Beautiful Blues 9/13/10

MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss

So excited to be back on track, and am planning on doing things nice and slowly this time. What are your goals?


  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Sorry guys...I missed weigh in. This morning I weighed in at 159 :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Awesome chart Mayra! Everyone had a great week! Keep up the good work.

    I keep thinking I feel better and then I have a bad day, it is good my body reminds me that I am pregnant though. I rode my bike to take my daughter to and from school yesterday. It felt pretty good although, I feel as though I have decompensated quite a bit over the last couple months. I should probably start the treadmill again. Maybe soon...

    HAve a great weekend!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Blues!!

    I had a great treadmill work out today!! Felt good just to do some good ole runnin'! My goal is to track everything, stay under my calories & drink my water!! I call it - back to basics!!

    Keep up the great work!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am incredibly busy this week. I had a bell polishing party/dinner for my bell choir after church today, and I am cleaning and doing yard work like a mad woman trying to get ready to have one of my clubs over for a hot dog roast Tuesday evening. Then Wednesday, I will be packing, including food to feed 16 over the weekend, as we make our yearly trek to Winfield, Kansas on Thursday for one of the largest outdoor music festivals in the country. Attendance probably averages 10,000. People come from all over the country (even some from Europe) to attend. if you are interested. Anyway, my workout to day will be similar to yesterday's - cleaning and cooking. Ugh! Hope all of you are doing well!
    Oh, almost forgot the exciting news. My oldest daughter, who is having her first baby in late January, called this weekend to tell us that it's a boy! Added to our two other grandsons! Having raised three girls, I find this very different. My husband thinks he might make a TV show, called "My Three Grandsons."
    Have a good Sunday, all!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    HI all sorry I have been gone for so long. I think I have put back on most of the weight I have lost in the past year and a half. I am looking for some ideas, I am stuck in a semi all day and don't have time to workout unless we come home for the weekend and my eating is very tough. I am stuck at home for the next month so I am going to do everything I can to make some progress and hopefully figure out a plan.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hooray for back to basics! It's a great thing for all of us to remember!

    Mary congratulations on the newest grandson to be. My daughter is the only girl with all boy cousins...It is funny how things work that way. It will be interesting to see what this one will be.

    smadag welcome back! Are there little exercises you can do while in the semi? Like sucking in your belly to strengthen those muscles--work your kegels! :blushing: Punching when you are at a stop light, anything to make your body move a little bit more may help. You could put on some great music and dance around in your seat. See how many wierd looks you can get!!:bigsmile: I wish you all the best and hope that everything is going well with the job etc etc. It is good to see you back!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hey everybody,

    Went to my sisters babyshower this saturday- it's for my first nephew. Have no nieces either, so very excited about it. Then sunday got hit with TOM a few days before expecting it, and got thrown for a loop. I went shopping yesterday and did errands as well. I'm a little embarrassed with my eating, but I know that it is in me to get back on track. As long as I'm honest and I'm back here logging and moving in the right direction. I'm also getting ready for a trip on sunday where I'll be going for 1 week to Virginia and Washington D.C. for work and also for play, with hubby and daughter. I plan on using the gym at the hotel, and making it all work- as I've seen many of you work it, while traveling. Today I walked during lunch and gave myself the day off, but tomorrow it's no excuses. I don't care if I only get 30 minutes of exercises, I need to get in something. I am planning on losing 6 pounds per month- previously I had said 10 pounds, but that goal might be too much. I want to lose weight slowly so that it becomes permanent. There was also a run on Sunday for breast cancer, but I didn't sign up, b/c I was too tired from teh baby shower.

    I am here, I am present, I love my body enough to do this, and I know I can do this-because I have done it before. I have all the necessary tools and all the support from the people here to do this.

    msh- congrats on the newest addition to your grandchildren.

    smadag- I would say if you could get a phone where you could download a diet app so you can keep track of your foods. I would also take advantage of times where you could walk with a buddy and you could use a body bugg if you want accurate count of what you are burning.

    Sanifrey- way to burn it at the treadmill! You can do it!

    Debnu- Thank you, for the comment on the chart. But, no one can top you! I just re-did it the way you had it. :) Wow, you rode your bike with your daughter?
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    I'm sure the chart is awesome, but for some silly reason I can't see it... I just get the little red X...any ideas?

    I had an aweful weekend of indulging...I took Kati to the fair on Saturday (did really good cause we packed our own lunch and went to the car to eat at lunch time) then on our way home we went to Wingers for dinner (did good by having a chopped salad, yum!)...then...we never get dessert at restaurants but Kati saw the table next to us get a huge chocolate chip cookie with ice cream, chocolate syrup and whipped cream... her eyes got huge and asked so sweetly for one, I couldn't refuse. I had a few bites which wasn't too bad, but I had the taste of chocolate on my tongue. Then Sunday, the caramel brownies at my Mom's were calling my the end of the day I had eaten 4 of them. I haven't been this remotely bad since I restarted this journey in June. I felt so disgusted last night when I went to bed that I wanted to cry. I woke up this morning with a new found drive to do better. I will work my butt off this week and make up for my mistake reminding myself that I am in charge.

