Remarks others have made about your weight...



  • since i gain most of my weight in the middle, i'm constantly asked " r u pregnant"" oh how i hate that question

    as i was looking back through my old photos i realised that even when i was at the weight i now want to be, i was asked that same question - gosh what do i do when i hit my goal
  • Well, my mom used to call me "gorda puerca asquerosa" when I was a kid, which translates to "despicable, disgusting pig", and I have been obese since I was 5. It was pretty much on a daily basis, her anger issues are horrible so once she snapped, it would be fat-bashing for hours. Now that I'm older she hasn't called me like that in years, and I thought I was over it, but it seems like it can hurt me a little.

    At least my granny calls me "gorda de oro"(golden fatty) but she has Alzheimer's and she hugs me when she calls me like that, so she's allowed! ^_^
  • Several years ago, my mother was diagnosed with a fairly bad thyroid problem. Her doctor told her it was hereditary and that I should get myself checked regularly. My doctor had recently retired and my insurance company had transfered me to another doctor. I decided to give him a try and made an appointment to get some test done. After explaining about my mother & what her doctor had said, he looked me up and down, sighed and said, "Every overweight woman wants to believe she has a thyroid problem, so she can have an excuse. We'll go ahead and run the tests if you really want." Excuse me? I'm here for tests at another doctors suggestion and this is the attitude I get? :mad:

    I told him he was an a****le and that I didn't need him to do anything for me, got dressed and stormed out. I filed a formal complaint with his medical group and with the insurance company before changing doctors. They still tried to bill me for the co-pay for the visit.
  • ohhh....Ive had an ex say to me one day after us working out at the gym..."I saw you running in some shorts and I thought "oh my god, she has gotten even fatter"...and how bout the " Man, I am so full..."ya well, you look full too"...and I've heard much worse! Worst thing is, he didn't think anything was wrong with what he said.
  • lauz09
    lauz09 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh I have plenty of these comments. Lets see...

    I was in 3rd grade at a sleep over and two of my friends were climbing a fence and they told me "get off the fence, you are too big, you'll just break it." That was the first time anyone (outside the family) had mentioned I was "different".

    When ever my father saw an Elephant on T.V. he would say "Hey, I didn't know you were on T.V." That was always fun to hear. My (extended) family is one of the worse for making these kinds of comments, but I will leave it at that.

    I could go on for days but the last one I will mention was in my freshman year of college, the first semester. I had just made a group of friends (at a school my parent's picked for me) and I was actually having a good time. One night, my first weekend staying at college, I got all dressed up and felt extremely good about myself, I had recently lost weight and felt confident. Well that night I noticed three of the four texting eachother and laughing, then one said "hahaha, yeah they could be Curtains!" Seeing as I am not stupid, I knew they were talking about my clothing, and the one person who wasn't apart of the "fun" confrimed it.. Well I went home early that weekend and when they found out I knew they where making fun of me, all four "friends" stopped talking to me. And at the end of the Semester I left the shool and took a year off. That was 3 years ago and it still hurts. I thought I had found some really good friends, boy, was I wrong.
  • jantawa
    jantawa Posts: 182 Member
    Its true by now that we have all learned to grin and bear it, and more or less roll with the punches. Even so, when people say cruel things, it is amazing how that stays with you. My mother always taught me to be very careful in what you say, because you can never take it back.
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    Even though my mother has been overweight for decades, she seems to have made the most comments about my weight.

    One day shopping for some clothes in the men's section, since those were the only clothes large enough to fit me, my mother leans over and asks me if I'm a *kitten*. Uh, no.

    I have a twin sister and my mom was constantly telling me that my butt was bigger than my sisters. A favorite of hers would be to tell family members that we looked like her, but had bigger hips than she ever did in high school.

    Aww, mothers...
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I went for an interview once for a secretary job and the guy looked me up and down and said hmmm i dont think you are right for what i am looking for, but let me think how i can help you...maybe if i bought you some trainers and told you to run around the block a few times that would help you lose some weight....i was so shocked... i just said thank you for interviewing me and left the building. I came out onto the street and cried my eyes out. I was 200lbs at the time, but didnt look too big to work as a secretary...still hurts now, the only justice is that i now have an amazing job much better than working for him.

    Sweetie, he didn't want a secretary...he wanted a mistress!

    It's amazing how rude people can be. I haven't gotten the weight one but I'm rather large chested and I've had people say "you know, they make minimizers" WHILE I was working in the bra dept. DUH! I'm wearing one. Or how about (from a coworker) Here comes Val and her BOOBS! Should have reported her to hr...but I was young and inexperienced.

    Just look at them and go oh? Thanks. BTW, they make wrinkle cream that's AMAZING for those lines...or you could do botox. I think it works wonders! :laugh:
  • I remember women in my church when I was growing up saying "you are big, but you have such a pretty face. Why don't you lose some weight?" I was about 125 pounds and in high school. Many of these women wonder why I quit going to that church. What's funny about these same women, is that when I got to my largest (316) none of them would dare say anything about my weight.

