Coalition of Healthy Geeks and Gamers Thread



  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    I've been a gamer since before I unwrapped my Commodore 64 on Christmas morning '82.

    In the 90's I worked for a hobby & gaming distributer. The place was entirely staffed by geeks. In fact, we would trade our overtime hours for product. I have a basement full of a huge assortment from AD&D, Magic: The Gathering, Empire Builder, World at War, Mayfair Games, Warhammer, Robo Rally, and more. To this day I haven't even opened half of it. It seems so hard to find enough time to start a board game or RPG that could take hours and hours to finish.

    I currently game only on my Xbox, but not very often. On those rare days when I have the house to myself without a giant list of things that need to be done you can find me on Xbox Live.

  • vachegomoo
    There are just so many games... Except for fighting games! I have anger issues and an attachment for my controllers (and TV) that don't allow me to play them. ;)

    Haha, that sounds like me! I'm not allowed to play fighting games either because the blood pressure goes waaaay up and the stress levels go waaaay up and I usually get so pissed off at everyone else that I have to leave the room for a while. So none of that for me. :P
  • HYeliab
    Hey Im like Arnold. I dont do it too often but when I have the house to myself its on!

    I have Xbox 360 and i can do 5 and 6 hours straight of COD:MW2 and Halo. I am getting Halo Reach as soon as possible (cant wait).

    I think I am going to wear my HRM tonite to see how many calories I burn on MW2. LOL!

  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Where has this thread been hiding from me all week?!?!! The majority of my game playing is WoW (can't wait for cata). My friends in the military got me hooked and we used to do PT sessions to work off the "WoW weight" that we gained from playing 4-6 hours a night and pretty much nothing else. I took a break from WoW for most of the year but got started back in the summer, yet I don't raid this time around and just play it for fun for a couple hours a few nights a week.

    It's kind of wierd looking back at how I game now vs. how I gamed as a kid. WHen I was young my family had only 1 form of gaming, first was the C-64, then we finally got an NES and then an SNES and a N64. SO I mainly just played what everyone else was playing, anybody remember playing goldeneye on the N64 multiplayer mode and always hating the guy that got the golden gun?

    But when the PS1 came out it was the first time I really had the opportunity to play a multitude of different games, and then XBOX followed, PS2, XBOX360, Wii, PS3, computer games!?!?! man, waaaaay to much to keep track of. I have the latest console from every platform avialable if only to play just 1 game that I HAD to play and it was only available on that 1 system (Halo 3 I had to buy an XBOX 360; Wii just looked cool, but I only own the game it came with; and my enjoy playing MW2 on the PS3 with my buddy).

    I guess I was spoiled in Japan with thier 1GB fiber optic internet for a mere $40 a month, blazing fast speed and multiplayer was actually playable for me. When I moved back to the states and moved out onto my farm that fastest high speed available is 1.5 MB DSL, and that costs $65 a month. Lag is killing me in my beloved multiplayer console games, so I don't really play them anymore :-(.

    I think when cata hits I'll save up enough money to transfer to a new server. Since I've sene so many WoW players on here are you happy with your server and battlegroup? I'm currently on (US)Quel'Dorei and it just fit me as well as (Oceanic)Nagrand did, but the time difference forced the move. sorry for the wall of text, hopefully you have enough defence gear to avoid the crit.
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    Haha, that sounds like me! I'm not allowed to play fighting games either because the blood pressure goes waaaay up and the stress levels go waaaay up and I usually get so pissed off at everyone else that I have to leave the room for a while. So none of that for me. :P

    Right there with you! We bought one of the newer WWE games last year and I was doing really well until about 3-4 hours into the game... and then I was about *this* close to being kicked outta the house! hahahaha
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    Hey Im like Arnold. I dont do it too often but when I have the house to myself its on!

    I have Xbox 360 and i can do 5 and 6 hours straight of COD:MW2 and Halo. I am getting Halo Reach as soon as possible (cant wait).

    I'm planning on picking up Halo Reach next weekend, let's hook up.

  • vachegomoo
    Sooo... Not sure if anyone checks this anymore, but... Do you folks know of some good offline multiplayer PS3 games? We already have Borderlands and LittleBigPlanet, but my hubby and I are looking for something different that we can play together. Thanks!
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I'm a Shaiya addict, vache.

    No, like it's bad. I'll quit and be right back into it.
  • blbond82
    Oh yeah me. Love all kinds of games, board and computer. Mostly WoW on the computer.
  • vachegomoo
    I'm a Shaiya addict, vache.

    No, like it's bad. I'll quit and be right back into it.

    This totally looks like my kind of game and it's free (score!), but... we only have a Mac right now. Crap. :( Eventually we're getting a new PC so I will have to keep this one in mind.

    I have a similar problem with Oblivion. The game's like crack!
  • vauleese
    Current WoW addict, currently starting raid leading (although I have my KingSlayer Title) and doing some PVP. Have played since Vanilla and am at a point in my life now where I need to give up the coke and chips while I play for water and apple slices.
  • vauleese
    Where has this thread been hiding from me all week?!?!! The majority of my game playing is WoW (can't wait for cata). My friends in the military got me hooked and we used to do PT sessions to work off the "WoW weight" that we gained from playing 4-6 hours a night and pretty much nothing else. I took a break from WoW for most of the year but got started back in the summer, yet I don't raid this time around and just play it for fun for a couple hours a few nights a week.

    It's kind of wierd looking back at how I game now vs. how I gamed as a kid. WHen I was young my family had only 1 form of gaming, first was the C-64, then we finally got an NES and then an SNES and a N64. SO I mainly just played what everyone else was playing, anybody remember playing goldeneye on the N64 multiplayer mode and always hating the guy that got the golden gun?

