Coalition of Healthy Geeks and Gamers Thread



  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Yay! What a great topic! I especially love seeing so many ladies here- so rare to find them in-game!

    Oh, it seems like I run into a lot of other "women" in online games-- I just never trust that they're actually other women and not men who decided to run around as a female character in skimpy armor. =p
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Yay! What a great topic! I especially love seeing so many ladies here- so rare to find them in-game!

    Oh, it seems like I run into a lot of other "women" in online games-- I just never trust that they're actually other women and not men who decided to run around as a female character in skimpy armor. =p

    LOLOLOLOL ... too funny! Most of my games you don't have the choice to be a woman (like COD) and some of the ones you do I generally don't play online (like Fable), but I've definitely have come across that question in GTA when there is another "woman" in the game. If they talk, you know, but if they don't, it is pretty questionable! When I'm on the other games like COD, I never hear women talking (only pre-pubescent boys that sound like girls!), but then again, I don't really talk much either so I can't really say too much about that. =)
  • CaptainJim157
    Big gamer here, I play PC a lot (The Sims 3 mainly)
    I have:
    Super Nintendo
    Nintendo DS
    Xbox 360
    Just curiously, since you said geeks and gamers thread, anyone watch TBBT? (The Big Bang Theory) I LOVE that show! :D
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I've heard of TBBT but never watched it. My television experience is pretty limited.
  • marix27
    I used to play WoW (i'm wearing a horde shirt in my display pic) a lot but got kind of bored with it and spending my money. Now my bf and i play LotR online and Dragonica. Woot, free games!

    Besides the few games i'm just a huge geek, mostly for anything star wars. let's just say my bedroom doesn't look like that of an average 19 year old girls room. XD
  • oddgirlout
    So this morning I stated I'm not a gamer, and I am still not, however I spent part of the evening at a game shack playing Modern Warfare and I can tell you the only other ladies in the joint were with me. I thought the whole concept of a game shack was super cool though...wish they had them when I was a teenager.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I love game-shacks! My sister and I keep saying we're going to start one around here.
  • vachegomoo
    So this morning I stated I'm not a gamer, and I am still not, however I spent part of the evening at a game shack playing Modern Warfare and I can tell you the only other ladies in the joint were with me. I thought the whole concept of a game shack was super cool though...wish they had them when I was a teenager.

    By game shack, I assume you don't mean an arcade... We have something in town called a tech lounge, where basically they have a bunch of Wiis, PS3s, XBoxes, etc and you just hang out and play with people. Is that what you mean? I've never actually been there, but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun.
  • oddgirlout
    Tech Lounge sounds so much better. :) Yes, this place had mostly gaming computers with several game choices. They also had a bunch of xbox systems but I didn't see anything else. It was called Howie's Game Shack and I think they only have them in Cali and AZ.

    I had so much fun I'm thinking of going back later today to play. You should definitely check out your tech lounge. This was about $9 for 3 hours of play time.
  • iDreamNEON
    Hi another gamer here [and programmer]!

    My PS3 is my pride and joy at the moment. I'm more of an RPG person but I'll try playing anything. The last game I successfully completed was GOW3. I Have a looooong list of games I want but I haven't been playing so much lately as I've been trying to learn how to program them. I'm the only girl game programmer in my computer science club

    BTW I still love my original Xbox. Maybe one day I'll go for the 360 but for now all my money goes towards the PS3
  • alicedavison

    only play world at war and MW2 on my ps3/xbox 360 though, i am totally addicted, especially to trash talking on the mic :)
  • Roux420
    Oh, I'm totally a gamer grrl and a geek, to boot! =)

    My first addiction was PacMan, followed by Ms. PacMan. (Yes, I do mean the stand up machines in arcades and roller rinks.) I enjoy PnP games like AD&D, Gurps, and Vampire: the Masquerade, but I'm really a PC gamer at heart. From the first time I played Zork and then Leather Goddesses of Phobos, I was hooked. Then there was Mist, Diablo, StarCraft, Dungeon Keeper 2, Caesar IV, Indigo Prophecy, and EverQuest to name some faves. Currently I'm playing StarCraft 2, Sims 3, and some Dragon Age too. No console games, and no FPS- the first person perspective in those gives me motion sickness. =(

