffles:

    I am a plethora of recipes. LOL. I still need to get through my latest Food and Wine mag too...

    Kendal - hmmm...I think I'd be a mermaid similar to Cher in that movie Mermaids. I lerv mermaids and I love that movie.

    Misch - I too get massive sinus headaches from the changes in weather. I've had a constant drum in the back of my head for about a week now. I just try to ignore it but sometimes I could just scream because not much medicine gets rid of it. And the stuff that does makes me all geeked out.

    Sarah - I do like me some cheetos, and nacho doritos. The worst thing about 'eating healthy" at Subway? The fact that they offer you chips and a drink as a combo. It is super hard for me to say no!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    No exercise today, but survived another day of TOM without any disastrous indulgences, so I am counting that as a victory. And the mood is definitely better too. I alway tell people that I don't get PMS, just MS. Seriously irritable the first day or so of TOM.

    Halloween costumes...I don't have one. There is a halloween store across the road from my development and I've considered stopping in there, but I can't convince myself that I would get my money's worth out of a costume since I have no plans to attend any costume parties. So I will probably do what I did last year, find a black dress in my closet and jazz it up with some makeup and a witch's hat to pass out candy to the little kiddies that come trick-or-treating.

    Kendall--Glad your brother thought the snake was cool. I just shuddered and said ewww. I'm totally a girl about even harmless garden snakes, not to mention the more poisonous varieties. Very brave of you to decapitate it.

    Lacey--I definitely hear you on the subway thing. Really, who would opt for the prepackaged apple slices and water when you can have cheetos and soda. :laugh:

    Amy--Short of buying new shoes, you could try wearing thicker socks. That's what I did a couple weeks ago and it has helped a lot.

    Mish--Sorry to hear about your headaches. They can be brutal.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Ever since my dad was laid off last November, he started teaching dance again to try to supplement his income. He used to be a ballroom instructer back in the day and thats actually how he and my mom met. Thats beside the point. He's looking to start up some line dance classes but he already has lessons somewhere else. He asked me last night to teach the line dance classes. It'll probably start the 2nd week of October on Monday nights from 7-9. There will be a line dance class and an exercise line dance class. Dad will make the cirriculum for both so I won't really be making up anything of my own unless I want to throw in a zumba song here or there. He also wanted me to teach beginner's shag but I don't think I'm good enough to TEACH people to do it. Dancing with dad is super easy cause he's such a good leader.

    Weight was back up to my "normal" level today. 218.6. I haven't logged any food since I got sick, so since I'm feeling 90% better, I'm going to get back on that today. Plus I'm going to exercise. I'll be proud of myself if I don't give in a buy the candy that I currently sell at my desk. I've given in every day this week so far. NOT TODAY!
  • pinbotchick
    Well gang, I haven't really dropped off the face of the earth but I've uber busy with work, getting the dang book read (why isn't it on audio?) and running. Managed a 7 mile run on the treadmill ave 14:40 pace. After the second mile, I got lost in my book and it wasn't so bad. Rain and cold weather not to mention the dark kept me inside today. I probably won't be able to catch up on posts until tomorrow night or Sat. My thoughts are with you all.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning ladies! Ok, sinus headache is about 97% gone. YAY! I am still not feel right since I got back from Savannah. I think it was the water. Anywho, another day is here and I am looking forward to having a great one.

    anvy1221 ~ I hope you feel better soon.

    stroynaya ~ Last year I made my costume. I am also about to just dress up like a witch. I just can't figure out what to do.

    Blombie ~ Sounds like teaching the dance classes will be fun. Whenever I am sick I am really off and can't get myself to log my food. I hope you feel better soon.

    pinbotchick ~ Yeah, I have been doing too much between work and all. It can be overwhelming.

    Ok everyone, hopefully I will have a chance to chat later, but for now I need to get to work.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Thursday! Yesterday my day sucked so today must be better. I am trying very hard to keep my laxed state of mind and not let any work bs get to me. (I ordered three pairs of boots online to make me feel better, lol. It totally did. Even if none of them fit or look right and I have to send them all back, I will still get to try them on today. Looking forward to it. Gotta love that website with free shipping!)
    And today is The Day. Going to tour the new gym, get signed up and get going again. Taking Gracie with me so she can see the playroom and feel it out too. They have racketball there and leagues..I've never played but it looks fun so who knows! Maybe I will try it out.

    Misch - Every once in a while drinking water will make me feel pukey and sick to my stomach. I am not sure why that is. Maybe it just hits me wrong? I am sorry you aren't feeling good still :( Booooo
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- super excited about you starting up at the gym again. Let us know how it goes

    Kendal- were you able to not grab any candy today?

    Victoria- super impressed you knocked out all that mileage on the treadmill today. I don't know how you did it.

    Mish- hope you continue to feel better!

    Sarah- TOM is always incredibly tough for me with the willpower, so I'm proud you've been able to stay tough!

    Well, things are okay here today. Really feels like a Friday. I was struggling this morning when I got up. I was woken up in the middle of the night by thunder and heavy rain. Very frustrating, as I knew I was really tired. Oh well! So I took a bit of a longer lunch to take a short power nap at home, only to crawl into bed and them start mowing the lawn behind my condo. ARGH!! So no sleep. :grumble: This afternoon should be too bad. I think I might swing by the mall after work to pick up a few items and might peruse the clothes racks a little bit, but want to keep the spending down. The object of the trip is to pick up some more handsoap at Bath & Body Works. Plan for exercise is to get a run in. I hope the weather holds out. It's cloudy, but not raining. Pretty humid as well. If the weather holds out, I'll go on the run. If it doesn't, as it's last chance workout, I'll hit the gym to power it up on the elliptical. Will have a new thread up later this evening.

    Everyone kick it up today for weigh in tomorrow!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Feeling much better today. I may even make it to the gym tonight or at least get in some time on the elliptical. Don't have high hopes for weigh in tomorrow because of TOM and the cheeto consumption earlier this week. I was down a little this morning, but the cheetos are hanging over my head like the sword of damocles. I just can't believe they won't make an appearance at some point on the scale.

    Victoria--How do you manage to read on the treadmill?? ...that makes me instantly sick. So I make do with music and audio books instead.

    Mish--I've made costumes before, but not in years. I usually only get elaborate if I know I've got plans to go to a costume party of any size. Mostly I closet scavenge. Gypsies and witches are pretty easy with a few accessories. Hmm, just remembered a pink bridesmaid dress I've got stashed away, maybe I can do a fairy princess outfit with that.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    It's that time of the week!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Keep an eye out for Week 48!