    But when the PS1 came out it was the first time I really had the opportunity to play a multitude of different games, and then XBOX followed, PS2, XBOX360, Wii, PS3, computer games!?!?! man, waaaaay to much to keep track of. I have the latest console from every platform avialable if only to play just 1 game that I HAD to play and it was only available on that 1 system (Halo 3 I had to buy an XBOX 360; Wii just looked cool, but I only own the game it came with; and my enjoy playing MW2 on the PS3 with my buddy).

    I guess I was spoiled in Japan with thier 1GB fiber optic internet for a mere $40 a month, blazing fast speed and multiplayer was actually playable for me. When I moved back to the states and moved out onto my farm that fastest high speed available is 1.5 MB DSL, and that costs $65 a month. Lag is killing me in my beloved multiplayer console games, so I don't really play them anymore :-(.

    I think when cata hits I'll save up enough money to transfer to a new server. Since I've sene so many WoW players on here are you happy with your server and battlegroup? I'm currently on (US)Quel'Dorei and it just fit me as well as (Oceanic)Nagrand did, but the time difference forced the move. sorry for the wall of text, hopefully you have enough defence gear to avoid the crit.

    I transfered from Mug'thol to Malestrom (at the request of one of my Vanilla friends) reciently and I like it ok. Not to much world pvp going on, but the horde almost always have WG so it makes farming easy lol.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Currently, I'm trying to multi-class..... so, D&Der, mom, teacher, nascent athlete, online student, and pet-feeder...... the gaming's taking a back seat to everything else, but we've got our annual big weekend bash (with people my DH has been playing with for almost 30 years coming up.)
  • stringcheeze
    I'm a huge FPS junkie -- I used to be able to run Quake II boards in my sleep. I adore anything by Valve, especially Half-Life 2 and Left 4 Dead. I also love stuff like Mass Effect/ME2, the Hitman series, Splinter Cell, etc. Did a lot of D&D in high school, a lot of Magic the Gathering in college, and HeroClix/Mage Knight once those came out. I'm not a big fan of console gaming -- hate the controller -- but do have a Wii just for random goofing off. I played WoW pretty seriously for 2 years (back when pvp was for rank and Molten Bore was the all rage) but lost my taste for it -- now have a private server to get my "fix" every now and again. I'm not a huge fan of RPGs, although do have fond memories of playing multiplayer Warcraft II with fellow students at college.

    Now waiting patiently for Portal 2 to come out...and possibly whatever BioWare releases next.

    Edit: You know you're a junkie when you're right handed and your fingers naturally rest on the WASD keys....
  • vauleese
    I'm a huge FPS junkie -- I used to be able to run Quake II boards in my sleep. I adore anything by Valve, especially Half-Life 2 and Left 4 Dead. I also love stuff like Mass Effect/ME2, the Hitman series, Splinter Cell, etc. Did a lot of D&D in high school, a lot of Magic the Gathering in college, and HeroClix/Mage Knight once those came out. I'm not a big fan of console gaming -- hate the controller -- but do have a Wii just for random goofing off. I played WoW pretty seriously for 2 years (back when pvp was for rank and Molten Bore was the all rage) but lost my taste for it -- now have a private server to get my "fix" every now and again. I'm not a huge fan of RPGs, although do have fond memories of playing multiplayer Warcraft II with fellow students at college.

    Now waiting patiently for Portal 2 to come out...and possibly whatever BioWare releases next.

    Edit: You know you're a junkie when you're right handed and your fingers naturally rest on the WASD keys....

    Wow is actually bringing back pvp ranks and Molten Core will be Heroic lol...all this is comming out in Cata!
  • assyn
    A thread I can get into! I've been lurking for a week and haven't found anything to post in yet (or maybe I'm just shy lol).

    I see RPG's are popular. I can't stand them myself, with a few exceptions. I'm a PC gamer generally, FPS mostly, like Half Life 2 and will play any single player mods I can get my hands on, Left 4 Dead, Chrome etc (I only ever play SP though, I can't bring myself to play multiplayer - perhaps that shyness again). Would like to play some bigger games but my laptop would probably blow up. Also like real-time strategy like Command & Conquer, Empire Earth etc, not keen on turn-based. Love puzzle games, been playing Chime and Droplitz a lot lately. Besides PC, I play on the Wii, but only play Guitar Hero really.

    stringcheeze - my fingers naturally rest on the WASD keys as well. ;)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    So, I've been skimming over the thread... Am I the only dice nerd? Seriously, the only games that I play that don't involve dice are Fish World and Treasure Isle on Facebook. :laugh:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    So, I've been skimming over the thread... Am I the only dice nerd? Seriously, the only games that I play that don't involve dice are Fish World and Treasure Isle on Facebook. :laugh:

    I like dice. Shadowrun anyone? That is the best reason to play. You get to roll lots of dice. ( At least you used to back in the D6 days before the D20 system took over the world)
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Wow is actually bringing back pvp ranks and Molten Core will be Heroic lol...all this is comming out in Cata!

    Heroic VC is insane Can't wait
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    So, I've been skimming over the thread... Am I the only dice nerd? Seriously, the only games that I play that don't involve dice are Fish World and Treasure Isle on Facebook. :laugh:

    I like dice. Shadowrun anyone? That is the best reason to play. You get to roll lots of dice. ( At least you used to back in the D6 days before the D20 system took over the world)

    I've never heard of it. I'm sure someone in the gaggle of nerds I hang out with has played it. And I like D20s. He he he!