    I *love* the games that keep me too busy to snack! It's so great that there are so many of us here.
  • pearly0505
    pearly0505 Posts: 9 Member
    oooo i've seen no one mention counterstrike? and counterstrike source. Portal is one of my favourites, cant wait for portal 2.
    ohh and for casual gaming, cant beat a bit of Plants vs. Zombies (one of the best games ever made) anything by popcap tends to be good anyway =]
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Oh, I'm totally a gamer grrl and a geek, to boot! =)

    My first addiction was PacMan, followed by Ms. PacMan. (Yes, I do mean the stand up machines in arcades and roller rinks.) I enjoy PnP games like AD&D, Gurps, and Vampire: the Masquerade, but I'm really a PC gamer at heart. From the first time I played Zork and then Leather Goddesses of Phobos, I was hooked. Then there was Mist, Diablo, StarCraft, Dungeon Keeper 2, Caesar IV, Indigo Prophecy, and EverQuest to name some faves. Currently I'm playing StarCraft 2, Sims 3, and some Dragon Age too. No console games, and no FPS- the first person perspective in those gives me motion sickness. =(

    I *love* the games that keep me too busy to snack! It's so great that there are so many of us here.

    DK2 was awesome, so sad that they aren't putting out another one. Maybe someday someone will buy the franchise rights and make another one. Loved that game.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I love that there are so many of us on here!

    So, latest Metroid game-- anyone else feeling bothered that they made Samus seem more sensitive? She is supposed to be a badass!
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I have created a MONSTER!

    *Laughs Wickedly*

    Oh don't look so surprised.
    You always knew bunnies were evil.

    I haven't played Metroid but I'm always annoyed when they make characters more sensitive (See FFVII AC vs FFVII the Original).
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I watched an interview about metroid recently. They saw her as being sensitive since super NES. Apparently, they were just working on closing up the long term story. The interview with one of the game designers suggested that you had to master certain combination to get through the game and there were no other ways around certain obstacles. I don't like feeling like I am pigeon holed in any game. If you go to the Wii Nintendo channel there are some interesting things on there. Especially on Nintendo week.
  • vachegomoo
    I've been debating if I want to give the latest Metroid a try. I played the last one and enjoyed it, but it will probably be one of those where I wait for the price drop. Never pictured Samus as the sensitive type though... Whenever they decide to make a someone sensitive it usually ruins the entire character for me because it's so over the top. *See Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World ... Really??*
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    I play mostly xbox, followed by PC and wii, then we still have our PS2 and an FC3 (if we can find the cord for it!!)
    Once we find/get the FC3 cord I'm going to replay Mario RPG, Nemo's Dreamland, and Beavis & Butthead. buahahaha
    I'm in the middle of two playthroughs for Dragon Age: Origins (canNOT wait until March!) as well as FFXIII and the original Final Fantasy (downloaded on Wii). I also love to play some Harvest Moon when the mood strikes!
    There are just so many games... Except for fighting games! I have anger issues and an attachment for my controllers (and TV) that don't allow me to play them. ;) So, if you friend me on Xbox, you'll see all these Street Fighter achievements - yeah, they're my husbands! He's a pro at those games.
    I love tabletop games eventhough I never get to play them!
    I've started working on costumes for Cosplay, but I've never done LARP or anything like that.
  • Roux420
    DK2 was awesome, so sad that they aren't putting out another one. Maybe someday someone will buy the franchise rights and make another one. Loved that game.

    That was truly one of the most fun games I've ever played. I was very sad when they canceled DK3. I tried Overlord, and it was fun, but not as much fun... I wonder if anything will ever come of the rumours of a DK MMO. I might even get sucked back into an MMO if that were true. =)