Junk Food and losing weight?

Hi guys,

Just wondering who eats a bit of junk food and still losing weight? What do you class as 'junk' food? x x x


  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    I eat chocolate, cheesecake, pizza, the occasional burger, fries (although mostly sweet potato fries as I prefer them), cookies, cake, and so on - and I'm nearly at goal weight. If it fits in my calories, it's fair game. The one thing I try to avoid is chips, particularly corn chips, as I find it very difficult to stop eating them once I start - a whole packet of Doritos is no problem. Other than that, yep I still eat junk food.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I don't call any food junk, or good or bad. It's food, some more nutritious than others, but just food. I eat fast food, cookies, cake, ice cream. I work it into my day and move on. As long as I'm in a deficit I will continue to lose.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Yup....I still eat the stereotype junk food: chips, cookies, ice cream, pizza, McDonald's, Red Robins, Doritos, Dominoes, etc.... It is all about learning to control yourself and fit them in when you can. Granted I don't eat them every single day, but I have Dominoes several times a month and McDonald's at least once a month. Besides....what would life be like without chocolate! I refuse to give up chocolate.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I guess I count takeout, crisps, cake etc as junk food I still eat it and lose, just in moderation. (although didn't achieve much moderation last week as work provided take out overtime food, I still lost but probably down to stress lol)

    I also try to make some attempt at slightly less calorific choices when doing takeout though, boiled rice instead of fried or Pilau, with chinese - thin savoury sauces with stir fried chicken/king prawn instead of thick sweet sauce with deep fried chicken, and with indian - tomato based sauced with veg or chicken instead of creamy Korma's with fatty Lamb.

    If it fits in your cals no worries, also I fit in the odd cheat day with no real impact on my loss. :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I ate a fair bit of junk food when losing weight. The trick is to burn off the extra calories when necessary via exercise.
  • enlighted09
    enlighted09 Posts: 22 Member
    I do but like only twice a month. I also get the 100 calorie snacks and save them as a treat. It kind of psychs my mind out to think I'm actually cheating. Go figure? I think the key is portion control. Remember everything in moderation.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I ate a fair bit of junk food when losing weight. The trick is to burn off the extra calories when necessary via exercise.

    I do love my chocolate, biscuits and naughty sugary cereals at the moment, but I do try to burn it all off at the gym too : )
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    I no longer have any sort of fast food - microwavable burgers, KFC/BK/McDonalds, overly processed foods bought from a shop i.e sausage rolls etc! Just make me feel sick now.

    But I do still eat 'bad' food at weekends such as I will order a burger at a restaurant with chips (or fries in america), I will have chocolate, pasta, and so on! But i try to eat it in moderation and stick to being healthy the other 5 days a week!

    I dont think anyone should feel they have to restrict ALL 'bad' foods from their diets - it just makes you crave them even more if you do that, i think!
  • CarlHelgesson
    I think one of the most important things is to set up sub targets. When reaching them - reward yourself!

    Junk food could be great a reward. And after following a strict and clean diet for a while, it can enhance your metabolism. Your metabolism will slow down, when eating clean and loosing weight. As long as you don't reward yourself too often.

    But I can't agree that as long as you are staying within your daily calories, it's ok to eat junk food.

    You are what you eat. This is the truth.

    Junk food is mostly a mix of sugar and fat, and that's a bad combo. It's also mostly bad fats. Eating junk food often, even if you are staying in a calorie deficit, can result in that you are keeping fat in stead.

    To burn fat and save muscles, it's much about nutrition timing. For example; if you are eating your carbs around your workouts, you will use them for muscle glycogen and to compensate for energy loss, which is better than eating them on other occasions. So that's an opportunity to eat junk that's based on carbs and sugars (make sure it's not fat in it).

    But as I wrote before. You are what you eat. You can't cheat mother nature on that.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I eat anything as long as it fits into my calories for the day. Candy bars, whatever...if I want to enjoy chocolate, chips, cake, etc on occasion, I do. I just make sure I can fit it into my calories for the day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I think one of the most important things is to set up sub targets. When reaching them - reward yourself!

    Junk food could be great a reward. And after following a strict and clean diet for a while, it can enhance your metabolism. Your metabolism will slow down, when eating clean and loosing weight. As long as you don't reward yourself too often.

    But I can't agree that as long as you are staying within your daily calories, it's ok to eat junk food.