    When I used to sell incense at a flea market, the owners put down these rocks in the walk areas. I slipped on the rocks and went to the office to see if they had a first aid kit. The remark was made that I should not try to sue because I was fat and "fat people fall". I was not even thinking about suing, I just fell on the rocks and wanted a stupid bandaid!!

    I, sadly have plenty of these stories, coming from my mom and even my "best friend". People can be ugly and many use these remarks to make themselves feel better about their own issues.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Sheesh. What is wrong with people to say junk like that? It boggles my mind. :noway: I'm really grateful for my family. They can be blunt about weight, but it's out of concern.

    I've gotten comments from strangers though similar to the ones you guys have gotten, such as "Don't gain any more weight--you won't like it."

    One time a guy I hadn't seen in a couple years saw a photo of me online. He said, "When did you become such a chubby bunny? I remember you as a tiny little thing."

    The worst for me is when people comment on my chest (which has gotten fatter as I have). Why people think it's okay to freely comment on a person's butt or rate their boobs is beyond me. :mad:

    I can't help but have those kinds of comments in the back of my mind when I'm in a fitting room trying on clothes.
  • A few years ago I took my, then recently adopted, 6 month old daughter to the doctors for a well-check. She was extremely chubby due to her bio-mom stuffing a bottle in her mouth everytime she made a noise. So as the doctor was checking her out, the doc looked at me and said, "I see Mom still has all her baby weight still on her, but why is baby so fat?" Let me repeat, my daughter was ADOPTED by me!
  • The worst for me is when people comment on my chest (which has gotten fatter as I have). Why people think it's okay to freely comment on a person's butt or rate their boobs is beyond me. :mad:

    I was on disability for 9 months, and when I went back to work (after losing 85 pounds) I was treated to a discussion about how my boobs are sagging. I never realized I was a topic of interest. It stung quite a bit, since one of the girls in the discussion had only met me the day before.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I've got a good one I haven't seen yet. "You got the brains, your sister got the looks."

    Heard that most of my life. Not demoralizing at all, no! :grumble:

    What happened to being beautiful on the inside? There are a lot of people I know who are thin and beautiful on the outside, but I would never want to be them because they are so disgusting on the inside.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Okay: a positive one that sounds bad (but it was definitely well meant). From my DH, after an appraising look: "Looks like you're losing some of that gut."

    (Of course, as part of foreplay when I was 38 he said, "You're going to be forty..."..... Tact of a thrown brick, but a heart of gold.)
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Most of the comments I get are annoying on the opposite end. Because I only have 20 or so lbs and don't look that heavy, even though I'm unhealthy I get to hear things like, "Oh, honey, you're thin enough!"
    Or "You're skinny, here eat this."
    Or "You don't need to get that much in shape, really."
    Or "I can't have this because I'm trying to loose weight, but here why don't you eat it."
    Or "You're on a diet? You don't need to diet, hun, you'll be too thin." (Even though I'm slowly gaining out of my wardrobe again. Like I don't know when I've gained weight.)
    Or "You don't need to be on a diet!"
    (Both of the above two usually precedes my snide remark about how "diet" is something everyone has, what you eat is your "diet". I'm trying for a healthier one.)
    Or "You can have some! You're healthy enough!"
    Or my favorite, "You don't need to loose weight, I need to loose weight." Then this particular person stuffed a mouthful of deep-fried cheesecake slathered in chocolate and whipped cream in her mouth.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    What happened to being beautiful on the inside? There are a lot of people I know who are thin and beautiful on the outside, but I would never want to be them because they are so disgusting on the inside.
    Best quote I ever heard:

    "Beauty may be only skin deep but ugly is to the bone."

    And I have no idea who said it.
  • I was working out at the ymca and a guy was mad because all the ellipticals were being used. I happend the be on the elliptical closest to the walkway, he came up to me and told me I was to fat to be using the machine and that I needed to get off so people like him wouldn't become like me. :devil:
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Ho Oh, I just remembered one from way back when I was a teenager. I was 18 at the time and about 160 (I'm only 5'0" to put that in reference.) I was helping out backstage at one of my sister's dance recitals and had a student's mom look at me and say, "So you must be the sister who doesn't dance."

    I asked what she meant by that.

    "You're just... you know... heavier." She replied.

    I did dance at the time. In fact, I was performing that night.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I get really shouldn't lose any more's not won't ever be able to get will be too skinny...Whah?:noway: I am still not even in the healthy BMI range! My Body fat is still way too high...what the....So I have been getting the opposite end of stuff...its just as annoying as when I was 26 lbs heavier.
  • Geezz... Some people just suck ace hard core.

    My fathers mother (who I nolonger speak to) told me when I was 12 that I was fat... Well I was 5'4" and 75lbs... WTF where was I fat, my lil toe?
    My ex, when he decided he wanted to be an ex (and didn't have the guts to just tell me that) told me I was fat and no longer attractive, that I had lost the "Barbie" body I had when we met (4yrs prior)... I must mention... my hips had widened and I actually was in the best shape I'd ever been in. I was starting a six pack, ran every day and lifted (kettle bells) every other. OH and the girl he left me for.. well she is about 2 of me and half my height (im 5'7")
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