Okay.. What now!



  • qb63
    qb63 Posts: 88 Member
    I am amazed this many people fell for this complete TROLL!
  • bastaracd
    bastaracd Posts: 5 Member
    Yoikes...you are taking in only 900 calories per day? I would be afraid to lose my metabolism at that low a caloric rate. Good luck on your quest.
  • bastaracd
    bastaracd Posts: 5 Member
    I'm thinking that the problem with ketchup is that it's so full of sugar. Could you substitute a tomato salsa...mild, medium or hot. I love a nice hot salsa with eggs...yummmm.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I agree with that! I am doing pretty well during exercises with my limited diet!
    Admittedly I keep getting blackouts when I stand up!!

    Well there's 2 contradictory sentences.

    OMG I can't believe you're still going on 900 cals a day, that is sheer madness.

    Eat more, much more, before you damage yourself any further.

    If blackouts aren't warnings to you I don't think you'll listen to anyone on here.
  • mdiaz0188
    mdiaz0188 Posts: 20 Member
    I am starting to think you people aren't impressed with my diet!
    You know the discipline it takes to go from eating anything and doing little or nothing for 10 years to this!!
    Insanity on 1000 calories!!!
    I only want some abs! I already have great abs, you just can't see em!!

    What are you really fishing for here - praise for your "discipline" or legitimate advice? I'm confused. If you are asking for advice, then multiple folks are telling you that you are not eating enough to sustain your workouts. This might explain the blackouts. It's called low blood sugar. You are not eating enough to properly fuel your body for the amount of exercise you are doing. Why ask the question if you just want attention? If you just want people to stroke your ego because you do Insanity and have lost weight like most of us here have done also, well here's your gold star.

    This^ .....
  • Ajruk
    Ajruk Posts: 18
    Okay people I've been eating "properly" for a while now based on your advice.
    Normal stuff porridge and protein shakes etc. Pretty much stuff from insanity nutrition guide though not his brand.
    Still improving on exercises and 2nd for test shower major improvement however... My weight has increased from the stable 84.4 kg to the now 86.6kg!!! Any suggestions since I fear returning to my 94kg at this rate!
    Interesting the wife changed diets and has continued to fall now to. 63kg..
    I am doing much harder workouts also?
    Is it muscle being produced or is that a myth! Thanks again!