okay I'm totally insulted ugh!



  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    As a perspective from a guy, I have no clue where this guy was going with this. I would have
    never ever said such a thing. I beg you not to let this incident slow your progress one bit. You have worked too hard (whether it is 1 week or 1 year) to let someones stupid comment send you in a tailspin.

    I challenge you to take that comment and let it motivate you. Get mad and punish a treadmill
    or exercise vid. When you reach your goal seek this person out and tell him his comment
    motivated you. He will feel like crap.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Thanks!!! lol I actually like that idea...when I'm at my goal I just might do that!!! lol

  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    use it as a motivation i am

    a guy my husband works with said to him (when i started at the gym 1 yr ago) "oh how long will that last " si said she is determand and when she sets her mind to it she does it you dont want to mess with my wife lol

    1 yr later and 22lb down i think i have proven to him this is a life change not a fad so i say stick it too him and do it for you and your family.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey, guys, note it's not her husband who said that. It was some other insensitive guy. Oh, that we could all take back some of the things that come out of our mouths before we even have a chance to figure out what we've said.

    How such a little thing can cause so much harm..... mmm mmm mmm
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    I have to admitt I gave this some thought last night and realized no I could of said that. I would have
    been trying to complement but instead it would have been harmfull.

    You see ladies, a lot of times, us men in our brains have this thought and by the time it reaches our
    lips it is "foot in mouth city." I am a firm believer that you women have a filter that stops the dumbness
    from reaching your mouth.

    I also think this is why most mouth breathers are men because we do not have this filter and our
    mouths can never close after so many thoughts.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Some people, especially men, think they can say anything they want about a womans body and we are just supposed to shut up and take it, most of them will say they were only joking but sometimes they need to be told those words stung!

    If he is a good friend tell him that you would really appreciate him keeping comments like that to himself and that you are working hard to regain your healthier body! You have to make sure that you are not making any comments about yourself that would make those around you feel like you are comfortable with the "joking" about your pre baby body too.

    This isn't an easy process, of course we all want our pre baby bods back, luckily you have a husband that understands your body will change and he doesn't mind! Just keep up the hard work and you will get the results you want and then this guy will have nothing stupid to say again!