    You are what you eat. This is the truth.

    Junk food is mostly a mix of sugar and fat, and that's a bad combo. It's also mostly bad fats. Eating junk food often, even if you are staying in a calorie deficit, can result in that you are keeping fat in stead.

    To burn fat and save muscles, it's much about nutrition timing. For example; if you are eating your carbs around your workouts, you will use them for muscle glycogen and to compensate for energy loss, which is better than eating them on other occasions. So that's an opportunity to eat junk that's based on carbs and sugars (make sure it's not fat in it).

    But as I wrote before. You are what you eat. You can't cheat mother nature on that.

    Yah none of this.
    No need to eat "clean"
    Timing has nothing to do with it...
    To maintain muscle while dieting eat enough protien and lift heavy.

    I can say this tho If I am what I eat...atm I am a sweet chocolate Hershey Kiss....:drinker:

    Seriously OP don't label food...it's all food. If you want to lose weight it is calories in vs calories out. Stay in a deficet and you will lose weight.

    If you are also trying to get fit with exercise such as lifting...eat a good amount of Protien, ensure you have enough fat in your diet...lift heavy and you will help maintain LBM as much as possible.
  • addieblue
    addieblue Posts: 17 Member
    I think one of the most important things is to set up sub targets. When reaching them - reward yourself!

    Junk food could be great a reward. And after following a strict and clean diet for a while, it can enhance your metabolism. Your metabolism will slow down, when eating clean and loosing weight. As long as you don't reward yourself too often.

    But I can't agree that as long as you are staying within your daily calories, it's ok to eat junk food.

    You are what you eat. This is the truth.

    Junk food is mostly a mix of sugar and fat, and that's a bad combo. It's also mostly bad fats. Eating junk food often, even if you are staying in a calorie deficit, can result in that you are keeping fat in stead.

    To burn fat and save muscles, it's much about nutrition timing. For example; if you are eating your carbs around your workouts, you will use them for muscle glycogen and to compensate for energy loss, which is better than eating them on other occasions. So that's an opportunity to eat junk that's based on carbs and sugars (make sure it's not fat in it).

    But as I wrote before. You are what you eat. You can't cheat mother nature on that.

    Exactly - it is not just a matter of deficit..I've noticed that the food I eat has a huge influence on the way I look and where the fat is stored on my body.. That's why I am avoiding carbs and unhealthy processed fats..
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I think one of the most important things is to set up sub targets. When reaching them - reward yourself!

    Junk food could be great a reward. And after following a strict and clean diet for a while, it can enhance your metabolism. Your metabolism will slow down, when eating clean and loosing weight. As long as you don't reward yourself too often.

    But I can't agree that as long as you are staying within your daily calories, it's ok to eat junk food.

    You are what you eat. This is the truth.

    Junk food is mostly a mix of sugar and fat, and that's a bad combo. It's also mostly bad fats. Eating junk food often, even if you are staying in a calorie deficit, can result in that you are keeping fat in stead.

    To burn fat and save muscles, it's much about nutrition timing. For example; if you are eating your carbs around your workouts, you will use them for muscle glycogen and to compensate for energy loss, which is better than eating them on other occasions. So that's an opportunity to eat junk that's based on carbs and sugars (make sure it's not fat in it).

    But as I wrote before. You are what you eat. You can't cheat mother nature on that.

    I wish I am what I eat because people would actually like me.

    I eat junk food - what most people call junk food - because I know when I don't, I tend to get snippy, b!tchy, and stabby. Chocolate covered graham crackers for dessert or a late-night snack isn't derailing my weight loss or fitness.
  • CarlHelgesson

    Exactly - it is not just a matter of deficit..I've noticed that the food I eat has a huge influence on the way I look and where the fat is stored on my body.. That's why I am avoiding carbs and unhealthy processed fats..

    Yes, that's totally right!

    If you are driving a Porsche - you don't want to put dirty gasoline in it. It's the same with the body.

    Treat your body great and you will look great!

    But I also think it's good for your body and your soul to reward you now and then - and junk food is a good treat in that case!
  • CarlHelgesson

    I wish I am what I eat because people would actually like me.

    I eat junk food - what most people call junk food - because I know when I don't, I tend to get snippy, b!tchy, and stabby. Chocolate covered graham crackers for dessert or a late-night snack isn't derailing my weight loss or fitness.