    Looking to jump back in with both feet...need to remotivate!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oh Randi, feel free to treat yourself at times. We are all human!! Think of what you used to do and compare your constraint to now. For me a few bites would have turned into a feast where 3000 cals later I would be feeling remorseful and mad and eat more. Eating half a cake or more has happened to me before. Those urges are what cause my failure--the "inability" to stop. When really I have complete control. That is what I am working on. I commend you for stopping at a few bites and at four brownies!!

    Have fun vacationing Mayra, I know you can do it!!

    Lets all work it today. We can do this, we can be healthy! It is a journey and it is every success that matters! (No matter how small)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I continue on my madcap week, and I am surviving nicely. I should not be online, as my club arrives in just over an hour for a hot dog roast, but had to tell you my funny story from work today. As most of you know, I work at a high school. Our school is doing a fundraiser with the Ford Motor Company where for every car test driven on a certain day, the company donates $20 for our school. A TV station out of Wichita came to our school today to film a commercial for us. They had blocked out the letters "LHS" on the football field for students and staff (all wearing school colors, of course) to stand in for a background for the commercial. The student council had miscalculated on the size, and they could not read the LHS from the top of the stadium, so they had to make us resize the letters. I told fellow staff members that I had never been so flattered as I was when they told me that my S was not big enough to be on TV. Made it a great day for me!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Sorry I've been mia for the last little bit. I've been getting back into the swing of things with being at school and everything. I haven't been logging food but I have been trying to keep an eye on how I'm portioning my food. I find I've been hungrier at school now too which is wierd so I'm trying to adapt to that change as well.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mary, that is too funny!

    Maneyes, welcome back! Keep it up you will figure it out. I never was hungry at school. I would eat a small breakfast, have a yogurt or apple on the way home and pig out the rest of the day. Definitely not healthy. I think I am paying for that now.

    I am eating very yummy blueberry muffins that just came out of the oven. MMMM
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    OOOOOPS double post!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    onmyweigh- try this, to get rid of the little red x.
    If you are using Internet explorer: go to Tools, Internet Options and click on the Advanced tab. Look for the Multimedia section and make sure the box that says "Show Pictures" is checked.
    For Firefox, go to Tools, Options, Content, and click on Load images automatically.
    That should fix it, if not, you might have a high security setting for your browser, set up.

    So, I miss my workouts, and am hoping to jump back on this wagon soon. I have been logging my foods and being aware of what I'm eating. I'm really excited that The Biggest Loser is starting next week, because watching the weekly shows gives me like a doze of medicine to want to lose weight, and it feels great to lose weight alongside the contestants. Take care all, and keep pushing.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am excited for the biggest loser too. I am sick of not feeling good and eating out all of the time. I am working on increasing the healthiness of the foods I eat. Not really dieting but being healthier. I am going to stock up on canned soups, even with the high salt content, it would be nice to have something healthy for lunch. That I don't have to make --yes I have become very lazy!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick post to tell you that I am headed out to a music festival for the weekend. Catch you next week! Have a great weekend to all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mary, have a great weekend!! We are going camping tonight. It should be tons of fun! I am going to dutch oven a roast! YUM! Have a great one everyone!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Mary- Have fun at the music festival this weekend!

    Debnu- Have a nice trip camping- sounds so much fun. And it's going to be a great weekend, with nice weather. Enjoy the last of the warm weathers. I am just thinking of smores.

    I am leaving on Sunday and we're driving to Virginia, and will be in a hotel for a week with hubby and daughter. Then saturday we are going sightseeing in Washington D.c. I will be going to the gym at the hotel, and I can't wait to do that. I know we are all busy at this time of year with the changes to the school year, but we can accomplish anything we want to. I personally, am ready to get back on track and went to a running store yesterday to pick up shorts and hair bands.

    I have one weight so far, and then I'll put the chart up tonight.

    My weigh in is not good, but I plan to get back in business ya'll.

    Take care all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi all! Did I miss the new board? We had a great camping trip even though it was only one night. We then spent yesterday recuperating. Hope everyone is well.

    I thought I would share these tips that I found...
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Debnu- I'm glad your trip was lots of fun.

    I only received 1 weigh in last week, so didn't think that was a big enough number to make a chart.

    I'm having lots of fun this week in VA and WAshington D.C, and am basically in classes from 9:00-5:00pm. I meet my husband and daughter for lunch and we go out, then we meet again at 5:00pm. Take care all!
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