    Try to get your blood sugar stable with low GI carbs, or with eating less carbs and more proteins and healthy fats, and I can promise you that your snippy and *****y mood will even out. =)

    It's good to hear that your late night snack doesn't affect your weight loss. But still, I guess you want to loose fat and not just weight, so do an experiment for a period, just to see what could happen to your body if you stay away from it.

    It's always good to challenge yourself!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    lost almost 60lbs and am now maintaining that loss, while eating fast food 3-4 times a week, lots of 'processed' foods and snacks like chips and cookies etc etc. Weight loss/maintenance is about calories, calories, calories!
  • daisiepops
    I think one of the most important things is to set up sub targets. When reaching them - reward yourself!

    Junk food could be great a reward. And after following a strict and clean diet for a while, it can enhance your metabolism. Your metabolism will slow down, when eating clean and loosing weight. As long as you don't reward yourself too often.

    But I can't agree that as long as you are staying within your daily calories, it's ok to eat junk food.

    You are what you eat. This is the truth.

    Junk food is mostly a mix of sugar and fat, and that's a bad combo. It's also mostly bad fats. Eating junk food often, even if you are staying in a calorie deficit, can result in that you are keeping fat in stead.

    To burn fat and save muscles, it's much about nutrition timing. For example; if you are eating your carbs around your workouts, you will use them for muscle glycogen and to compensate for energy loss, which is better than eating them on other occasions. So that's an opportunity to eat junk that's based on carbs and sugars (make sure it's not fat in it).

    But as I wrote before. You are what you eat. You can't cheat mother nature on that.

    This is great, since I started to eat better I really do have more energy, my problem is I start to feel guilty if I eat a slice of toast which before this I would never have considered 'junk' How many calories a day should I eat? I am very confused I haven't gone over 1100 in weeks now but don't feel any different weight wise, is it true that I need to consume more calories? Of course not junky calories. I have set myself a goal that by the end of this month I am going to enjoy a nice takeaway as a treat and I believe I will actually enjoy it much more than I did when I was eating quite a lot of them! x x
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Exactly - it is not just a matter of deficit..I've noticed that the food I eat has a huge influence on the way I look and where the fat is stored on my body.. That's why I am avoiding carbs and unhealthy processed fats..

    Yes, that's totally right!

    If you are driving a Porsche - you don't want to put dirty gasoline in it. It's the same with the body.

    Treat your body great and you will look great!

    But I also think it's good for your body and your soul to reward you now and then - and junk food is a good treat in that case!

    If the focus is on weight loss no it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you are in a reasonable deficet.

    I eat what is considered by some "junk" food and I look great, feel great, I am progressing in my lifts really well as do all of us here who feel food is food and it is niether good nor bad and I have drop 8% bf in 7 months...along with 43lbs.

    what you eat has no influence on where the fat goes that is genetics.

    As to the car analogy if you are driving a car it doesn't matter if you put regular gas or premium on if that car gets you to point A and back...gas is gas. If however you are driving in a race you want to do more than just put gas in the car you want the oil changed, alignment checked etc...it's the same with the body if you want to lose fat and maintain muscle you get enough protien and fat watch your marcros...

    but...this was about losing weight...that's it.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    I personally prioritize getting my nutrients in with nutrient-dense foods. I nearly always have plenty of room left for whatever else I feel like eating.

    Adding resistance (weights / body weight, etc.) along with cardio helps much also.

    So, yeah, I agree with almost everyone on here. (See Stef's post above)
  • CarlHelgesson

    This is great, since I started to eat better I really do have more energy, my problem is I start to feel guilty if I eat a slice of toast which before this I would never have considered 'junk' How many calories a day should I eat? I am very confused I haven't gone over 1100 in weeks now but don't feel any different weight wise, is it true that I need to consume more calories? Of course not junky calories. I have set myself a goal that by the end of this month I am going to enjoy a nice takeaway as a treat and I believe I will actually enjoy it much more than I did when I was eating quite a lot of them! x x

    I don´t know your weight or body type, but a common mistake is actually that people are eating too less of calories.

    That works for a while, but in the long term perspective, your metabolism will slow and the body will walk into a state of starvation, where the body desperate try to save your fat, and use muscles and amino acids for fuel in stead.

    Finding the right balance of calorie intake, quality food, plenty of water, and exercise is the right combo for loosing weight.